This is a peer-reviewed book series on the history of law in the broadest sense. The approach is preferably comparative in nature, both vertically and horizontally, although studies that approach the subject matter from a different perspective are not automatically excluded. The aim of the
Library is to study the historical development of particular areas of law and to explain existing differences and similarities arising in other systems where such comparison is possible. An additional aim is to contribute to a mutual understanding of different approaches to similar problems within the various legal systems. In this way, the
Library provides a forum for works related to the growing need for a ius commune in today’s globalising world and provides the necessary historical information for those working in the field of harmonisation projects throughout the world.
Library not only welcomes dogmatical studies but also offers a forum for interdisciplinary volumes that incorporate law and legal history as their main theme. The editors seek novel, path-breaking, and innovative works that reflect the highest standards of academic writing regardless of the methodologies or approaches employed in any particular volume. Such works are often scholarly monographs, but collected works of previously unpublished contributions forming a cohesive and significant contribution to a particular field of legal history are also welcomed by the editors. There is no restriction in terms of topic, chronology, or geography with the exception of works on the history of international law and on medieval law which should be submitted directly to the Library’s subseries
Studies in the History of International Law or
Medieval Law and Its Practice.
Brill is in full support of Open Access publishing and offers the option to publish your monograph, edited volume, or chapter in Open Access. Our Open Access services are fully compliant with funder requirements. We support Creative Commons licenses. For more information, please visit
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Series Editors:
C.H. (Remco) van Rhee,
Maastricht University Dirk Heirbaut,
Ghent University M.C. Mirow,
Florida International University Michelle McKinley,
University of Oregon
Editorial Board:
Hamilton Bryson,
University of Richmond Thomas P. Gallanis,
George Mason University James Gordley,
Tulane University Richard Helmholz,
University of Chicago Michael Hoeflich,
University of Kansas Neil Jones,
University of Cambridge Hector MacQueen,
University of Edinburgh Paul Oberhammer,
University of Vienna † Marko Petrak,
University of Zagreb Jacques du Plessis,
University of Stellenbosch Mathias Reimann,
University of Michigan Jan M. Smits,
Maastricht University Alain Wijffels,
Université Catholique de Louvain, Leiden University, CNRS Reinhard Zimmermann,
Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht, Hamburg
The press about volume 1 in the series:
"[The book] succeeds as an excellent point of entry to what at times can seem like a highly complex subject. [..] [The editors] and their fellow contributors have undoubtedly got the new series off to the strongest possible start." – Warren Swain,
The Edinburgh Law Review