Studies in EU External Relations is a peer-reviewed book series dedicated to the legal, political, trade and historical aspects of the EU's relations with non-member states or regions or other international organisations.
Focusing on the EU's position and role in the world, the series covers the Union’s bilateral as well as its multilateral relations with third countries. This coverage extends to institutional, legal and political issues on or affecting external relations, as well as to specific sectoral substantive topics, including migration, defence or trade matters for example. The series also includes monographs on the external dimension of substantive domestic EU policies (competition, environment, etc). In addition, the series welcomes studies on various facets of the EU enlargement phenomenon and the European Neighbourhood Policy.
Manuscript Submission:
Authors are cordially invited to submit proposals and/or full manuscripts to
Marie Sheldon.
For further information on book proposals and manuscript submission, please see our
Author Gateway.
Editorial Board: Marise Cremona (European University Institute); Günter Burghardt (former EU ambassador Washington); Alan Dashwood (University of Cambridge); Frank Hoffmeister (European Commission); Peter Van Elsuwege (Ghent University, GELI); Federico Casolari (Università di Bologna); Cecile Rapoport (Université de Rennes); Christophe Hillion (University of Oslo)
Studies in EU External Relations is an indispensable series for libraries of EU institutes worldwide, European Documentation Centres, academics, officials, practitioners dealing with EU law and policies, national and international institutions and political bodies.