Philosophia Antiqua

Studies in Ancient Philosophy

Series Editors:
F.A.J. de Haas
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Irmgard Männlein
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Philosophia Antiqua is the leading series specializing in books on Ancient Philosophy, covering the entire history of the subject from the Presocratics through Plato, Aristotle and the Stoics to the Neoplatonists of late Antiquity. The over-riding concern of the series is to promote scholarship of the highest quality and originality, publishing work specifically oriented towards texts (editions, commentaries, translations), but also monographs, including both those that offer new readings of familiar – or less familiar – texts and those that explore the intersections between ancient and modern topics and approaches. Volumes are published in English, French and German. The series includes edited volumes that show a clear and coherent focus, but does not normally host Festschriften or Memorial volumes.
Aristotle and the Rehabilitation of Homonymy
Aristotle and the Rehabilitation of Homonymy
Porphyre – Lettre à Marcella
Porphyre – Lettre à Marcella
Sextus Empiricus Against the Arithmeticians
Sextus Empiricus Against the Arithmeticians
Time’s Causal Power
Time’s Causal Power
Olympiodorus of Alexandria
Olympiodorus of Alexandria
The First Principle in Late Neoplatonism
The First Principle in Late Neoplatonism
Aëtiana V (4 vols.)
Aëtiana V (4 vols.)
Aristotle on Prescription
Aristotle on Prescription
Studies in Early Greek Philosophy
Studies in Early Greek Philosophy
Turba Philosophorum Congrès pythagoricien sur l’art d’Hermès
Turba Philosophorum Congrès pythagoricien sur l’art d’Hermès
Theophrastus of Eresus: Commentary Volume 9.1
Theophrastus of Eresus: Commentary Volume 9.1
Aëtiana IV
Aëtiana IV
Reading Aristotle
Reading Aristotle
Platonici minores
Platonici minores
The So-Called Eighth Stromateus by Clement of Alexandria
The So-Called Eighth Stromateus by Clement of Alexandria
Epicurean Meteorology
Epicurean Meteorology
The Aristotelian Problemata Physica
The Aristotelian Problemata Physica
David the Invincible Commentary on Porphyry’s Isagoge
David the Invincible Commentary on Porphyry’s Isagoge
Aristotle’s Metaphysics Lambda
Aristotle’s Metaphysics Lambda
Theophrastus of Eresus, Commentary Volume 9.2
Theophrastus of Eresus, Commentary Volume 9.2
Protagoras of Abdera
Protagoras of Abdera
Simplicius on the Planets and Their Motions
Simplicius on the Planets and Their Motions
The Eudemian Ethics on the Voluntary, Friendship, and Luck 
The Eudemian Ethics on the Voluntary, Friendship, and Luck 
The Emergence of Reflexivity in Greek Language and Thought
The Emergence of Reflexivity in Greek Language and Thought
La démonologie platonicienne
La démonologie platonicienne
Boethius on Mind, Grammar and Logic
Boethius on Mind, Grammar and Logic
Gloses et commentaire du livre XI du Contra Proclum de Jean Philopon
Gloses et commentaire du livre XI du Contra Proclum de Jean Philopon
Theophrastus of Eresus Commentary Volume 6.1
Theophrastus of Eresus Commentary Volume 6.1
David the Invincible, Commentary on Aristotle's Prior Analytics
David the Invincible, Commentary on Aristotle's Prior Analytics
Proclus on Nature
Proclus on Nature
Theophrastus On First Principles (known as his Metaphysics)
Theophrastus On First Principles (known as his Metaphysics)
Particulars in Greek Philosophy
Particulars in Greek Philosophy
L'oeuvre de David l'Invincible et la transmission de la pensée grecque dans la tradition arménienne et syriaque
L'oeuvre de David l'Invincible et la transmission de la pensée grecque dans la tradition arménienne et syriaque
Physics and Philosophy of Nature in Greek Neoplatonism
Physics and Philosophy of Nature in Greek Neoplatonism
Aëtiana (2 vols.) 
Aëtiana (2 vols.) 
Proclus' Commentary on the Cratylus in Context
Proclus' Commentary on the Cratylus in Context
Aristotle on Memory and Recollection
Aristotle on Memory and Recollection
Timée le Sophiste: Lexique platonicien
Timée le Sophiste: Lexique platonicien
Live unnoticed
Live unnoticed
Akrasia in Greek Philosophy
Akrasia in Greek Philosophy
The Libraries of the Neoplatonists
The Libraries of the Neoplatonists
Influences on Peripatetic Rhetoric
Influences on Peripatetic Rhetoric
Theophrastus of Eresus. Sources for His Life, Writings, Thought and Influence
Theophrastus of Eresus. Sources for His Life, Writings, Thought and Influence
Democritus: Science, The Arts, and the Care of the Soul
Democritus: Science, The Arts, and the Care of the Soul
Aristotle's Practical Side
Aristotle's Practical Side
Proklos. Methode, Seelenlehre, Metaphysik
Proklos. Methode, Seelenlehre, Metaphysik
Le Philèbe de Platon
Le Philèbe de Platon
The Philosophy of Dionysius the Areopagite
