Bibliotheca Geographorum Arabicorum (BGA) is a series of critical editions of classic geographical texts written by several of the most famous Arab geographers. All original editions, including the indices and glossaries, were produced by M.J. de Goeje between 1870 and 1894 and published by Brill. The
BGA also includes the updated edition of Muqaddasī's
Kitāb aḥsan al-taqāsīm by De Goeje and J.H. Kramers’ re-edition of Ibn Ḥawkal’s
Kitāb al-masālik wa-l-mamālik.
Descriptio imperii Moslemici / auctore Schamso ’d-din Abu Abdollah Mohammed ibn Ahmed ibn abi Bekr al-Banna al-Basschari al-Mokaddasi. The Second Edition (1906) by M.J. de Goeje
Kitab al-Tanbih wa-al-israf / li-Abi al-Hasan Ali b. al-Husayn al-Masudi. M.J. de Goeje’s Classic Edition (1894) with Indices and Glossary to BGA I: 7–8
Kitab al-Alaq al-nafisa / tasnif Abi Ali Ahmad b. Umar b. Rusta. Kitab al-buldan / tasnif Ahmad b. Abi Yaqub b. Wadih al-Katib al-maruf bi-al-Yaqubi. M.J. de Goeje’s Classic Editions (1892)
Liber viarum et regnorum / auctore Abu al-Kasim Obaidallah ibn Abdallah ibn Khordadhbeh; et excerpta e Kitab al-karrag auctore Kodama ibn Dja’far. M.J. de Goeje’s Classic Editions (1889) with Indices and Glossary
Muktasar kitab al-buldan / talif Abi Bakr Ahmad Ibn Muhammad al-Hamadani al-maruf bi-Ibn al-Faqih. M.J. de Goeje’s Classic Edition (1885) with Index and Glossary
Descriptio imperii Moslemici / auctore Schamso ’d-din Abu Abdollah Mohammed ibn Ahmed ibn abi Bekr al-Banna al-Basschari al-Mokaddasi. M.J. de Goeje’s Classic Edition (1877)