Is Violence Inevitable in Africa?

Theories of Conflict and Approaches to Conflict Prevention


This volume is an attempt to analyse the causes of violent conflict in Africa, to review the various approaches to conflict prevention and conflict resolution and to discuss some of the practical difficulties in ending violence. It brings together a wide range of scholars and practitioners, with specialist knowledge of a large number of African countries. The intention here is to provide a survey of the various approaches to conflict in Africa, a systematic discussion of some of the root causes of violence, as well as case studies on the consequences of violence and the effects of conflict resolution.

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Ulf Engel, Dr. phil. habil. (1999), Dr. phil. (1994) in Political Science, University of Hamburg, is Associate Professor at the University of Leipzig. His work includes Africa and the North (Routledge, 2005) and Die Afrikapolitik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1949-1999 (Lit-Verlag, 2002).
Anna Maria Gentili, is Professor of History and Institutions of Afro-Asian Countries at the University of Bologna. Major publications include Elites e Regimi politici in Africa Occidentale (1974), Africa come storia (1980) and Il Leone e il cacciatore. Storia dell’Africa subsahariana (1995).
Patrick Chabal, is a Professor in the University of London. His latest books are Africa Works (1999), A History of Postcolonial Lusophone Africa (2002) and Power in Africa (1994). He will publish in 2005 a book on culture and politics.

Violence, Power and Rationality: A Political Analysis of Conflict in Contemporary Africa Patrick Chabal

Part One
Explaining Conflict and Understanding Conflict Prevention in Africa
1 Angola and the Theory of War Christopher Cramer

2 Ethnicity and Citizenship in Sub Saharan Africa Anna-Maria Gentili

3 Natural Resources, Scarcity and Conflict: a Perspective from Below Mirjam de Bruijn & Han van Dijk

4 Empirical Perspectives on African Conflict Resolution Klaas van Walraven

5 Area Studies, the Analysis of Conflict and the Evaluation of Preventive Practice in Africa Andreas Mehler

Part Two
Managing Conflict and Implementing Conflict Resolution in Africa
6 The Social Cost of Conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo Theodore Trefon

7 Assessing Africa’s two-phase Peace Implementation Process: Power-sharing and Democratization Donald Rothchild

8 Administrative Decentralisation and Political Conflict in Mali Gerti Hesseling & Han van Dijk

9 Principles for Conflict Transformation: Practicioners in Africa Shamil Idriss

Violent Conflict and Conflict Prevention in Africa: An Alternative Research Agenda Ulf Engel


All those interested in violent conflicts, the academic discussion on root causes of violent conflict and the international politics of conflict prevention in Sub-Saharan Africa.
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