A Companion to the Eucharist in the Middle Ages


The Eucharist in the European Middle Ages was a multimedia event. First and foremost it was a drama, a pageant, a liturgy. The setting itself was impressive. Stunning artwork adorned massive buildings. Underlying and supporting the liturgy, the art and the architecture was a carefully constructed theological world of thought and belief. Popular beliefs, spilling over into the magical, celebrated that presence in several tumultuous forms. Church law regulated how far such practice might go as well as who was allowed to perform the liturgy and how and when it might be performed. This volume presents the medieval Eucharist in all its glory combining introductory essays on the liturgy, art, theology, architecture, devotion and theology.

Contributors include: Celia Chazelle, Michael Driscoll, Edward Foley, Stephen Edmund Lahey, Lizette Larson-Miller, Ian Christopher Levy, Gerhard Lutz, Gary Macy, Miri Rubin, Elizabeth Saxon, Kristen Van Ausdall and Joseph Wawrykow.

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By: Gary Macy
Pages: 1–9
Pages: 629–640
Ian Christopher Levy, Ph.D. (1997) in Theology, Marquette University, is Associate Professor of Theology at Providence College in Rhode Island. His work concentrates on sacramental theology and biblical exegesis in the Middle Ages.

Gary Macy, Ph.D. (1978) in Divinity, Cambridge University, is John Nobili, S.J. Professor of Theology at Santa Clara University. He has published extensively on Christian theology of rituals in the Middle Ages, including The Hidden History of Women's Ordination (OUP, 2008)

Kristen Van Ausdall, Ph.D. (1994) in Art History, Rutgers University, is Associate Professor of Art History at Kenyon College in Ohio. Her work focuses late medieval and early modern sacramental art and micro-architecture.
‘’This solid collection of thirteen essays offers a multidisciplinary treatment of the Eucharist in medieval Christianity from late antiquity trough to the onset of the Reformation. The result is a valuable and informative volume, which will certainly be appreciated and is a worthy addition to the series of Brill’s Companions to the Christian Tradition.’’
Robert N. Swanson, University of Birmingham. In: Sixteenth Century Journal, Vol. 44, No. 1, 2013, p. 182.

‘’every decent theological library should certainly have it.’’
John F. Baldovin, S.J., Boston College.

‘’Ce Companion constitue un ensemble unifié qui honore parfaitement l’idée de départ: celle d’introduire dans la réalité du mystère eucharistique au MoyenÂge. Il fait honneur à la recherché anglo-saxonne en ce domaine.’’
Pierre Gervais, Institut d’Etudes Théologiques Bruxelles. In: Nouvelle Revue Théologique, 135/3, 2013, p. 514.
All those interested in medieval Christianity; art historians, liturgists, cultural historians, theologians and philosophers.
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