A Thematic Guide to Documents on the Human Rights of Women


A Thematic Guide to Documents on the Human Rights of Women is the first volume in a new series: The Raoul Wallenberg Institute Human Rights Guides. As the term `guide' implies, the series will facilitate orientation in international human rights standards by presenting the content of substantive standards in a systematic way. The Guides map out the entire range of human rights and fundamental freedoms as they relate to specific categories of beneficiaries. Future volumes will be devoted to children, minorities, indigenous peoples, detainees, migrants, and so on. Volumes are also planned to deal with health, information, and humanitarian relief, in which the category of beneficiary is open ended. In all such areas, those who are professionally involved in human rights activities need guidance to substantive standards, which are neither widely known nor readily accessible.
This first volume establishes the structure to be followed by future Guides. Part 1 groups the relevant provisions from different instruments according to specific rights and freedoms. Part 2 supplies a chronological list of all the instruments that have been excerpted in Part 1, enabling the user to locate the entire document if wished. Part 3 contains an extensive index of all relevant provisions.

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Preface; G. Melander. Introduction. 1. Main Policy Documents. 2. Main Global Human Rights Instruments. 3. Elimination of Gender Discrimination. 4. Political Participation. 5. Development. 6. Environment. 7. Right to Food. 8. Labour Rights. 9. Social Rights. 10. Right to Marry. 11. Right to Found a Family. 12. Protection of Motherhood. 13. Right to Health. 14. Girl Child. 15. Right to Education. 16. Freedom of Information and Mass Media. 17. Slavery, Trafficking and Prostituion. 18. Traditional Practices. 19. Violence Against Women. 20. Women with Disabilities. 21. Administration of Justice. 22. Humanitarian Law. 23. Refugee Women. Index.
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