Die Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft

Die Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft
Printed works, manuscripts and images from the German baroque

Discovery and experiment
The German Baroque period, viewed through letters and science, is marked by a flowering of intellectual activity within a dazzling array of new scholarly fields. It is particularly interesting for students of German cultural history as it is the period in which the German language, after a long period of neglect, once again became the medium for scholarly and literary communication of the highest calibre. The Baroque was deeply imbued with the spirit of discovery and experimentation, and it gave rise to the creation of new styles of literary craftsmanship. This culminated in the classical forms of German lyric, drama, narrative and epic in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The Baroque period can, with considerable justification, be regarded as the cradle of modern German literary culture.

Learned societies
A particularly interesting aspect of the Baroque was the emergence of social structures that promoted literacy and the humanistic arts and sciences. Throughout Europe "learned societies" such as the Accademia della Crusca in Florence were founded to bring scholars and writers together as well as to encourage humanistic discourse. In Germany, the Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft, or the Fruit Bearing Society, was formed in 1617, and amongst other things, it set itself the task of propagating German as both a scholarly and literary language. The Fruit Bearing Society was also known as the Palmenorden (Order of the Palms) because its emblem was the then very exotic coconut palm tree, and its motto was “Alles zu nutzen” – everything for a purpose – in keeping with the German conception of the palm tree as the source of countless material goods used in housing, clothing and nourishing the indigenous peoples of the new world that Europe was in the process of discovering. The Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft was Germany's first such learned society, and was one of its most important in terms of the role it played in encouraging the use of written German.

M. Bircher
The great Baroque scholar Martin Bircher spent thirty years collecting books, manuscripts, engravings and other art objects relative to the Fruit Bearing Society. His remarkable collection concerning the membership and publications of the Fruit Bearing Society includes over 685 printed books, 335 manuscripts, 300 copperplate engravings, and 21 maps and other similar graphic materials. These items cover a wide range of subjects, in keeping with the interests of the Society's membership, and include law, art, religion, theology, history, near Eastern philology, geography, music, hagiography, and mathematics. The manuscript materials, in particular, offer a rich variety of official documents and correspondence by and about the members of the Fruit Bearing Society, and the graphic materials provide a unique source of primary information from this period.

Eminent authors
Representative of the kind of rare and valuable printed works in the collection is Justus Georg Schottelius' Ausführliche Arbeit Von der Teutschen HaubtSprache, published in 1664. Conceived as a vehicle for the propagation of "correct" German and as a tool for linguistic unification of the German-speaking lands, there is no more significant publication in the annals of the Society. Schottelius, known as " Der Suchende" or "The Seeker" to his Fruit Bearing brothers, attempted to create an exemplary vocabulary of German based on the works of contemporary authors, and in the process has created more than just a dictionary of the language, but rather as Martin Bircher writes, eine kleine barocke Literaturgeschichte. Curt Faber du Faur was of the opinion that this work makes him "if not the father, then the grandfather of Germanic philology”. Similarly the collection is rich in other rare volumes and first editions by many eminent German Baroque literary authors such asMartin Opitz, Andreas Gryphius, Georg Philipp Harsdoerffer, Johann Philipp Moscherosch, Friedrich von Logau, and Philipp von Zesen.

Autograph documents
The autograph documents in the collection offer another exciting dimension to students and scholars of the period. They range from the official records of the Society to private correspondence between, to and from Society members. Those concerning Prince Ludwig I of Anhalt-Köthen are reasonably representative of the collection’s scope and breadth Martin Bircher collected 26 distinct items in connection with Ludwig, which vividly detail the political turmoil surrounding the confessional disputes raging in Germany at that time. Among them are a letter from Wallenstein to Ludwig in response to the latter's entreaties that Wallenstein's army spare the principality of Köthen, in which Ludwig writes of "the deplorable condition of this miserable country" and of the fields, which "lay unsown, bare and deserted, the cattle and victuals eaten up, the landscape ruined, credit wiped out and all the country’s property gone." Wallenstein's letter to Ludwig is reassuring and indeed bestows upon the prince a generous travel pass, which allows him to pursue a badly-needed cure at the baths in Wildungen. Other important letters to Ludwig include those from Maria Eleonore, Queen of Sweden, widow of Gustavus Adolphus, and from the Emperor Ferdinand III dated 23 August 1645, in which he summons his electors to a peace treaty congress to be held in Osnabrück or Münster later that year – the first step on the long path which led to the Peace of Westphalia in 1648.

Pictorial materials
Likewise the iconographic materials in the collection give a vivid sense of the persons, places and artistic themes of the German Baroque. Many portraits of Society members have been included, as well as the “emblems” or coded engravings which depicted their most striking personal characteristics and gave rise to each member’s “cognomen” in the Society, the sobriquet by which he was known to other members. Other valuable kinds of pictorial materials include maps and aerial views of cities, ornately decorated proclamations and decrees, and various sorts of highly inventive tables and graphs which codify the elements of German grammar and word formation.

Valuable addition
The Fruit Bearing Society collection is a valuable addition to any library that supports the study of German and Central European history in the early modern period. The careful and knowledgeable manner in which it has been compiled combined with the scholarly thoroughness of its cataloguing make it a truly unique resource for both students and advanced scholars alike. For researchers, it is a breathtaking collection of primary sources which vividly portray the period and place. Furthermore, it serves as a microcosm of 17th century Germany which stands in stark contrast to the terrible depredations that marred a great part of that period.

