Untold War

New Perspectives in First World War Studies


Complex, brutal and challenging, the First World War continues to inspire dynamic research and debate. The third volume to emerge from the pioneering work of the International Society for First World War Studies, this collection of new essays reveals just how plural the conflict actually was – its totalizing tendencies are shown here to have paradoxically produced diversity, innovation and difference, as much as they also gave rise to certain similarities across wartime societies. Exploring the nature of this 'plural war,' the contributions to this volume cover diverse themes such as combat, occupation, civic identity, juvenile delinquency, chaplains, art and remembrance, across a wide range of societies, including Germany, France, Britain, German colonial Africa, Belgium and Romania. With chapters on both military and cultural history, this book highlights how the first total war of the twentieth century changed social, cultural and military perceptions to an untold extent.
Contributors: Alan Kramer, Dan Todman, Claudia Siebrecht, Vanessa Ther, Jan Vermeiren, Wencke Meteling, Daniel Steinbach, Aurore François, Edward Madigan, Catriona Pennell, François Bouloc, Sonja Müller, Joëlle Beurier, Lisa Mayerhofer, Heather Jones, Christoph Schmidt-Supprian, Jennifer O'Brien.

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Heather Jones is a Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute, Florence. She is a graduate of Trinity College Dublin and St John’s College, Cambridge. In 2006, she completed her Ph.D. on the treatment of prisoners of war in Britain, France and Germany, 1914-1920 which was awarded the Eda Sagarra Medal. She is a former Government of Ireland Research Scholar in the Humanities and Social Sciences and a former IRCHSS lecturer in history at Trinity College, Dublin.

Jennifer O’Brien is a postgraduate student at Trinity College Dublin, where she is completing a Ph.D. on Irish-German relations between 1919 and 1923 under the supervision of Professor David Fitzpatrick. Her research interests include the use of propaganda during the Irish War of Independence and the emergence of an independent Irish policy and she has recently published an article on Irish attitudes to the Risorgimento in Irish Historical Studies.

Christoph Schmidt-Supprian studied English Literature and History at Trinity College Dublin, where he also completed his Ph.D. (2006) on 'The Antwerp Question: the Significance of the Port City of Antwerp for Germany during the First World War.' He currently combines his interests in historical research with a professional qualification in librarianship.
List of Illustrations
List of Tables
List of Contributors

John Horne

Introduction: Untold War
Heather Jones, Jennifer O’Brien and Christoph Schmidt-Supprian

Section I: Combat Experienced and Imagined

German and French Regiments on the Western Front, 1914-1918*
Wencke Meteling

Hidden Courage: Post-War Literature and Anglican Army Chaplains on the Western Front, 1914-1918
Edward Madigan

‘The Germans Have Landed!’: Invasion Fears in the South-East of England, August to December 1914
Catriona Pennell

Section II: Redefining Civic and National Spaces

Making Friends and Foes: Occupiers and Occupied in First World War Romania (1916-1918)
Lisa Mayerhofer

From Street Walking to the Convent: Young Prostitutes Judged by the Juvenile Court of Brussels during World War One
Aurore François

Defending the ‘Heimat’: the Germans in South West Africa and East Africa during the First World War
Daniel Rouven Steinbach

The ‘Rebirth of Greater Germany’: the Austro-German Alliance and the Outbreak of War?
Jan Vermeiren

Section III: Interpreting Warfare

Toys, Games and Juvenile Literature in Germany and Britain during the First World War. A Comparison ?
Sonja Müller

The Mater Dolorosa on the Battlefield – Mourning Mothers in German Women’s Art of the First World War
Claudia Siebrecht

Information, Censorship or Propaganda? The Illustrated French Press in the First World War
Joëlle Beurier

‘War Profiteers’ and ‘War Profiters’: Representing Economic Gain in France during the First World War.
François Bouloc

Section IV: the Challenge of Remembrance

‘Humans are Cheap and the Bread is Dear.’ the Republican Portrayal of the War Experience in Germany *
Vanessa Ther

The First World War and German Memory
Alan Kramer

The First World War in contemporary British Popular Culture
Dan Todman

All scholars of the First World War, particularly those interested in questions of wartime occupation, combat, art, military history, cultural history; also academic libraries, war studies institutes and archives which have research libraries attached.
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