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Vincenzo Cicchelli, Ceped, Université Paris Descartes/IRD (France)
Sylvie Octobre, DEPS-DOC, Ministère de la culture and Centre Max Weber, ENS Lyon/CNRS (France)

Book Review Editor
Peter Holley, University of Helsinki (Finland)

Editorial Board
Tova Benski, The College of Management – Academic Studies (COMAS) (Israel)
Ludivine Bantigny, Université de Rouen Normandie (France)
Christine Barwick, Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany)
Vinod Chandra, Lucknow University (India)
Valentina Cuzzocrea, University of Cagliari (Italy)
Fred Dervin, University of Helsinki (Finland)
Vitor Sergio Ferreira, University of Lisbon (Portugal)
Ratiba Hadj-Moussa, York University (Canada)
Clare Holdsworth, Keele University (UK)
Avril Keating, University College London (UK)
Siyka Kovacheva, University of Plovdiv (Bulgaria)
Patricia Loncle-Moriceau, École des hautes études en santé publique (EHESP) (France)
EJ Milne, Coventry University (UK)
Ana Miranda, Latin American Social Sciences Institute (FLACSO) (Argentina)
Leyla Neyzi, Sabanci University (Turkey)
Elina Oinas, University of Helsinki (Finland)
Delphine Pagès El Karoui, INALCO, Université Paris Sorbonne Cité (France)
Rosario Radakovich, University of the Republic (Uruguay)
Viviane Riegel, Superior School of Advertising and Marketing (ESPM) (Brazil)
Hiro Saito, Singapore Management University (Singapore)
Ngai Sek-yum, Steven, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
Kathryn Seymour, Griffith University (Australia)
Yi-Ping Eva SHIH, Fu Jen Catholic University (Taiwan)
Sharlene Swartz, Human Sciences Research Council (South Africa)
Teresa Swartz, University of Minnesota (USA)
Stuart Tannock, University College London (UK)
Paola Maria Torrioni, University of Turin (Italy)
Natalia Wächter, LMU München (Germany)
Dan Woodman, The University of Melbourne (Australia)

Advisory Board
René Bendit, Latin American Social Sciences Institute (FLACSO) (Argentina)
Jorge Benedicto, The National Distance Education University (UNED) (Spain)
James Cote, The University of Western Ontario (Canada)
Maurice Devlin, Maynooth University (Ireland)
Ana D’Almeida, University of Lisbon (Portugal)
Carles Feixa, University Pompeu Fabra (Spain)
Olivier Galland, GEMASS, Université Paris-Sorbonne/CNRS (France)
Helena Helve, University of Tampere (Finland)
François Héran, Institut national d’études démographiques (INED) (France)
Claudia Jacinto, PREJET Institute for Economic and Social Development (IDES) (Argentina)
Carmen Leccardi, University of Milan Bicocca (Italy)
María Eugenia Longo, National Institute of Scientific Research (INRS) (Canada)
Jeylan Mortimer, University of Minnesota (USA)
Marc Molgat, University of Ottawa (Canada)
Eriikka Oinonen, University of Tampere (Finland)
Andrea Pirni, University of Genova (Italy)
Gilles Pronovost, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (Canada)
Loredana Sciolla, University of Turin (Italy)
Maria Manuel Vieira, University of Lisbon (Portugal)
Ani Wierenga, The University of Melbourne (Australia)
Howard Williamson, University of South Wales (UK)
Johanna Wyn, The University of Melbourne (Australia)
Chin-Chun Yi, Academia Sinica (Taiwan)
CALL FOR PAPERS for a special issue on "Video Games Emotions and Growing Up". Deadline for proposals is 1 December 2023. Please click here for full details.

CALL FOR PAPERS for a special issue on “Cultural Production in East Asia and Its Global Journeys”. Deadline for paper submisson is 22 December 2023. Please click here for full details.

CALL FOR PAPERS for a special issue on "Youth and Interculturality in Grave Times". Deadline for proposals is 15 July 2024. Please click here for full details.

