Beyond Systemic Discrimination

Educational Rights, Skills Acquisition and the Case of Roma


This coherent and pragmatically relevant monograph examines the soundness of the legal framework in education. Deriving from the disadvantage doctrine, it presents an analytical scheme for diagnosing whether or not domestic education law is in harmony with international human rights and minority rights law. The book examines law as a system and focuses on the reported perpetuation of educational disadvantage among Roma all over Europe. This focus suggests that minority individuals falling into several partly overlapping categories may become subjected to educational discrimination even by states that appear to fulfil relevant international standards. A functional approach to skills acquisition is suggested as a constructive way forward towards sustainable and inclusive education systems.

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Dr. Päivi Gynther, a non-resident research associate of the Erik Castrén Institute, Helsinki, and the Inter-university Centre for Education Law, Antwerp, is mostly living and working in Turku Archipelago. She has written extensively on challenges of post-modern times for education law.
PART I Generating The Frame; 1. Introduction; 2. Analytical Starting Points; PART II Validating The Frame; 3. Rights; 4. Recognition Of Rights-Holders; 5. Resources; 6. Representation; PART III Contextualising The Frame; 7. The Law Of Education From The Viewpoint Of Roma; 8. Concluding Remarks On Justification Of The 4r Scheme; Summary; Chapter-Specific Summary Tables; Bibliography; Table Of International Instruments; Interpretative Documents; Table Of Cases; Index.
Law and policy experts and activists interested in promoting sustainable education for deprived youth and adults, in particular constitutional rights researchers, minority rights researchers and educational researchers in the area of European policy.
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