Studies in EU External Relations

Marc Maresceau
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Studies in EU External Relations is a peer-reviewed book series dedicated to the legal, political, trade and historical aspects of the EU's relations with non-member states or regions or other international organisations.

Focusing on the EU's position and role in the world, the series covers the Union’s bilateral as well as its multilateral relations with third countries. This coverage extends to institutional, legal and political issues on or affecting external relations, as well as to specific sectoral substantive topics, including migration, defence or trade matters for example. The series also includes monographs on the external dimension of substantive domestic EU policies (competition, environment, etc). In addition, the series welcomes studies on various facets of the EU enlargement phenomenon and the European Neighbourhood Policy.

Manuscript Submission:

Authors are cordially invited to submit proposals and/or full manuscripts to Marie Sheldon.

For further information on book proposals and manuscript submission, please see our Author Gateway.
The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy as a Legal Actor
Liber Amicorum in Honour of Stephan Marquardt
Volume 25
Data Protection and Interoperability in EU External Relations
Guaranteeing Global Data Transfers in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
Volume 24
EU Anti-corruption Efforts in the Eastern Neighbourhood
The Ambitions-Capability gap of the European Union
Volume 23
The EU's Conceptualisation of the Rule of Law in its External Relations
Case Studies on Development Cooperation and Enlargement
Volume 22
The European Union's Contribution to International Peace and Security
Liber Amicorum in honour of Gert-Jan van Hegelsom
Volume 21
Switzerland and the EU
A Challenging Relationship
Volume 20
Principled Pragmatism in Practice
The EU’s Policy towards Russia after Crimea
Volume 19
Law and Practice of the Common Commercial Policy
The first 10 years after the Treaty of Lisbon
Volume 18
EU External Relations Post-Lisbon
The Law and Practice of Facultative Mixity
Volume 16
The External Dimension of EU Social Security Coordination
Towards a Common EU Approach
Volume 15
The Future of International Competition Law Enforcement
An Assessment of the EU’s Cooperation Efforts
Volume 14
The EU as a Global Actor - Bridging Legal Theory and Practice
Liber Amicorum in honour of Ricardo Gosalbo Bono
Volume 13
Editor(s): Jenő Czuczai and Frederik Naert
The EU and the Security-Development Nexus
Bridging the Legal Divide
Volume 12
European External Action Service
Promoting Coherence through Autonomy and Coordination
Volume 11
The EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area
A New Legal Instrument for EU Integration Without Membership
Volume 10
EU Management of Global Emergencies
Legal Framework for Combating Threats and Crises
Volume 8
Editor(s): Inge Govaere and Sara Poli
EU Peacebuilding in Kosovo and Afghanistan
Legality and Accountability
Volume 7
The European Union's Emerging International Identity
Views from the Global Arena
Volume 6
The EU and Cyprus
Principles and Strategies of Full Integration
Volume 3
From Soviet Republics to EU Member States (2 vols)
A Legal and Political Assessment of the Baltic States' Accession to the EU
Volume 2
The European Union at the United Nations
The Functioning and Coherence of EU External Representation in a State-centric environment
Volume 1
General Editor: Marc Maresceau

Editorial Board: Marise Cremona (European University Institute); Günter Burghardt (former EU ambassador Washington); Alan Dashwood (University of Cambridge); Frank Hoffmeister (European Commission); Peter Van Elsuwege (Ghent University, GELI); Federico Casolari (Università di Bologna); Cecile Rapoport (Université de Rennes); Christophe Hillion (University of Oslo)
Studies in EU External Relations is an indispensable series for libraries of EU institutes worldwide, European Documentation Centres, academics, officials, practitioners dealing with EU law and policies, national and international institutions and political bodies.
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