Flavius Josephus: Translation and Commentary, Volume 1B: Judean War 2


Volume 1b in Brill's Josephus Project contains Book 2 of Josephus' Judean War (translation and commentary). This book deals with a period of enormous consequence: from King Herod's death (4 BCE) to the first phase of the war against Rome (66 CE). It covers: the succession struggle, the governments of Herod's sons, Judea's incorporation as a Roman province, some notable governors (including Pilate), Kings Agrippa I and II, the Judean philosophical schools (featuring the Essenes), various rebel movements and the Sicarii, tensions between Judeans and their neighbors, events leading up to the revolt, the failed intervention of the Syrian legate Cestius Gallus, and preparations for war in Judea and Galilee. The commentary aims at a balance between historical and literary issues.

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Steve Mason, Ph.D. (1986, St. Michael's) is Professor of History and Philosophy, King's College, University of Aberdeen. Editor of the Brill Josephus Project, he has published extensively on Josephus, including Flavius Josephus on the Pharisees (Brill, 1991).
"...we are grateful to have this detailed and sensitive commentary on War 2 [...]. As usual in this series, the concern is to uncover and explain Josephus' meaning. Here Mason has delved deep into historical, literary and linguistic reference tools to produce this impressive and illuminating commentary on a text of especial interest to readers of the New Testament." – J.K. Elliott, Novum Testamentum 52.2 (2010)
"...der vorgelegte Band, der durch ausführliche Register gut erschlossen wird, [ist] ein nicht hoch genug zu schätzendes Instrument für jede weitere Forschung zum wichtigen zweiten Buch des Bellum wie auch für die Josephus-Forschung insgesamt." – Manfred Vogel, Journal for the Study of Judaism 41 (2010)


Text and Commentary

Index of Ancient Persons and Places

Index of Greek Words

Index of Ancient Texts

Index of Modern Scholars


All those interested in the eastern Roman empire, ancient Judea and Judaism, Jesus' world and the background to Christian origins, as well as classical philologists.
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Koninklijke Brill B.V. 
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