This collection comprises eighteen papers by friends, colleagues and students of Michal A. Knibb on the theme of the transmission of biblical traditions in a variety of contexts. In the main the articles deal with the transmission of biblical traditions in the versions, the pseudepigrapha, at Qumran, and in early Christian writings. The collection as a whole clearly demonstrates the way in which biblical traditions were shaped and re-shaped creatively in the biblical, early Jewish and Christian literature.
Charlotte Hempel, Ph.D. (1995), University of London, is a Birmingham Fellow at the University of Birmingham. She has published extensively on the Dead Sea Scrolls including
The Laws of the Damascus Document (Brill, 1998) and
The Damascus Texts (Sheffield 2000).
Judith Lieu, Ph.D. (1980), is Professor of New Testament Studies at King's College London. She has published extensively on the New Testament and early Christianity including
Image and Reality (Clark, 1996),
Neither Jew nor Greek (Clark, 2003), and
Christian Identity in the Jewish and Graeco-Roman World (Oxford, 2004).
"Although the book is a contribution to honor Professor Knibb, it actually invites the reader to look more into and reread portions of the work of the honored himself. [...] This is a fine tribute." – Gerbern S. Oegema, in:
Review of Biblical Literature, 2007
All those interested in the transmission of biblical traditions in Jewish and Christian sources, especially scholars of the Hebrew Bible, Pseudepigraha, Qumran, and the New Testament.