The article highlights the origins of the law printer Battista Torti, who was active in Venice from 1481 to 1540. After a brief introduction describing the peculiarities of his career and his books, specific attention will be given to the colophon to his edition of Ovid’s Fasti (BAV, Inc. II.345; Stamp. Ferr. II.672). This colophon is unique, because for the first and last time Torti mentioned the name of what is considered to be his birthplace, Nicastro—now Lamezia Terme—a city in Calabria, southern Italy. However, there are clues, especially in a contract dated 1489, that permit a reconsideration of his origins.
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The article highlights the origins of the law printer Battista Torti, who was active in Venice from 1481 to 1540. After a brief introduction describing the peculiarities of his career and his books, specific attention will be given to the colophon to his edition of Ovid’s Fasti (BAV, Inc. II.345; Stamp. Ferr. II.672). This colophon is unique, because for the first and last time Torti mentioned the name of what is considered to be his birthplace, Nicastro—now Lamezia Terme—a city in Calabria, southern Italy. However, there are clues, especially in a contract dated 1489, that permit a reconsideration of his origins.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 256 | 256 | 15 |
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