Sulla, the Elites and the Empire

A Study of Roman Policies in Italy and the Greek East


This book is a study of Sulla’s policies in Italy and in the Greek East. Its main aim is to show how Sulla revived Rome’s alliances with the local elites at a critical moment for the survival of her Mediterranean hegemony. The discussion calls into play a wide range of political, economic and religious issues, and the argument is developed from three complementary standpoints: role of elites, administration, and ideology. Sulla, the Elites and the Empire deals with both the impact of a prominent individual and the impact of the Roman empire. It sets outs to offer a new understanding of Sulla and his age and, more generally, to contribute to the understanding of the late Roman Republic.

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Pages: 1–14
Pages: 15–18
Pages: 103–105
Pages: 195–197
Pages: 225–229
Pages: 233–281
General Index
Pages: 293–300
Federico Santangelo (1979) is Lecturer in Classics at the University of Wales, Lampeter. He has studied at the Collegio Superiore, Bologna and at University College London. His main research interest is the history of the Roman Republic, and this is his first book.
Given its original approach and implications for understanding the long-term impact of Sulla’s policies, this study will be of great interest to those concerned with the social and political history of the last century of the Roman Republic, a tumultuous, yet defining moment in history.
Christopher J. Dart (University of Melbourne), Ancient West and East 10 (2011)
All those interested in Roman Republican history, the history of Roman Italy, the history of the Greek East, the history of Roman religion.
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