Commentaria is a series dedicated to outstanding monographs or edited volumes of essays (topical or from conferences) that address subjects within the general area of the interpretation (exegesis) of the sacred texts of three major religious traditions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Proposals for books written in major European Languages (English, French, German) will be welcome, with a preference for English. The time period to be covered by the series extends from Late Antiquity through to the Late Middle Ages.
The editors envision this series as one embracing a broad range of topics, approaches, and methods. Monographs may address a single tradition or undertake a comparative study of a theme, topic, or hermeneutical strategy in two or three of the traditions, or in several branches or aspects of the same tradition (e.g. Eastern Orthodox and Western Catholic traditions in Christianity, Al Tabari and Al Ghazali in Islam, or the schools of Rashi and Joseph Kimchi in Judaism). Commentaria welcomes studies on sacred myth and narrative; interreligious dialogue; scriptural exegesis; modes of representation; traditions of illumination; methods of manuscript production.
Authors are cordially invited to submit proposals and/or full manuscripts to either the series editors, or the Publisher at Brill,
Dr Kate Hammond.
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Grover A. Zinn, William H. Danforth Professor of Religion (emeritus), Oberlin College
Michael A. Signer (ob.), Abrams Professor of Jewish Thought and Culture, University of Notre Dame
Frans van Liere, Associate Professor of History, Calvin College
Lesley Smith, Fellow in Politics and Senior Tutor, Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford
E. Ann Matter, William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor, University of Pennsylvania
Thomas E. Burman, Director, Medieval Institute, University of Notre Dame
Robert A. Harris, Department of Bible, Jewish Theological Seminary New York
Walid Saleh, Study of Religion, University of Toronto
Celia Chazelle, Department of History, The College of New Jersey
Founding Editors Grover A. Zinn
Michael A. Signer (ob.)
Editors Frans van Liere
Lesley Smith
E. Ann Matter
Thomas E. Burman
Robert A. Harris
Walid Saleh
Celia Chazelle
All those interested in the interpretation (exegesis) of the sacred texts of three major religious traditions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.