Texts from Golden Age Denmark

Due to numerous translations, Søren Kierkegaard and Hans Christian Andersen have long been familiar names in the anglophone world. However, as is well known inside Denmark, Kierkegaard and Andersen were not isolated figures in the Danish intellectual and artistic scene of the day; rather, they were merely the best-known representatives of an extremely rich period in Danish cultural life that began at the start of the nineteenth century and continued for some fifty or sixty years. This period, which has been designated "the Golden Age of Denmark," is only now coming to be appreciated for its full significance. The main goal of this interdisciplinary series is to make available for the first time in English some of the most important texts from the leading writers and intellectual figures of this period.

Volumes 1-7 have been published by Museum Tusculanum Press, Copenhagen, and can be found here: Texts from Golden Age Denmark.

See also our parallel monograph series, Danish Golden Age Studies.
Jon Stewart is Research Fellow at the Institute of Philosophy of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. He is the author of numerous books on Continental philosophy, Kierkegaard, and the Danish Golden Age.
General Editor
Jon Stewart, Institute of Philosophy of the Slovak Academy of Sciences

Editorial Board
Nassim Bravo, Universidad Panamericana, Aguascalientes, México
Finn Gredal Jensen, Society for Danish Language and Literature
Nathaniel Kramer, Humanities, Classics, and Comparative Literature, Brigham Young University
Gerhard Schreiber, The Helmut Schmidt University/University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg
Katalin Nun Stewart, Institute of Philosophy of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
Scholars and students of Scandinavian Studies, Philosophy, History of Ideas. Institutes and libraries connected to these fields.
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