Philosophy of Religion - World Religions

Jerome Gellman
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This series focuses on philosophy of religion with special interest in philosophy of world religions and constructive theologies of world religions. The series invites submissions on a wide spectrum of philosophical and constructive theological topics in Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Indian religions, Jainism, Taoism, Native American religions, and more, either individually or in combination. Special interest in topics of religious diversity, the problem of evil, esoteric and exoteric religion, the nature of the self, religion and morality, and religion in modernity.
The Question of God's Perfection
Jewish and Christian Essays on the God of the Bible and Talmud
Volume 8
Editor(s): Yoram Hazony and Dru Johnson
Philosophical and Theological Responses to Syncretism
Beyond the Mirage of Pure Religion
Volume 7
Rabbinic Discourse as a System of Knowledge
"The Study of Torah is Equal to them All"
Volume 5
F. C. Baur's Synthesis of Böhme and Hegel
Redefining Christian Theology as a Gnostic Philosophy of Religion
Volume 4
Christianity and the Notion of Nothingness
Contributions to Buddhist-Christian Dialogue from the Kyoto School
Volume 2
Editor(s): Martin Repp
Jerome Gellman, Ben Gurion University

Editorial Board:
Imran Aijaz, Department of Literature, Philosophy, and The Arts
University of Michigan-Dearborn: Islamic Philosophy, analytic philosophy of religion
Alan Brill, Cooperman/Ross Endowed Chair for Jewish-Christian Studies, Department of Religion and Jewish-Christian Studies Graduate Program, Seton Hall University: Jewish Philosophy and theology, Jewish-Christian relations, Religions of India
Amber L. Griffioen, Center for Philosophy of Religion, University of Notre Dame: philosophy of religion, comparative mysticism, feminist philosophy of religion
Alan Padgett, Professor of Systematic Theology, Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN: Christian theology, Western Philosophy, Science and Religion
Galia Patt-Shamir, Department of East Asian Studies and Department of Philosophy, Tel-Aviv University: Chinese Philosophy, Comparative Philosophy, Ethics, Philosophy of Religion, Neo-Confucianism, Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism
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