This collection of essays, published on the occasion of Gerard Luttikhuizen’s retirement, highlights the Egyptian subject-matter, background or provenance of many Jewish, Early Christian, and Gnostic texts. It covers a broad spectrum of themes, genres, and traditions. It shows that Egypt was a vibrant point of reference, sometimes even a focal point and cradle for Jews, Christians, and Gnostics and their thought. The first part of this book examines various aspects of the relation between Judaism and Egypt, mainly in the Graeco-Roman period. The second part deals with several connections between early Christianity and Egypt, whereas the third part considers Egypt as the place where many Gnostic texts were found. This collection pays homage to Gerard Luttikhuizen’s life-long interest in Egypt and Gnosticism.
Anthony Hilhorst, Ph.D. (Nijmegen, 1976) in Classics, is Lecturer Emeritus at the University of Groningen. He acted as Secretary to the Journal for the Study of Judaism and has published on early Christian texts and culture.
George H. van Kooten, Ph.D. (Leiden, 2001) in Theology, is Lecturer in New Testament and Early Christian Studies at the University of Groningen. He has published on the Graeco-Roman background of Judaism and Christianity.
Mit Sicherheit ist es den Herausgebern gelungen, dem Geehrten mit diesem überaus reichen Sammelband einen bunten Strauß zu überreichen, der seinem vielfältigen, anhand einer umfangreichen Bibliographie am Ende des Buchs nachvollziehbaren wissenschaftlichen Wirken, das immer auch der faszinierenden Vielfalt des frühen Christentums in Auseinandersetzung mit seiner Umwelt galt (und von dem man auch in Zukunft noch viele weitere, reiche Früchte erhofft), gerecht werden kann.'
Tobias Nicklas,
Review of Biblical Literature, 2005.
..a fine reflection of the broad research interests of the honorand Paul Foster,
Journal for the Study of the New Testament, 2006
Contributors 1.Prof. E. Noort, University of Groningen
2.Prof. J.W. van Henten, University of Amsterdam
3.Prof. P.W. van der Horst, University of Utrecht
4.Dr J.T.A.G.M. van Ruiten, University of Groningen
5.Dr E.J.C. Tigchelaar, University of Groningen
6.Prof. F. García Martínez, University of Groningen
7.Prof. J. Tubach, Institut für Orientalistik, Halle
8.Dr L.J. Lietaert Peerbolte, Kampen Theological University
9.Prof. H. te Velde Prof. Emeritus Groningen
10.Dr J. van Dijk, University of Groningen
11.Prof. R. Kugler, Lewis & Clark College, USA
12.Ms J. Loman, Groningen
13.Prof. M.M.J. Menken, Catholic University Utrecht
14.Dr Monika Pesthy, Budapest
15.Dr A. Hilhorst, Lecturer Emeritus Groningen
16.Dr H.W.M. van de Sandt, University of Tilburg
17.Dr G.H. van Kooten, University of Groningen
18.Prof. R. Roukema, Kampen Theological University
19.Prof. J. Bremmer, University of Groningen
20.Dr I. Czachesz, University of Groningen
21.Dr L. Roig Lanzillotta, University of Córdoba, Spain
22.Dr A. Hogeterp, Catholic University of Louvain
23.Prof. A. Jakab, Budapest
24.Prof. M.W. Meyer, Chapman University, USA
25.Dr J. van der Vliet, University of Leiden
26.Prof. A.P. Bos, Free University Amsterdam
27.Dr H.A. Bakker, Katwijk aan Zee
28. Prof. J. Bolyki, Budapest
29. Dr Annewies van den Hoek & John Herrmann, Lecturer Harvard Divinity School & Curator of classical art at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
All those interested in Egypt in antiquity, Judaism of the Graeco-Roman period, the New Testament, Early Christianity, and Gnosticism, theologians as well as ancient historians, and coptologists.