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Vincenzo Cicchelli is Associate Professor of Sociology at Université Paris Descartes and Research Fellow at Ceped (Université Paris Descartes/IRD). At Brill, with Sylvie Octobre, he is the co-editor-in-chief of Youth and Globalization, the series co-editor of Youth in a Globalizing World, and the co-editor-in-chief of Brill Research Perspectives in Global Youth. He is the author of many books and articles, of which the latest are (with Sylvie Octobre and Viviane Riegel) Aesthetic Cosmopolitanism and Global Culture (Leiden/Boston, Brill, 2019), (with Sylvie Octobre) Aesthetico-Cultural Cosmopolitanism and French Youth. The Taste of the World (London, Palgrave, 2018) and Plural and Shared. The Sociology of a Cosmopolitan World (Leiden/Boston, Brill, 2018).

Sylvie Octobre is researcher at Département des études, de la prospective, des statistiques et de la documentation, French Ministry of Culture and Research Fellow at Centre Max Weber, Ecole Normale Supérieur de Lyon/CNRS. At Brill, with Vincenzo Cicchelli, she is the co-editor-in-chief of Youth and Globalization, the series co-editor of Youth in a Globalizing World, and the co-editor-in-chief of Brill Research Perspectives in Global Youth. She is the author of many books and articles, of which the latest are (with Vincenzo Cicchelli) Aesthetico-Cultural Cosmopolitanism and French Youth. The Taste of the World (London, Palgrave, 2018) and Les techno-cultures juvéniles : du culturel au politique (Paris, L'Harmattan, 2018).

Youth and Globalization

Vincenzo Cicchelli
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Sylvie Octobre
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Youth and Globalization is an academic forum for discussion and exchanges, a space for intellectual creativity on all questions relating to youth in a globalizing world. Its aim is to provide an innovative understanding of youth studies in a global context based on multiscalar (both local and global), multilevel (economic, political, social), transnational, and multidisciplinary approaches.

Drawing on both theoretical and empirical research, and in addition to and as a complement of the Brill book series Youth in a Globalizing World, the journal explores how young people relate to globality and its outcomes.

Globalization is an economic phenomenon, linked to the domination of an increasingly financialized capitalism. Is has also an important cultural dimension, due to increasing mobility of cultural goods, global icons, imaginaries, global technoscapes, migration, and diasporas. On a political level, national and international policies affect the ways in which young people relate to the world, from educational programs (e.g., teaching foreign languages, with mobility as part of education, as in the Erasmus program, etc.) to job markets to leisure activities.

Young people both are affected by and are the actors of the globalization of everyday life. Mobility (travel, migration, education), multicultural backgrounds, relations to educational and job markets, demands for leisure recognition, transformation of families and of childhood and youth, and the proliferation and development of youth cultures are among the changing factors that Youth and Globalization investigates.

Consequently, the journal invites scholars to address such questions as:
• Are we witnessing the globalization, the localization, or the hybridization of the conditions of youth?
• How do young people, even in an ephemeral way, experience cultures that were once considered exotic or peripheral?
• What are the links between transnational economics, political and institutional structures, transnational processes of flexibility at work and change in welfare state regimes, and the transition to adulthood?
• What about the sense of local belonging in a supposedly global age? What conceptions of democracy and human rights are held, shared, and performed by young people in a global context?
• What is the downside of the normative injunctions, widespread among younger generations in Western societies, to be open-minded and curious?
And how do young people cope with this pressure?

Youth and Globalization invites contributions from scholars and advanced researchers that promote dialog in a way that resonates with academics, practitioners, policy-makers, and students as well as the general reader. The journal publishes peer-reviewed articles (9,000 words max), book reviews (up to 1,200 words), and interviews/conversations (not to exceed 2,500 words). Submissions should conform to the Instructions for Authors, available below as a downloadable PDF.

For editorial queries and proposals, please contact the Youth and Globalization Editorial Office.
For book review queries, please contact the book review editor, Peter Holley.
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