Avant-Garde Critical Studies (founded in 1987) is a series for themed-anthologies and monographs on all aspects of avant-garde and avant-gardism in modern literature, theatre, music, visual and applied arts, architecture and design from the late nineteenth century to the present.
We publish high quality research on specific trends in single arts, countries and regions, as well as comparative and interdisciplinary studies in the interrelation between the different arts as well as between the arts, social and political contexts and cultural life in the broadest sense and all its diversity.
All manuscripts will be subjected to a double peer review which is part of the acceptation process.
The series also contains as a subseries the reference work
A Cultural History of the Avant-Garde in the Nordic Countries, which provides a comprehensive overview and in-depth analysis of the cultural manifestations of the avant-garde in the Nordic countries from 1900-2010s.
Due to its success and the continued need to decenter the avant-garde we are continuing this format in a Companion Series, poignantly called:
A Cultural History of the Avant-Garde: A Companion Series. Here you can soon explore more regions covered.
Revue interdisciplinaire et internationale. Arts et littératures au XXe siècle. Interdisciplinary and Intern. Review. Literature and Arts of the 20th Century
Founding Editors Ferd Drijkoningen†,
University of Amsterdam, Netherlands Klaus Beekman,
University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Series Editors Hubert van den Berg,
Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic Günter Berghaus,
University of Bristol, UK Sascha Bru,
KU Leuven, Belgium Andrea Giunta,
CONICET, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas and
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires Agata Jakubowska,
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland
International Advisory Board Henri Béhar
Sophie Berrebi
Ralf Grüttemeier
Hilde Heynen
Leigh Landy
Ben Rebel
Jan de Vries
Willem G. Weststeijn
From students till professors interested in any aspect of the avant-garde. The series covers the full scope of avant-garde artistic, cultural, and social expressions and movements. Relevant also for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in art history, cultural history, literary studies, and transnational studies as well as an international audience of scholars and museum experts.
‘Avant-Garde Critical Studies
is not only since decades one of the leading academic platforms devoted to research in and reflection on the twentieth-century artistic avant-garde but also the oldest scholarly forum specifically devoted to artistic avant-gardism in the widest sense. […] The first eleven volumes could for long only be found on bookshelves in libraries. These volumes have now been made available in digital form. They offer a monumental panorama of early avant-garde studies and may still serve today as major resource with fundamental contributions by eminent avant-garde scholars. […] The goal of the series, as set out in issue zero in 1987 by Fernand Drijkoningen, was – and still is today – to serve as a platform to transcend ‘traditional boundaries between disciplines and nationalities’ with ‘an “open” character’. In line with this ambition, the single volumes from the early years of the series all have a profound multifaceted character. Each volume combines essays on different artistic disciplines, be it literature, painting, sculpture, architecture, design, music, performance and film.’ Hubert van den Berg, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic