Austrian Review of International and European Law

Stephan Wittich
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Jane A. Hofbauer
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The Austrian Review of International and European Law is an annual publication providing a scholarly forum for the discussion of issues of public international and European law, with particular emphasis on topics of special interest for Austria.

Please click here for the online version including the abstracts of the articles of Austrian Review of International and European Law.
Editors: Stephan Wittich: Dept. of International Law, University of Vienna
and Jane A. Hofbauer: Section for International Law and International Human Rights Law, Bundeswehr University Munich

Managing Editor: Philipp Janig, Section for International Law and International Human Rights Law, Bundeswehr University Munich

Editorial Assistant: Maximilian Weninger, Section for International Law and International Relations, University of Vienna

Editorial Board: Christina Binder, Erika de Wet, Holger Hestermayer, Peter Hilpold, Ursula Kriebaum, Gerhard Loibl, Irmgard Marboe, Andreas Müller, August Reinisch, Kirsten Schmalenbach, Sigmar Stadlmeier, Helmut Tichy.

Advisory Board: Ilias Bantekas, Jean d’Aspremont, Pierre-Marie Dupuy, Malgosia Fitzmaurice, Andrea Gattini, Gerhard Hafner, Hubert Isak, Yann Kerbrat, Jan Klabbers, Martti Koskenniemi, André Nollkaemper, Manfred Nowak, Phoebe Okowa, Alain Pellet, Anne Peters, Chistoph Schreuer, Bruno Simma, Christian Tams, Christian Tomuschat, Friedl Weiss, Karl Zemanek, Andreas Zimmermann.
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