The Academy is a prestigious international institution for the study and teaching of Public and Private International Law and related subjects. The work of the Hague Academy receives the support and recognition of the UN. Its purpose is to encourage a thorough and impartial examination of the problems arising from international relations in the field of law. The courses deal with the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject, including legislation and case law.
All courses at the Academy are, in principle, published in the language in which they were delivered in the
Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law.
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Co-publication with: The Hague Academy of International Law.
The Modern Approach to Private International Law. International Litigation and Transactions from a Common-Law Perspective. General Course on Public International Law by
T.C. Hartley, Professor Emeritus at the London School of Economics.
Multilateral Rights and Obligations in International Law by
J. Crawford, Director, Lauterpacht Centre for International Law.
These lectures explore the concept of multilateral rights and obligations in international law, against the background of the ILC’s work on State responsibility, for which Professor Crawford was Special Rapporteur. Against the background of an initial conceptual analysis, they trace (1) the historical development of multilateral law-making in the period prior to the Treaty of Versailles, (2) the multilateral elements in the two post-war orders (League Covenant and UN Charter), and what it means to say that such instruments have “constitutional” significance: (3) the “sources” of multilateral rights and obligations, and their compatibility with the notion that international law is a system without a developed normative hierarchy; (4) the notion of standing to claim for breaches of multilateral obligations, as now embodied in Article 48 of the ILC Articles; and (5) the move away from “international crimes of State” to peremptory norms and the obligations of third States in relation to the serious breaches.