The bibliography lists about 10.000 titles of monographs, collections and articles in the field of the philosophy of religion and philosophical theology that appeared between 1955 and 2005. The majority of them are in the English language but publications in German, Dutch and French are listed as well. Though it is not claimed to be exhaustive, the bibliography offers a fairly representative survey of scholarly work on the main topics of interest.
Publications have been systematically classified according to eleven main categories:
Introductions, Surveys and Historical Issues (Part I),
Religious Language (Part II),
Religious Experience (Part III),
Religious Epistemology (Part IV) ,
Theism (Part V),
Hermeneutics (Part VI),
Religion and Science (Part VII),
Religion and Aesthetics (Part VIII),
Religion and Morality (Part IX),
Religious Pluralism (Part X) and
Feminist Philosophy of Religion (Part XI). Part III has been subdivided into
Religious Experience and
Mystical Experience, Part VII into
The Concept of God, (arguments for)
The Existence of God,
The Problem of Evil and
Atheism, and Part VII into
General and Historical Issues,
Theological Issues and
(implications of) Modern Physics, Cosmology and Biology.
The bibliography will particularly be useful to scholars, teachers and students in the philosophy of religion, philosophical theology and systematic theology as well as to those who are interested, professionally or otherwise, in the results of academic scholarship in those fields.
Andy F. Sanders holds a Ph.D. in philosophy of religion and is professor of the philosophy of religion at the faculty of theology and religious studies of the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. His research interests are in religious epistemology, Polanyi studies, Kierkegaard and Contemplative philosophy of religion. He is author of
Michael Polanyi’s Post-Critical Epistemology and editor of
D.Z. Phillips’ Contemplative Philosophy of Religion.
Kristof de Ridder has been a teaching assistant of the department in 2005. In that year he was a trainee at Brill at Leiden. He is currently preparing his master’s thesis in the anthropology of religion.
The bibliography offers rich resources for research, teaching and orientational purposes to all those who are working on, or interested in, the perennial questions of religion, in particular scholars and students working in the field of philosophy of religion, philosophical theology, systematic theology and the field of science and religion.