The journal
Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik includes studies on the older Germanic languages.
Please note that
Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik is published as a
Journal in print and online from 2016 (Volume 76) onwards. All back volumes are still available in print.
Mit Einschluß / Special Issue Section: Sovereigns and Saints: Narrative Modes of Constructing Rulership and Sainthood in Latin and German (Rhyme) Chronicles of the High and the Late Middle Ages (Edited by Uta Goerlitz)
Herausgegeben von:
Peter Alexander Kerkhof
Guus Kroonen
Erika Langbroek
Thijs Porck
Arend Quak
In Verbindung mit:
Elzbieta Adamczyk (Poznan)
Haraldr Bernharðsson (Reykjavík)
Elvira Glaser (Zürich)
Joseph Salmons (Madison, Wisconsin)
A.H. Touber (Riethoven)
Arjen Versloot (Amsterdam)
Anschrift der Redaktion für Beiträge und Besprechungsexemplare / Editor’s address for submission of articles and books for reviews:
Prof. Dr. A. Quak
Institute for Old Germanic Languages
University of Amsterdam
Spuistraat 134
The Netherlands
Arend Quak
Hinweise zur Manuscriptgestaltung können bei der Redaktion angeforderd werden. / Please also apply to the editor for guidelines for articles and reviews.