Doing Arts Thinking: Arts Practice, Research and Education

Series Editor:
John Baldacchino
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In the arts, the concept of theoria goes back to the original notion of thinking as a form of reflection/contemplation that remains integral to practice as both a practiced thought ( phronesis) and as critical practice ( praxis). This book series is aimed at capturing and reasserting the wider possibilities that we give ourselves by doing the arts. It explores how the arts and education can only converge through paradox, where what we seek by doing arts thinking remains an open work and in continuous inauguration.
Thus Doing Arts Thinking is an alternative view of arts education. Rooted in arts practice and arts research, it purposely retains a degree of ambiguity. It is not limited to “thinking about the arts”, or engaging with art theory as a separate entity from practice. Rather, this book series intends to show that to mistake arts thinking for abstract theory would be as false as dismissing arts practice for mere making; which would result in a narrow view of both arts practice and arts research, especially when a third element – that of arts education – is involved.

Cover Artwork by Jeremy Diggle. Title: 'Shield Bearer'. Acrylic on canvas. 120 cm x 160 cm. Date 2019

Authors are cordially invited to submit proposals and/or full manuscripts by e-mail to the Aquisitions Editor, John Bennett.
Disruption and Convergence
Generating New Conversations through Arts Research
Volume 15
Enchanted Pedagogies
Archetypes, Magic, and Knowledge
Volume 14
Arts Education
A Global Affair
Volume 13
What Do You Do That Can’t Be Measured?
On Radical Care in Teaching and Research
Volume 12
Lessons of Belonging
Art, Place, and the Sea
Volume 11
The Lonnin Project
Making and Writing a Genre-Fluid Novel in Verse
Volume 10
Miami Virtue
Choragraphy of the Virtual City
Volume 9
Imagining Dewey
Artful Works and Dialogue about Art as Experience
Volume 8
Art – Ethics – Education
Volume 7
Joseph Beuys and the Artistic Education
Theory and Practice of an Artistic Art Education
Volume 6
Artistic Mentoring as a Decolonizing Methodology
An Evolving Collaborative Painting Ethnography with Maya Artists Pedro Rafael González Chavajay and Paula Nicho Cúmez
Volume 5
Disrupting Shameful Legacies
Girls and Young Women Speaking Back through the Arts to Address Sexual Violence
Volume 4
On Mutant Pedagogies
Seeking Justice and Drawing Change in Teacher Education
Volume 3
Artist-Teachers in Context
International Dialogues
Volume 2
Unfolding Afterglow
Letters and Conversations on Teacher Renewal
Volume 1
Series Editor:
John Baldacchino, Arts Institute, University of Madison-Wisconsin, USA (

Board Members:
Dennis Atkinson, Goldsmiths College (Email:
Jeremy Diggle, Plymouth University (Email:
Nadine Kalin, University North Texas (Email:
Richard Siegesmund, Northern Illinois University (Email:
Catarina Sofia Martins, University of Porto (Email:
Educational researchers and their students
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