Studies in Reformed Theology is an international triennial series that offers thematic volumes with articles on current issues and in-depth monographs in the field of Systematic, Historical and Biblical theology.
Studies in Reformed Theology is edited by the International Reformed Theological Institute (IRTI). Established in 1995, IRTI comprises a world-wide network of scholars involved in Reformed theology. ‘Reformed’ refers to a theology in the tradition of the sixteenth-century reformation in Strasbourg, Zurich and Geneva, as an expression of Christian faith of all times and in all places.
The series published an average of two volumes per year over the last 5 years.
Editor-in-chief: Henk van den Belt, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Editorial Board:
Eddy Van der Borght, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Abraham van de Beek, VU Amsterdam
Martien Brinkman, VU Amsterdam
George Harinck, VU Amsterdam
Dirk van Keulen, Theological University, Kampen
Daniel Migliore, Princeton Theological Seminary
Richard Mouw, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena
Emanuel Gerrit Singgih, Duta Wacana Christian University, Yogjakarta
Pieter Vos, Protestant Theological University, Amsterdam
Conrad Wethmar, University of Pretoria