The Philosophy of Dionysius the Areopagite
Theophrastus of Eresus Commentary Volume 8
Theophrastus of Eresus Commentary Volume 8
The Sceptical Road
The Sceptical Road
Chrysippus’ On Affections
Chrysippus’ On Affections
Iamblichus' De Anima
Iamblichus' De Anima
Aristotle: Semantics and Ontology
Aristotle: Semantics and Ontology
Aristotle: Semantics and Ontology
Aristotle: Semantics and Ontology
Traditions of Theology
Traditions of Theology
Proclus' Hymns
Proclus' Hymns
Theophrastus against the Presocratics and Plato
Theophrastus against the Presocratics and Plato
Pleasure and the Good Life
Pleasure and the Good Life
The Encheiridion of Epictetus and its Three Christian Adaptations
The Encheiridion of Epictetus and its Three Christian Adaptations
Theophrastus of Eresus, Commentary Volume 4
Theophrastus of Eresus, Commentary Volume 4
Prolegomena Mathematica
Prolegomena Mathematica
Olympiodorus: Commentary on Platos Gorgias
Olympiodorus: Commentary on Platos Gorgias
Anicii Manlii Severini Boethii De divisione liber
Anicii Manlii Severini Boethii De divisione liber
Assent and Argument
Assent and Argument
John Philoponus' New Definition of Prime Matter
John Philoponus' New Definition of Prime Matter
Galen and Chrysippus on the Soul
Galen and Chrysippus on the Soul
Aristotle and Mathematics
Aristotle and Mathematics
Filodemo, storia dei filosofi
Filodemo, storia dei filosofi
Eine Auswahl herkulanischer kleiner Schriften (1864-1909)
Eine Auswahl herkulanischer kleiner Schriften (1864-1909)
The Cratylus
The Cratylus
Heresiography in Context
Heresiography in Context
Commentaire sur les Catégories
Commentaire sur les Catégories
Commentaire sur les Catégories
Commentaire sur les Catégories
The One and its Relation to Intellect in Plotinus
The One and its Relation to Intellect in Plotinus
The logic of Apuleius
The logic of Apuleius
Le Néo-Platonisme Alexandrin: Hiéroclès d'Alexandrie
Le Néo-Platonisme Alexandrin: Hiéroclès d'Alexandrie
Theories of Weight in the Ancient World
Theories of Weight in the Ancient World
Human Value
Human Value
Speusippus of Athens
Speusippus of Athens
Theories of Weight in the Ancient World
Theories of Weight in the Ancient World
Der Kyniker Demetrius
Der Kyniker Demetrius
Die Weltentstehung des platonischen Timaios nach den antiken Interpreten
Die Weltentstehung des platonischen Timaios nach den antiken Interpreten
Calcidius on Demons
Calcidius on Demons
Galen on Language and Ambiguity
Galen on Language and Ambiguity
Die Weltentstehung des platonischen Timaios nach den antiken Interpreten
Die Weltentstehung des platonischen Timaios nach den antiken Interpreten
Aspekte der platonischen Kosmologie
Aspekte der platonischen Kosmologie
Alexander of Aphrodisias on Stoic Physics
Alexander of Aphrodisias on Stoic Physics
Structures hiérarchiques dans la pensée de Plotin
Structures hiérarchiques dans la pensée de Plotin
Κίνησις ακίνητος (Kínēsis akínētos)
Κίνησις ακίνητος (Kínēsis akínētos)
Timaeus Locrus, De natura mundi et animae
Timaeus Locrus, De natura mundi et animae
Plotinus and the Stoics
Plotinus and the Stoics
Über die Natur des Kosmos und der Seele
Über die Natur des Kosmos und der Seele
Le περη φιλοσοφίας d'Aristote et la théorie platonicienne des idées nombres
Le περη φιλοσοφίας d'Aristote et la théorie platonicienne des idées nombres
Calcidius on Fate
Calcidius on Fate
Porphyrios, Προς Μαρκέλλαν (Pròs Markéllan)
Porphyrios, Προς Μαρκέλλαν (Pròs Markéllan)
On the Philosophy of Aristotle
On the Philosophy of Aristotle
Aristotle on Coming-to-Be and Passing-Away
Aristotle on Coming-to-Be and Passing-Away
Calcidius on Matter: His Doctrine and Sources
Calcidius on Matter: His Doctrine and Sources
Studien zum Timaioskommentar des Calcidius
Studien zum Timaioskommentar des Calcidius
In the Grip of the Past
In the Grip of the Past
Series Editors
Frans A.J. de Haas, Leiden University
Irmgard Männlein, University of Tübingen

Advisory Board
Keimpe Algra, Utrecht University
George Boys-Stones, University of Toronto
Philipp Brüllmann, University of Heidelberg
Klaus Corcilius, University of Tübingen
George Karamanolis, University of Vienna
Inna Kupreeva, University of Edinburgh
Mariska Leunissen, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Sara Magrin, University of Pittsburgh
Marije Martijn, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Christopher Moore, Pennsylvania State University
Noburu Notomi, The University of Tokyo
Pauliina Remes, Uppsala University
David Runia, University of Melbourne
Barbara Sattler, Ruhr University Bochum
Frisbee Sheffield, University of Cambridge and Downing College
Svetla Slaveva-Griffin, Florida State University
Carrie Swanson, University of Iowa
Katja Vogt, Columbia University
Christian Wildberg, University of Pittsburgh
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