This is the first comprehensive literary-historical commentary on the works of Flavius Josephus in English, edited by Steve Mason, University of Groningen.
Flavius Josephus, the first-century Jewish historian, is without a doubt the most important witness to ancient Judaism from the close of the biblical period to the aftermath of the destruction of the temple in 70 CE. His four surviving works – the Judean War, Judean Antiquities, Life, and Against Apion in thirty Greek volumes – provide the narrative structure for interpreting other, more fragmentary written sources and physical remains from this period. His descriptions of the Temple, the Judean countryside, Jewish-Roman relations and conflicts, and groups and institutions of ancient Judea have become indispensable for students of early Judaism, of Classics, and of Christian origins alike.
This wide-ranging and detailed work will prove invaluable to every serious reader of Josephus, providing a new translation and commentary, highlighting literary and historical connections. To visit the online edition of the commentary on Brill's Scholarly Editions platform, please click here.
Schedule as per June 2024
1a, Sievers/Seeman/Forte/Mason, War 1
1b, Mason, War 2, Published 2008
1c, Glas, War 3
2a, Mason War 4, Published June 2022
2b, Chapman, War 5
2c, Martin/Levenson, War 6
2d, McLaren, War 7
3, Feldman/Mason, Ant 1-4, Published 1999
4, Begg, Ant. 5-7, Published 2005
5, Begg/ Spilsbury, Ant. 8-10, Published 2006
6, Spilsbury, Ant. 11, Published 2016
6, Lembi, Ant. 12-13
7a, Lembi/ van Henten, Ant. 14,
7b, van Henten, Ant. 15, Published 2013
7c, van Henten, Ant. 16-17
8 Schwartz, Ant 18-20, Published November 2024
9 Mason, Life, Published 2000
10 Barclay, Against Apion, Published 2007
John Barclay, University of Durham, UK
Christopher Begg, Catholic University of America, Washington DC, USA
Honora Chapman, California State University, Fresno, USA
Louis Feldman†, Yeshiva University, New York, USA
Jacob Evert Glas, Aarhus University, Denmark
Jan Willem van Henten, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
David Levenson, Florida State University, USA
James McLaren, Australian Catholic University, Australia
Thomas R. Martin, College of the Holy Cross, USA
Daniel Schwartz, Hebrew Univesity of Jerusalem, Israel
Christopher Seeman, Walsh University, Ohio, USA
Joseph Sievers, Pontifical Biblical Institute, Italy
Paul Spilsbury, Canadian Theological Seminary, Canada
"Steven Mason and his team assembled by Brill are to be commended on their effort in this daunting and consuming project." - Shawn C. Madden, in: Faith & Mission, 2005
"…this series follows a format that is uncomplicated and therefore extremely user-friendly…The first two publications of the Brill Josephus Project have adequately satisfied the publisher's promise of being the first comprehensive literary-historical commentary on the works of Flavius Josephus in English…they have established a formidable, yet highly achievable standard for subsequent volumes in the series…an indispensable source of competing critical perspectives…correctly been termed an "indispensable source for all scholarly study of Judea from about 200 BCE to 75 CE (Mason ix)." - Dennis Stoutenburg, in: Journal of Biblical Literature/Review of Biblical Literature.
"…diese Reihe sollten Benutzerinnen und Benutzer aus Judaistik, neu- und alttestamentlicher Wissenschaft und Alter Geschichte nicht nur in Bibliotheken nachschlagen, sondern m. E. für einen privaten Kauf ernstlich erwágen…Eine Arbeit an und mit Josephustexten wird auf Jahrzehnte ohne diesen Kommentar nicht mehr denkbar sein." - Marco Frenschkowski, in: Theologische Literaturzeitung, 2003
"The commentary is generally wide-ranging and very readable." – F.G. Downing, in: Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, 2002