Formerly the Nag Hammadi Studies Series, which includes the complete Coptic Gnostic Library, this series - a world leader in its field - publishes research monographs and tools on a broad range of topics in the fields of Gnostic and Manichaean studies. Titles include The Spiritual Seed (E. Thomassen), The Gospel of Judas in Context (M. Scopello), Nag Hammadi Bibliography 1995-2006 (D.M. Scholer), New Light on Manichaeism (J. D. BeDuhn), and Mani's Pictures (Z. Gulácsi).
The series published an average of three volumes per year over the last 5 years.
Selected Papers from the International Conference Les femmes dans le manichéisme occidental et oriental held in Paris, University of Paris Sorbonne, 27-28 June 2014
Selected Papers from the Seventh International Conference of the International Association of Manichaean Studies in the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin, 8–12 September 2009
Editorial Board D. Brakke, E. Crégheur, A.D. DeConick, N. Denzey Lewis, I. Gardner, S.N.C. Lieu, H. Lundhaug, A. Marjanen, J. van Oort, N.A. Pedersen, T. Rasimus, S.G. Richter, M. Scopello, G. Wurst