This volume centres on a detailed analysis of the whole corpus of Horace’s work by Edward Courtney (
Satires), Elaine Fantham (
Epistles I and
Odes IV), Hans-Christian Günther (
Odes I – III,
Carmen Saeculare and
Epistles II) and Tobias Reinhardt (
Ars Poetica). The latter is preceeded by a detailed account of Horace’s life and work in general by H.-C. Günther. Two appendices on the transmission of the text (E. Courtney) and style and metre (Peter Knox) conclude the volume. It is aimed at students and scholars of classical and modern literature who seek comprehensive orientation on all aspects of Horace’s work. All quotations from Latin and Greek are translated.
Hans-Christian Günther is Professor of Classics at the University of Freiburg. He has published extensively on Augustan Poetry (i.a.
Brill's Companion to Propertius), Ancient and modern Greek poetry and philosophy. He is also the author of numerous verse translations from Latin, Italian, Modern Greek and Georgian.
Contributors: Edward Courtney, Elaine Fantham, Hans-Christian Günther, Peter Knox, Tobias Reinhardt
Insgesamt ist der Companion sehr zu empfehlen: Einsteiger auf dem Gebiet der Horazforschung oder der augusteischen Dichtung, für die alle Zitate auch in Übersetzung angeführt sind, werden eine verläßliche Orientierung zu den verschiedenen Gattungen sowie zu fast allen Gedichten finden; aber auch Kenner der Materie werden zahlreiche neue und stimulierende Einblicke gewinnen können." Johannes Breuer,
Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2013.12.09
1. Horace’s Life and Work,
Hans-Christian Günther 2. The Two Books of Satires,
Edward Courtney 3. The Book of
Hans-Christian Günther 4. The First Collection of Odes:
Carmina I – III,
Hans-Christian Günther 5. The First Book of Letters,
Elaine Fantham 6. The
Carmen Saeculare,
Hans-Christian Günther 7. The Fourth Book of
Elaine Fantham 8. The Second Book of Letters,
Hans-Christian Günther 9. The
Ars Poetica,
Tobias Reinhardt 10. Language, Style, and Metre in Horace,
Peter E. Knox 11. The Transmission of the Text of Horace,
Edward Courtney
All those interested in classical studies, ancient literature and history.