This short note considers two manuscripts now among the Vaticani latini that were acquired during the pontificate of Sixtus V in order to publish his desired edition of the Opera omnia of Bonaventure of Bagnoregio. Sixtus had named Bonaventure the sixth Latin Doctor of the Catholic Church and announced the preparation of the edition in 1588, the first volume of which was published that same year. The hypothesis, most recently put forward by Pierre Petitmengin, that Vat. lat. 918 was acquired from the Carthusian monastery of Seitz (Žiče, modern-day Slovenia) in June 1587 expressly for this project is confirmed.
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This short note considers two manuscripts now among the Vaticani latini that were acquired during the pontificate of Sixtus V in order to publish his desired edition of the Opera omnia of Bonaventure of Bagnoregio. Sixtus had named Bonaventure the sixth Latin Doctor of the Catholic Church and announced the preparation of the edition in 1588, the first volume of which was published that same year. The hypothesis, most recently put forward by Pierre Petitmengin, that Vat. lat. 918 was acquired from the Carthusian monastery of Seitz (Žiče, modern-day Slovenia) in June 1587 expressly for this project is confirmed.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 105 | 105 | 21 |
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