The Academy is an institution for the study and teaching of public and private international law and related subjects. Its purpose is to encourage a thorough and impartial examination of the problems arising from international relations in the field of law. The courses deal with the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject, including legislation and case law.
All courses at the Academy are, in principle, published in the language in which they were delivered in the
Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law.
This volume contains:
• Les conflits de lois et de juridictions dans un espace économique intégré. L'expérience de la Communauté européenne par M. FALLON, professeur à l'Université catholique de Louvain
• Perspectives from International Economic Law on Transnational Environmental Issues by S. MURASE, Professor at Sophia University, Tokyo.
To access the abstract texts for this volume please click here
Table des matières: M. Fallon: Introduction.
I: Le domaine du régime communautaire de circulation.
II: Les entraves de droit privé.
III: La définition de concepts de droit privé comme préalable à la mise en œuvre de la règle communautaire.
IV: Le contrôle communautaire de la formulation des règles de conflit.
V: L'élaboration de règles de conflit uniformes.
VI: Un contrôle communautaire du fonctionnement des règles de conflit. Conclusion générale.
Table of Contents: S. Murase: I: General introduction.
II: Trade and environment.
III: Extraterritorial application of domestic environmental law.
IV: International control of transnational corporations.
V: Framework for international cooperation and implementation.
Selected bibliography.