Religion inside and outside Traditional Institutions


Changes in the religious landscape present challenges to conceptualization, methodology and empirical research of religion. The volume, Religion inside and outside Traditional Institutions, which includes contributions to the 2nd conference of the International Society for Empirical Research in Theology (ISERT) in Bielefeld, Germany, responds to these contemporary challenges. While the concept of religious praxis is their common theme, they include a focus on deinstitutionalized religion. The contributions in the first part present and discuss a variety of innovative conceptual, paradigmatic and methodological approaches. Distinguished reports from quantitative and qualitative empirical research make up the second part of this volume. Taken together, they may inspire conceptual and methodological discussion and encourage further research in empirical theology. Contributors include: Johannes A. van der Ven, Leslie J. Francis, Hans-Günter Heimbrock, Tobias Kläden, Chris Hermans, Hans Schilderman, Kees de Groot, Don S. Browning, Stefan Huber, Ulrich Feeser-Lichterfeld, Anke Terörde, Angela Kaupp, Astrid Dinter, Carsten Gennerich.

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Pages: 1–4
Authors’ Biographies
Pages: 317–320
Pages: 321–322
Heinz Streib (Ph.D., 1989, Emory University, Atlanta, U.S.A.; Habilitation, 1995, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt/M., Germany) is Professor for Religious Education and Ecumenical Theology at the Universität Bielefeld, Germany. One of his theoretical projects is faith development theory and method. His more recent empirical research has focussed on deconversion.

Introduction ... 1
Heinz Streib

Theoretical Perspectives: Account for Religious Praxis and De-Institutionalized Religion in Empirical Theology Three Paradigms for the Study of Religion ... 7
Johannes A. van der Ven

Empirical Theology: Defining the Task and Selecting the Tools ... 35
Leslie J. Francis

From Action to Lived Experience: Considering Methodological Problems of Modern Practical Theology ... 55
Hans-Günter Heimbrock

Empirical Theology and Brain Research ... 79
Tobias Kläden

Practical Theology Theory-Building Based on a Pragmatic Notion of Weak Rationality ... 93
Chris Hermans

Ritual Praxis. Defining Passage Rites from an Action Perspective ... 125
Hans Schilderman

Religious Praxis—De-Institutionalized. Theoretical and Empirical Considerations ... 147
Heinz Streib

Rethinking Church in Liquid Modernity ... 175
Kees de Groot

Empirical Considerations in Religious Praxis and Reflection in the Teaching Situation: A Conceptual Map ... 193
Don Browning

Empirical Results on Religious Praxis and De-Institutionalized Religion Are Religious Beliefs Relevant In Daily Life? ... 209
Stefan Huber

Religious Development in a Lifespan Perspective ... 231
Ulrich Feeser-Lichterfeld, Tobias Kläden & Anke Terörde

Religiosity and Gender Identity of Female Adolescents. Narrative Religious Identity of Young Catholic Woman ... 247
Angela Kaupp

Adolescents and Computer-Based New Media. Paradigmatic Insights of an Empirical Field Study on the Structure of Empirical Theology ... 269

Predicting Trust in the Pastor—A German Study ... 291
Carsten Gennerich

Author’s Biographies ... 317
All interested in the discussion about conceptualization, paradigm construction and methodology in empirical theology and in empirical research on contemporary religion.
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