The Academy is an institution for the study and teaching of public and private international law and related subjects. Its purpose is to encourage a thorough and impartial examination of the problems arising from international relations in the field of law. The courses deal with the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject, including legislation and case law.
All courses at the Academy are, in principle, published in the language in which they were delivered in the
Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law.
This volume contains:
• Souveraineté territoriale et globalisation des marchés: le domaine d'application des lois contre les restrictions de la concurrence par J. BASEDOW, professeur à l'Université libre de Berlin.
The number of national laws that protect competition against private restrictions are constantly increasing. Their application to trans-boundary situations poses difficult problems for both private international law and public international law. The course deals with both, either with respect to application of the lex fori or with respect to application of foreign laws. • Enforcement in the International Context by K.D. KERAMEUS, Professor at the University of Athens.
In recent years, enforcement proceedings have gone through a comprehensive reform in many countries. Furthermore, modern enforcement increasingly relies on foreign judgements. The course focuses on three subjects: the comparative element in recent codifications and case-law developments in the area of enforcement: salient and converging trends in the enforcement of foreign judgments on the basis of domestic law or international conventions: and the delimitation of lex fori and foreign law during the enforcement proceedings.
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Table des matières - J. Basedow: I: Les pratiques anticoncurrentielles, partie du droit privé et du droit économique.
II: Les lois antitrust, les divisions systématiques du droit et les conflits de lois.
III: Le but de la loi et la règle de conflit non écrite en matière de restrictions de la concurrence.
IV: Le principe de l'effet incident dans l'application des lois sur les ententes dépourvues de règles de conflit positives.
V: Lois sur les ententes comportant des règles de conflit. Généralités.
VI: Rattachement cumulatif à la territorialité subjective et objective: Grande-Bretagne.
VII: Pseudo-territorialité: l'endroit de mise en oeuvre de l'entente et l'unité de l'entreprise en droit européen de la concurrence.
VIII: Le principe de l'effet incident en droit allemand et en droit suisse.
IX: le principe de pondération des intérêts: Etats-Unis d'Amérique.
X: La perspective de l'unification du droit de la concurrence.
Contents - K.D. Kerameus: I: Introduction: enforcement, comparative law and international law.
II: Comparative aspects of requirements to enforcement.
III: Comparative aspects of carrying out enforcement.
IV: Converging trends in the enforcement of foreign judgments.
V: Scope of application of the
lex fori.
VI: Conclusion. Bibliography.