The series
Architecture – Technology – Culture provides a publishing environment for cutting-edge research in the three areas where modern technology effected major and lasting changes: architecture and space, visual culture and the media, literature and the arts in general. While our prime focus is on the theory, history, and politics of technology, both architecture and, the broader, accompanying field of culture are in many ways directly related to and influenced by technological changes. Thus one can look at architecture as a technology of spatial organization, a technical system of signs or, in Nobert Wiener's terms, a "technique" of the time that reflects the aesthetic and intellectual order of a given society. Literature and the arts, on the other hand, are crucial in negotiating the tensions that arise from the introduction of new technologies, of new means of production and communication. By making technological progress palatable for a larger public or by questioning its safety and its potential negative consequences for the future, the arts are inextricably involved in the changing of physical space and the environment in modern society and their styles and structures are often formed as a response to larger networks such as urban space, transportation or the changes in visual and material culture.
Klaus Benesch (University of Munich, Germany)
Jeffrey L. Meikle (University of Texas, USA)
David E. Nye (Warwick University, UK)
Miles Orvell (Temple University, Philadelphia, USA)