Studies in the Making of the Early Hebrew Book


Studies in the Making of the Early Hebrew Book is a collection of twenty-four essays on various aspects of Hebrew book production in the 16th through 18th centuries. The subject matter encompasses little known printing-presses, makers of Hebrew books, and book arts. The print-shops were in such locations as Padua, Freiburg-im-Breisgau, Verona, and the first presses in Livorno. Among the makers of Hebrew books are a peripatetic printer, a chief rabbi accused of plagiarism, a convert to Judaism, and a court Jew. Book arts address the titling of Hebrew books, dating by means of chronograms, printers’ pressmarks, mirror-image monograms, and the development of the Talmudic page. The book is completed with miscellaneous but related articles on early Hebrew book sale catalogues, worker to book production ratio in an eighteenth century press, and an attempt to circumvent the Inquisition’s ban on the printing of the Talmud in sixteenth Century Italy.

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Pages: 323–345
Pages: 347–419
Marvin J. Heller is a specialist in Hebrew book history. His books include Printing the Talmud: A History of the Individual Treatises Printed from 1700 to 1750 and The Sixteenth Century Hebrew Book: An Abridged Thesaurus, recipients, respectively, of the 1999 and 2004 bibliography award of the Association of Jewish Libraries.
Hebrew Book Arts
1. Mars and Minerva on the Hebrew Title Page
2. The Printer’s Mark of Immanuel Benveniste and its Later Influence
3. Mirror-image Monograms as Printers’ Devices on Title Pages of Hebrew Books Printed in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
4. The Cover Design, “The Printer’s Mark of Marco Antonio Giustiniani and the Printing Houses that Utilized It”
5. Chronograms on Title Pages in Selected Eighteenth Century Editions of the Talmud
6. Adderet Eliyahu; a Study in the Titling of Hebrew Books
7. Designing the Talmud: The Origins of the Printed Talmudic Page
Makers and Places of Hebrew Books
8. Early Hebrew Printing from Lublin to Safed: The Journeys of Eliezer ben Isaac Ashkenazi
9. “There were in Padua almost as many Hebrew printers as Hebrew books.” The Sixteenth Century Hebrew Press in Padua
10. Ambrosius Froben, Israel Zifroni, and Hebrew Printing in Freiburg-im-Breisgau
11. A Little Known Chapter in Hebrew Printing: Francesco dalle Donne and the beginning of Hebrew Printing in Verona in the Sixteenth Century
12. Jedidiah ben Isaac Gabbai and the First Decade of Hebrew Printing in Livorno
13. Abraham ben Raphael Meldola and the Resumption of Printing in Livorno
14. David ben Aryeh Leib of Lida and his Migdal David: Accusations of Plagiarism in Eighteenth Century Amsterdam
15. Moses Benjamin Wulff—Court Jew
16. Moses ben Abraham Avinu and his Printing-Presses
17. Giovanni Bernardo de Rossi’s Dictionary of Hebrew Authors (Dizionario Storico degli Autori Ebrei e delle Loro Opere)
18. The Hebrew Book-Trade as Reflected in Book Catalogues
19. Observations on the Worker to Book Production Ratio in an Eighteenth Century Hebrew Printing-House
20. And the Work, the Work of Heaven, was Performed on Shabbat
21. His Hand Did Not Leave Hers Until He Was Grown: Two Little Known Works from Moses Cordovero (Ramak)
22. The Bath-Sheba/Moses de Medina Salonika Edition of Berakhot: An Unknown Attempt to Circumvent the Inquisition’s Ban on the Printing of the Talmud in16th-Century Italy
23. Observations on a Little Known Edition of Tractate Niddah (Prague, c. 1608) and its Relationship to the Talmudic Methodology of the Maharal of Prague
24. Observations on the Reprinting of Kesef Nivhar
Anyone interested in any facet of the Hebrew book, particularly Hebrew book history, bibliography, literature, Jewish history, as well as general book arts.
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