This is a peer-reviewed series that explores the ways in which industrialization has shaped the production, distribution, and reception of books from the beginning of the nineteenth century to the present day. This period is marked by the introduction of new technologies – not just of manufacture, but also of transportation and communication – that have profoundly altered the ways that books are created and circulated and that have, among other things, enabled the rise of international publishing conglomerates that can reach a global mass market. The series investigates every aspect of the book in the industrial world, from the reorganization of the book and publishing trades to the present impact of digital texts and the internet.
Authors are cordially invited to submit proposals and/or full manuscripts to the publisher at BRILL, Alessandra Giliberto.
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Lisa Kuitert, University of Amsterdam (Editor-in-Chief)
Bill Bell, Cardiff University
Lisa Gitelman, New York University
Henning Hansen, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
“One of the most outstanding series in the field of European book history.”
Mart van Duijn, Leiden University Libraries. In: Quaerendo, Vol. 44, No. 3 (2014).