Tibetan Transitions

Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Fertility, Family Planning, and Demographic Change


Tibetan Transitions uses the dual lenses of anthropology and demography to analyze population regulating mechanisms in traditional Tibetan societies, and to document recent transitions from high to low fertility throughout the Tibetan world. Using the author’s case studies on historical Tibet, the Tibet Autonomous Region, the highlands of Nepal, and Tibetan exile communities in South Asia, this book provides a theoretical perspective on demographic processes by linking fertility transitions with family systems, economic strategies, gender equity, and family planning ideologies. Special attention is devoted to how institutions (governmental and religious) and the agency of individuals shape reproductive outcomes in both historical and contemporary Tibetan societies, and how demographic data has been interpreted and deployed in recent political debates.

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Geoff Childs, Ph.D. (1998) in Anthropology and Central Eurasian Studies, Indiana University, is a professor of Anthropology at Washington University in St. Louis. He has published extensively on the demography and culture of Tibetan societies, including Tibetan Diary (University of California, 2004).
"There is more richness of material, more intellectual interest and more solid scholarship in Tibetan Transitions than a review can do justice to. The treatment of the material is stimulating, and the frame of reference far from narrowly regional. Quantative evidence is not shirked, but neither is it predominant, and there is plenty of space for qualitative evidence to shed light on what lies behind the figures. (...). This is a fine book on a fascinating subject – strongly recommended." – Robert Attenborough, The Australian National University, in: Journal of Population Research 26 (2009)
"This groundbreaking book more than succeeds at its stated aim: explaining one of the most far-reaching changes that Tibetan populations have experienced in recent decades. In so doing, it covers an array of topics that are likely to be of interest to social scientists with expertise in anthropology and demography and to specialists in Tibetan studies and the wider South and Central Asian regions." – Nancy A. Levine, University of California, Los Angeles, in: JAS
All those interested in demography (historical and contemporary), anthropology, social change, fertility transitions, family planning, and scholarship on Tibetan societies (East Asian, Inner Asian, and South Asian Studies).
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