Brill Classics in Islam

This series reprints the best of the titles in Islamic Studies that were published by Brill. Titles that have been out of print for a long time, but are still important for libraries and scholars will become easily available to a wider audience. The best of two centuries of scholarship, newly typeset and with new introductions by some of the foremost scholars in Islamic Studies make the Brill Classics in Islam an indispensable part of any islamic studies collection.
Ṭuruq and Ṭuruq-Linked Institutions in Nineteenth-Century Egypt
A Historical Study in Organizational Dimensions of Islamic Mysticism
Volume 9
Man versus Society in Medieval Islam
Volume 7
Editor(s): Dimitri Gutas
Humor in Early Islam
Volume 6
The Spiritual Background of Early Islam
Studies in Ancient Arab Concepts
Volume 4
By: Bravmann
The Ẓāhirīs
Their Doctrine and their History. A Contribution to the History of Islamic Theology
Volume 3
Knowledge Triumphant
The Concept of Knowledge in Medieval Islam
Volume 2
Mekka in the Latter Part of the 19th Century
Daily Life, Customs and Learning. The Moslims of the East-Indian Archipelago
Volume 1
Concordance er Indices de la Tradition Musulmane
Among Arabic Manuscripts
Memories of Libraries and Men
Volume 8
If you are interested in submitting proposals for this series, please contact:
Abdurraouf Oueslati
Acquisitions Editor
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