A Companion to Luis de Molina


Since his rediscovery by Alwin Plantinga in the 1970s, the possibility of counterfactuals of freedom in Molinism has become one of the main issues in the contemporary analytic philosophy of religion. Notwithstanding this, Luis de Molina (1535-1600) remains one of the most influential and least known authors of late scholasticism and early modern philosophy. The papers collected in this volume treat the whole range of issues posed by his metaphysics as set out in his revolutionary "Concordia" and in his practical philosophy - especially concerning law and economics - in his groundbreaking work "De Justitia et Jure". They also examine Molina's historical commitments and his influences on philosophy. In this way this Companion offers the first comprehensive and thorough overview of Molina's thought.

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Pages: 447–465
Index Nominum
Pages: 492–495
Index Locorum
Pages: 496–501
Index Rerum
Pages: 502–505
Matthias Kaufmann (DPhil & Habilitation 1986 & 1992, Universität Erlangen) is Professor of Ethics and director of the Seminar für Philosophie and of the Graduate School „Society and Culture in Motion“ at the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle Wittenberg. Specialized in the history of ethics, political philosophy and the philosophy of law, including the normative implications of cultural diversity, he is the author of Aufgeklärte Anarchie. Eine Einführung in die politische Philosophie. Berlin 1999 (Akademie Verlag, Turkish, Italian & French translations 2003, 2007, 2011). His most recent book is Em defesa dos direitos humanos. Considerações Históricas e de principio São Leopoldo (Unisinos) 2013.

Alexander Aichele, (DPhil & Habil. 2000 & 2007, Univ. Halle) is Privatdozent in the Seminar für Philosophie at the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. His main interests concern metaphysics, moral philosophy and philosophy of law as well as ancient and early modern philosophy and philosophy of enlightenment. He is author of Philosophie als Spiel: Platon - Kant - Nietzsche (Berlin 2000) and Ontologie des Nicht-Seienden. Aristoteles’ Metaphysik der Bewegung (Göttingen 2009).
“This volume does much to demystify the work of Molina by separating it from the complex question of his broader legacy, and provides a useful tool for any scholar looking to situate Molina within his Iberian Scholastic context—a context that would have global effects.”
Michael VanZandt Collins, Boston College. In: Journal of Jesuit Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1 (2015), pp. 155-158.

‘’The work is an impressive addition to the growing corpus of work on Molina’s thought and influence in several areas of philosophical import.’’
John D. Laing, Southwest Baptist Theological Seminary. In: Journal of the History of Philosophy, Vol. 53, No 1 (2015), p. 160.

“This is a valuable and in every sense weighty summary of the current state of Molina scholarship.”
Harro Maximilian Höpfl, University of Essex. In: The Journal of Ecclesiastical History, Vol. 66, No. 4 (2015), pp. 883-884.

Introduction: Alexander Aichele/Matthias Kaufmann

Part I Freedom of Will and God’s Providence

Chapter One - The Real Possibility of Freedom
Alexander Aichele

Chapter Two - Divine Foreknowledge of Future Contingents and Necessity
Petr Dvorak

Chapter Three - Predestination as Transcendent Teleology: Molina and the First Molinism
Juan Cruz Cruz

Part II A Rights-Based Theory of Law

Chapter Four - Rights and dominium
Jörg Alejandro Tellkamp

Chapter Five - Luis de Molina on Law and Power
Annabel Brett

Chapter Six - Slavery between Law, Morality, and Economy
Matthias Kaufmann

Chapter Seven - Luis de Molina: On War
Joao Manuel A. A. Fernandes

Chapter Eight - The Economic Thought of Luis de Molina
Rudolf Schüssler

Part III Molina’s Medieval Sources and the Following Debates in Modern Times

Chapter Nine - Molina and Aquinas
Rev. Romanus Cessario, OP

Chapter Ten - Molina and John Duns Scotus
Jean-Pascal Anfray

Chapter Eleven - The Philosophical Impact of Molinism in the 17th century
Francesco Piro

Chapter Twelve - “Ludewig” Molina and Kant’s Libertarian Compatibilism
Wolfgang Ertl

Concordance Index to Iustitia et Iure


About the Authors

Index Nominum

Index Locorum

Index Rerum

People interested in Spanish late scholasticism, early modern philosophy, history of law and history of philosophy in general, but even in systematic issues of metaphysics, legal philosophy and ethics as well as theologians and historians.
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