Against various proposals to remove vv. 3b, 7, 9c and 11 from Psalm 29 as late additions, the author affirms the substantial integrity of the mt. According to him, the psalm is composed of five strophes, each consisting of two rhythmic verses (1-2, 3-4, 5-7, 8-9, 10-11). They form two complementary structures, one with a central pivot (introduction, 1-2; body, 3-9; conclusion, 10-12), and the other a linear one (praise of God in the cosmos, 1-4; praise of God in the land of Israel, 5-9; resumption of the cosmic praise, 10; resumption of the praise of Israel, 11). It is in the interaction of these two structures that the unity of the psalm is grasped.
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Starting with Ginsberg, pp. 472-476, studies along these lines have multiplied. Cf., for example, Cunchillos; Dahood, pp. 174-180; Loretz, pp. 76-248; Kloos.
Zenger, p. 569.
Gunkel, p. 124 (my translation from the original German). Cf., also, Hossfeld/Zenger, p. 181: “From the literary critical point of view, the second stich of v. 3 and v. 11 (. . .) fall out”. Along the same lines, Hossfeld, pp. 163-164; Müller, pp. 104-107.
Cf. Diehl et al., p. 467, who propose the following division: 3-5|6|7-9 (similarly, Weber, pp. 146-147). A different arrangement, although joining v. 7 to vv. 8-9, is offered by van der Lugt, 2006, 294, and Labuschagne (3-4|5-6|7-9).
Cf. Watson, pp. 150-156 (“Staircase parallelism”).
Vogt, pp. 17-18, note 1 (“Horch!”).
Cf., for example, Müller, pp. 109-115.
Cf. Keel, pp. 151-155.
Dahood, p. 176 (“The Mediterranean is probably meant”). But the expression מים רבים never has this meaning; cf. May.
Cf. Hartenstein, pp. 59-62.
Jeremias, p. 33. The structure is repeated by Hossfeld/Zenger, p. 181; Zenger, p. 580.
Zenger, p. 580 (my translation, gb).
Alonso Schökel/Carniti, pp. 525-526.
Delitzsch, p. 250.
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Against various proposals to remove vv. 3b, 7, 9c and 11 from Psalm 29 as late additions, the author affirms the substantial integrity of the mt. According to him, the psalm is composed of five strophes, each consisting of two rhythmic verses (1-2, 3-4, 5-7, 8-9, 10-11). They form two complementary structures, one with a central pivot (introduction, 1-2; body, 3-9; conclusion, 10-12), and the other a linear one (praise of God in the cosmos, 1-4; praise of God in the land of Israel, 5-9; resumption of the cosmic praise, 10; resumption of the praise of Israel, 11). It is in the interaction of these two structures that the unity of the psalm is grasped.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 476 | 59 | 2 |
Full Text Views | 279 | 6 | 3 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 148 | 13 | 1 |