Selected Works of Juan Luis Vives

Charles Fantazzi
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The study of Vives is mainly still dependent upon the well-known Opera Omnia (Valencia, 1782-1790, 8 volumes) provided by Majansius. Though this edition has manifest merits, it cannot stand the test of present-day criticism. It does not offer a critical apparatus, thus being useless for the study of the evolution of Vives' thought on the basis of the revisions he made in his publications. Nor does it contain a systematically worked out apparatus fontium, which makes it possible to assess Vives' knowledge of the ancient literature, crucial for an accurate understanding of his humanist education and evolution. Finally, the legibility of Majansius' edition is impaired by the often misleading division into paragraphs, rather idiosyncratic orthography and punctuation.
The aim of this series is primarily to provide critical editions. Consequently, the text is accompanied by a critical apparatus and an apparatus fontium, supplemented with 3 indices: an index nominum, an index locorum, and an index verborum memorabilium in which language use at variance with the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae will be indicated.
In addition, an English translation with a restricted set of notes is provided. The main consideration, however, remains the critical edition. The notes to the translation do not replace the information compiled in the apparatus fontium. So, in using the present publication one should not restrict oneself to the right hand page, a fact which the editors wish to emphasize.

General Editor: C. Fantazzi.
De concordia
Critical Edition with Introduction, Translation and Notes
Volume 13
J.L. Vives: De ratione dicendi
Volume 11
J.L. Vives: De veritate fidei Christianae, Book IV
The Christian – Muslim Dialogue
Volume 10
Editor(s): Edward George
J.L. Vives: Declamationes Sullanae II
Introductory Material, Declamations III-V. Edited and Translated with an Introduction
Volume 9
Editor(s): Edward V. George
J.L. Vives: De officio mariti
Introduction, Critical Edition, Translation and Notes
Volume 8
Editor(s): Charles Fantazzi
J.L. Vives: De Institutione Feminae Christianae, Liber Secundus & Liber Tertius
Introduction, Critical Edition, Translation and Notes
Volume 7
J.L. Vives: De Institutione Feminae Christianae, Liber Primus
Introduction, Critical Edition, Translation and Notes
Volume 6
J.L. Vives: Early Writings II
Epistula forti, Vita Ioannis Dullardi, Christi Triumphus, Ovatio Mariae, Clipeus Christi, Praelectio in quartum rhetoricorum ad herennium; Praelectio in convivia Philelphi. Edited by J. IJsewijn and A. Fritsen
Volume 5
J.L. Vives: De Subventione Pauperum sive De Humanis Necessitatibus, Libri II
Introduction, Critical Edition, Translation and Notes
Volume 4
J.L. Vives: De conscribendis Epistolis
Critical Edition with Introduction, Translation and Annotation
Volume 3
Editor(s): Charles Fantazzi
J.L. Vives: Declamationes Sullanae I
Introductory Material, Declamations I and II. Edited and Translated with an Introduction
Volume 2
Editor(s): Edward George
J.L. Vives: Early Writings I
De initiis sectis et laudibus philosophiae, Veritas fucata, Anima senis, Pompeius fugiens. Introduction, Critical Edition, Translation and Notes
Volume 1
General Editor
C. Fantazzi, Greenville, North Carolina

Editorial Committee
E. George, Lubbock, Texas
J. Janssens, Brussels
M. de Schepper, Brussels

Founding Editor: C. Matheeussen †
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