Michael Wesley Zellmann-Rohrer Search for other papers by Michael Wesley Zellmann-Rohrer in Current site Google Scholar PubMedClose
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum is an annual publication collecting newly published Greek inscriptions and studies on previously known documents. Every volume contains the harvest of a single year and covers the entire Greek world. Material later than the 8th century A.D. is not included.
SEG presents complete Greek texts of all new inscriptions with a critical apparatus; it summarizes new readings, interpretations and studies of known inscriptions, and occasionally presents the Greek text of these documents.
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum is also available as an online database. For more information please view
Editors: J.-M. Carbon,
Queen's University, A. Chaniotis,
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, T. Corsten,
University of Vienna, N. Papazarkadas,
University of California, Berkeley, E. Stavrianopoulou,
University of Heidelberg, and M.W. Zellmann-Rohrer,
Free University of Berlin Associate Editors: G. Kantor, P. Paschidis, and E. Sverkos
Assistant Editors: M. Hallmannsecker, J. Hua, M.B. Richardson, F. Santini, V. Scheibelreiter-Gail, and E. Vance
Advisory Editors: D. Dana, L. Di Segni, C. Dobias-Lalou, K. Hallof, A. Łajtar, M.L. Lazzarini, A.P. Matthaiou, H.W. Pleket