Francis of Marchia - Theologian and Philosopher

A Franciscan at the University of Paris in the Early Fourteenth Century

Over the past fifteen years Francis of Marchia (fl. 1320) has finally begun to receive the kind of attention his contemporary Franciscan confreres John Duns Scotus, Peter Auriol, and William of Ockham have enjoyed for decades. Marchia, a master of theology at the University of Paris, has emerged as an exciting thinker who made original contributions in areas ranging from modal theory to trinitarian theology. This volume capitalizes on the studies on and critical editions of the works of Marchia published since 1991, treating some of his often distinct and influential doctrines in cosmology, physics, metaphysics, ethics, and politics, based on his three main works: his commentaries on the Sentences and Aristotle's Metaphysics and his Improbatio written against Pope John XXII.
Contributors include: Fabrizio Amerini, Russell L. Friedman, Roberto Lambertini, Andrea Robiglio, Chris Schabel, Mark Thakkar, and Fabio Zanin.

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Russell L. Friedman, Ph.D. (1997), Iowa, is Professor of Medieval Philosophy at the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium). His research and publications deal primarily with later medieval philosophy and theology, especially cognitive theory and trinitarian theology.
Chris Schabel, Ph.D. (1994), Iowa, teaches at the University of Cyprus. Specializing in intellectual history and the Latin East, he recently published Theological Quodlibeta in the Middle Ages: The Thirteenth Century (2006) and, with A. Nicolaou-Konnari, Cyprus – Society and Culture 1191-1374 (2005), both with Brill.
"...Insgesamt wird man den Herausgebern für diesen gelungenen Sammelband dankbar sein, bringt er doch an der Forschungsfront Licht in undeutliche Verhältnisse der geistesgeschichtlichen Entwicklung in der ersten Hälfte des 14. Jhs..."
Francia-Recensio (2008), 4 (
Jürgen Miethke, Universität Heidelberg
“...[O]n ne peut donc que saluer la publication de ce volume spécial de , qui fournit une contribution nouvelle et importante à une meilleure connaissance de François de la Marche, mais aussi, et plus généralement, à celle de la culture philosophique du début du XIVe siècle... [L]es contributions publiées ici élargissent sensiblement notre connaissance de la pensée de François de la Marche, dont elles montrent par ailleurs la valeur incontournable dans la reconstitution du panorama intellectuel de la première moitié du XIVe siècle...”
Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie 54.3 (2007), pp. 657-660, T. Suarez-Nani
"...This book is an exemplar of method and erudition in medieval studies and will be of great interest to both specialists and students of scholastic philosophy and theology..."
Religious Studies Review 34.3 (2008), p. 213a-b, S. Kitanov
Russell L. Friedman and Chris Schabel, Introduction
Mark Thakkar, Francis of Marchia on the Heavens
Chris Schabel, Francis of Marchia’s Virtus derelicta and the Context of Its Development
Fabio Zanin, Francis of Marchia, Virtus derelicta, and Modifications of the Basic Principles of Aristotelian Physics
Fabrizio Amerini, Utrum inhaerentia sit de essentia accidentis. Marchia and the Debate on the Nature of Accidents
Andrea A. Robiglio, Francis of Marchia and the Act of the Will
Roberto Lambertini, Francis of Marchia and William of Ockham: Fragments from a Dialogue
All those interested in medieval intellectual history, particularly theology, physics, cosmology, metaphysics, and political thought at the University of Paris in the age of Scotus, Auriol, Ockham, and Buridan.
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