From the beginning of the Christian era and throughout the Middle Ages, biblical interpretation was the field where theological, philosophical and political matters were discussed. At the same time Scripture’s interpretation required the exploration of hermeneutical positions about how a literal and a hidden meaning could be established and how they related to each other. Ranging from early-Christian concerns about the text of the Bible itself, via Carolingian biblical commentaries, and the ever more diverse interpretations from the twelfth century and onwards, to the literary implications of (Jewish) commentary, the articles in this volume examine biblical exegesis both as a discourse on theology, philosophy and politics, and as the context for discussions on its underlying interpretative principles.
Contributors are J. K. Kitchen, Katja Vehlow, Caroline Chevalier-Royet, Sumi Shimahara, Ian Christopher Levy, Pierre Boucaud, Elisabeth Mégier, Cédric Giraud, Wanda Zemler-Cizewski, Ineke van ’t Spijker, Eva De Visscher, Alexander Fidora, Frans van Liere, and Robert A. Harris.
Ineke van ’t Spijker, Ph.D (1990) in History, University of Utrecht (NL), works as a independent scholar in Cambridge, UK. She is a Life Member of Clare Hall. She has published on medieval hagiography, biblical exegesis, and medieval ideas about interiority and self-fashioning, including
Fictions of the Inner Life. Religious Literature and Formation of the Self in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries (Brepols, 2004).
Abbreviations .................................................................................... vii
Introduction ...................................................................................... 1
Ineke van ’t Spijker
Variants, Arians and the Trace of Mark: Jerome and Ambrose
on “neque fi lius” in Matthew 24:36 ............................................. 15
J. K. Kitchen
The rabbinic legend of the Septuagint in Abraham Ibn Daud’s
writings ............................................................................................. 41
Katja Vehlow
Saül et David, premiers rois oints : l’interprétation de ces
modèles royaux par deux exégètes carolingiens, Raban
Maur et Angélome de Luxeuil ..................................................... 61
Caroline Chevalier-Royet
La représentation du pouvoir séculier chez Haymon
d’Auxerre ......................................................................................... 77
Sumi Shimahara
Trinity and Christology in Haimo of Auxerre’s Pauline
Commentaries ................................................................................. 101
Ian Christopher Levy
Factus est homo in animam viventem : anthropologie chrétienne
et psychologie dans l’exégèse de Claude de Turin
(† ca. 827/828) ................................................................................ 125
Pierre Boucaud
Spiritual Exegesis and the Church in Haimo of Auxerre’s
Commentary on Isaiah .................................................................. 155
Elisabeth Mégier
Lectiones magistri Anselmi. Les commentaires d’Anselme de
Laon sur le Cantique des cantiques ............................................ 177
Cédric Giraud
The Literal Sense of Scripture according to Rupert of
Deutz ................................................................................................ 203
Wanda Zemler-Cizewski
Th e Literal and the Spiritual. Richard of Saint-Victor and the
Multiple Meaning of Scripture .................................................... 225
Ineke van ’t Spijker
“Closer to the Hebrew”: Herbert of Bosham’s interpretation of
literal exegesis ................................................................................. 249
Eva De Visscher
„. . . mysteria magis delectant . . .“ Die Exegese des
Zisterzienserabtes Isaak von Stella († ca. 1178) ........................ 273
Alexander Fidora
Andrew of Saint-Victor and His Franciscan Critics .................... 291
Frans van Liere
Twelfth-Century Biblical Exegetes and the Invention of
Literature .......................................................................................... 311
Robert A. Harris
General Index ...................................................................................... 331
Index of Biblical References .............................................................. 337
All those interested in early-Christian and medieval biblical exegesis and hermeneutics, Jewish and Christian; Bible as literature; medieval theology, political and philosophical thought.