The purpose of the
Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion is to investigate the "new" role of religion in the contemporary world, which is characterized by cultural pluralism and religious individualism.
It is the aim of the series to combine different methods within the social scientific study of religion. Contributions to the series employ an interdisciplinary and comparative approach at an international level, to describe and interpret the complexity of religious phenomena within different geopolitical situations, highlighting similarities and discontinuities. Dealing with a single theme in each volume, the series intends to tackle the relationship between the practices and the dynamics of everyday life and the different religions and spiritualities, within the framework of post-secular society. All contributions are welcome, both those studying organizational aspects and those exploring individual religiosity.
The series has published an average of one volume per year over the last five years.
Series Editors Luigi Berzano
Giuseppe Giordan
Enzo Pace
Editorial Board Peter Beyer,
University of Ottawa, Canada Anthony Blasi,
Tennessee State University, USA Olga Breskaya,
University of Padova, Italy Roberto Cipriani,
Roma Tre University, Italy Xavier Costa,
University of Valencia, Spain Franco Garelli,
University of Turin, Italy Gustavo Guizzardi,
University of Padova, Italy Dick Houtman,
Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands Solange Lefebvre,
Université de Montréal, Canada Patrick Michel,
CNRS, Paris, France Ari Pedro Oro,
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Adam Possamai,
University of Western Sydney, Australia Ole Riis,
Agder University, Norway Susumu Shimazono,
University of Tokyo, Japan Jean-Paul Willaime,
EPHE, Sorbonne, France Monika Wohlrab-Sahr,
Leipzig University, Germany Linda Woodhead,
Lancaster University, UK Fenggang Yang,
Purdue University, USA Sinisa Zrinscak,
University of Zagreb, Croatia
Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion
Volume 17 (Forthcoming 2026)
Religion and Non-Religion in Family Life Edited by
Morena Tartari, Babeș-Bolyai University, and
Olga Breskaya, University of Padova
The family relates to the intertwining of relations and everyday interactions in which values, traditions and beliefs are molded and transferred from one generation to the next, including religious and non-religious beliefs, values and practices. Two processes are central to shaping religious and non-religious dynamics within the fabric of family relations.
First, a growing diversity in personal and family life marked by transformations in family forms, relationships, roles, intimacies, living arrangements and routines has a significant impact on transmission of religious and non-religious beliefs and practices. Divorce, cohabitation, same-sex unions, and single parenthood rates are increasing and often perceived as a threat to traditional societal and family values. Second, economic and cultural changes have brought a decline in religiousness and increase in non-religiousness, indicating a secularization process in western societies in the last decades. Institutionalized religions are challenged by alternative forms of religiosity and spirituality, leading to greater individualization within family religious life as well. At the same time, the increasing presence of religious minorities in numerous societies around the globe has prompted a re-evaluation of the secular/religious nexus, especially within the familial domain where beliefs and values intersect.
This volume aims to contribute to a more profound understanding of the relationship between family dynamics, its role in transmitting religion and non-religion and contemporary religious change. We invite contributions with a wide range of theories and methods in analyzing this topic, and in particular, papers dealing with the following issues:
• family structure and religious and non-religious landscapes
• religious and non-religious parenting cultures in the Global South and North
• spiritual diversity and family life
• religion/non-religion and conflict in marital and parent‐child relationships
• family schooling and parents' (non)religiosity
• family and religious and non-religious activism
• religious and non-religious dimensions and transformation of family relationships, including issues like separation/divorce, work-life balance, new family forms
Please send proposals (400 words) and a brief bio to
Morena Tartari
• Deadline Submission of proposals: July 31, 2024
• Deadline Notification of acceptance: September 30, 2024
• Deadline completed manuscripts (7,000 words): March 30, 2025
Volume 16 (Forthcoming 2025)
From Cases To Scandals: Sexual Abuse In The Catholic Church Edited by
Céline Béraud, EHESS-Paris, and
Giuseppe Giordan, University of Padova
The sexual abuse crisis is often described as the greatest threat that the Catholic Church has had to face since the Reformation. The tremendous number of cases reported and the huge public attention they have attracted present a novelty within historical, socio-political, and ecclesiastical perspectives. In United States, several waves of cases have occured since the 1980s, and since the mid-1990s, the phenomenon has been reported continiously in other nations in the Roman Catholic Church, as well as other religious traditions. Nevertheless, in some countries, the Catholic Church still manages to avoid and cover-up the scandals even though the cases involving Catholic clergy are often proliferating.
Recent analysis of the sexual abuse crisis has highlighted that the sexual misconduct of the clergy can be understood as a problem not only of isolated deviant individuals but as a structural and organizational issue of the Catholic Church. Moreover, the experience of different national churches suggests that socio-cultural, legal and political factors are implicated in the circumstances under which cases become scandals in the first place, as well as the strategies and mechanisms of public denunciation able to raise collective awareness, engagement and mobilization.
Against this background, we invite contributions leveraging a broad range of disciplinary approaches, theories and methods in analyzing this topic, and in particular, contributions which provide a comparative analysis of different national churches by contrasting the Catholic example with scandals with other religious groups or scandals in secular institutions. In particular, we invite papers dealing with the following issues:
• sociocultural, legal and religious conditions under which a case becomes a scandal
• frameworks for denounciation/interpretation of sexual abuse crisis in parishes and media
• consequences of scandals on religious life (disaffiliation, practice, Church's moral authority, etc.)
• Vatican policy and sexual abuse crisis at local, national and global level
• role of social media, TV documentaries and press in the political, moral and ecclesial mobilization concerning sexual abuses
• reporting of sexual abuse and role of experts (therapists, social scientists, victims’ support organizations, etc.)
• strategies of recognition of sexual abuses: change/innovation/resistance/exit strategies
Please send proposals (400 words) and a brief bio to
Olga Breskaya
• Deadline Submission of proposals: July 31, 2023
• Deadline Notification of acceptance: September 30, 2023
• Deadline completed manuscripts (7,000 words): March 30, 2024