Exploring the Scripturesque

Jewish Texts and their Christian Contexts


These essays span about a third of a century and include both previously published and some unpublished studies by Robert A. Kraft which focus on interfaces between Jewish materials and the worlds in which they were transmitted and/or perceived, especially Christian contexts. The initial section on general context and methodology is followed by several detailed studies by way of example. The final section touches on some related issues involving Philonic and other texts. The primary concern is with "scripturesque" materials and traditions, whether they later became canonical or not, that seem to have been respected as “scriptural” by some individuals or communities in the period prior to (or apart from) the development of an exclusivistic canonical consciousness in some Jewish and Christian circles.

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Review And Prospects
Pages: 261–262
Pages: 263–313
Robert A. Kraft, PhD (1961) in History and Philosophy of Religion (Christian Origins) from Harvard University, is Emeritus Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. His CV and publications are readily available on his web site -- http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/rs/rak/kraft.html.
...the content, selection and juxtaposition of essays has been allowed to speak for itself, and it does indeed provide an eloquent identification of central issues in a complex area, while steadfastly refusing to gloss over problems.
Jane Heath, Expository Times, 2011
Persons interested in Early Judaism and Early Christianity, especially the transmission of materials and traditions that resemble and/or relate to later "canonical," "apocryphal," and "pseudepigraphic" corpora.
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