James H. Spohrer, University of California, Berkeley

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Inventory of the Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft Collection: Manuscript and Pictorial Material 1592-1754

Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft Collection: Manuscript and Pictorial Material

Processed by Helmi Nock, Brian McCook, and Daniel Rolde; machine-readable finding aid created by Patrick J. Russell and Gabriela A. Montoya (Bancroft Library)

Machine-readable finding aid derived from typescript by rekeying.

Descriptive Summary

Title: Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft Collection: Manuscript and Pictorial Material
Author: Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft
Dates:ca. 1600-ca. 1700
Extent: 39 microfiches, containing 308 manuscript documents, 312 copperplate engravings, and other graphic material.
Abstract:Collection of manuscript documents, engravings, and other pictorial material chiefly from the 17th century relating to the activities and membership of the Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft, the earliest German learned society, founded in 1617.
Order number:FG-Mss; FG-GM
Publisher:IDC Publishers

Location of Originals

The Bancroft Library. Berkeley, California 94720 - 6000. Collection number: BANC MSS 98/49; BANC PIC 1998.001

Custodial History

Acquired jointly by the Bancroft Library and the Main Library, University of California, Berkeley, in 1996, from the noted Swiss bibliophile and German Baroque scholar, Prof. Martin Bircher of Geneva, Switzerland.

Preferred Citation

[Identification of item], Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft Collection: Manuscript and Pictorial Material, BANC MSS 98/49; BANC PIC 1998.001, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley.

Historical Note

A particularly important aspect of the German Baroque period was the emergence of social structures which promoted literacy and the humanistics arts and sciences. Learned societies were established throughout Europe to bring scholars and writers together. One such society was the Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft (Fruitbearing Society), known also as the Palmenorden (Order of the Palms) because its emblem was the then-exotic coconut palm tree. Founded in 1617, it played a major role in encouraging the use of written German, and in establishing linguistic and stylistic norms for the language. This collection represents the early years of its activity during the 17th and early 18th centuries.

Other Finding Aids

This collection has been extensively described in German in a printed catalog of its contents, Im Garten der Palme, by Martin Bircher, published in 2 volumes by Harrassowitz Verlag at Wiesbaden in 1998.

Material Cataloged Separately

The Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft Collection includes approximately 800 printed books, pamphlets, and broadsides, chiefly from the 17th century. They cover a wide range of subjects, in keeping with the interests and activities of the society's membership, and include law, art, religion, theology, history, geography, hagiography, Near Eastern philology, hieroglyptology, music, thanatology, and mathematics. For these materials AACR2/MARC21 catalog records are available from IDC Publishers. A title list can be downloaded here : www.idc.nl/pdf/316_titlelist.pdf.


This archive has been arranged into the following series:

Container List

BANC MSS98/49      Manuscript Collection

Contents: Letter : Marburg, to Fürst August von Anhalt-Plötzkau and Fürst Ludwig von Anhalt-Köthen : ALS, 1632 Nov. 30.
Author(s) : Georg II, Landgraf von Hessen-Darmstadt, 1605-1661
Recipient(s) : August, Fürst von Anhalt-Plötzkau, 1575-1653
Physical Description : 1 leaf ; 34 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1, ms no. 10
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Discussion about a payment out of the will of Eleonore, Herzogin von Württemberg, spouse of Georg I., Landgraf von Hessen-Darmstadt, mother of Fürst August and Fürst Ludwig.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 614, Nr. 77

Contents: Letter : Plötzkau, to Elisabeth Sophie von Sachsen-Gotha, Gotha : ALS, 1644 Jan. 17.
Author(s) : August, Fürst von Anhalt-Plötzkau, 1575-1653
Recipient(s) : Elisabeth Sophie, Herzogin von Sachsen-Gotha,1619-1680
Physical Description : Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1, ms no. 11
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Answer to New Year's greetings from 18. Dec. 1643 of Duchess Elisabeth Sophie von Sachsen-Gotha, spouse of Ernst I, Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha (FG19).Source/Provenance :

Bassenge, Berlin 19, Nr. 5050, Mai 1972

Contents: Letter : Bernburg, to Ludwig von Anhalt-Köthen : ALS, 1616 Oct. 27.
Author(s) : Christian I, Fürst von Anhalt-Bernburg, 1568-1630
Recipient(s) : Ludwig, Prince of Anhalt-Köthen, 1579-1650
Physical Description : Address, seal and signed receipt on verso of leaf 1. 2 leaves ; (1 fold. with date, 33 x 20 cm., 1 addition to the letter without date, 13 x 20 cm.)
Microfiche number: mf. 1, ms no. 15
Note: Language: French
Scope and contents : He asks his brother, Duke Ludwig von Anhalt-Köthen, for an appointment for the next day concerning a "Commission".Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 634, Nov. 85, Nr. 983

Contents: Post scriptum : to Christian I. Fürst von Anhalt-Berburg : ALS.
Author(s) : Frederick I, King of Bohemia, 1596-1632
Recipient(s) : Christian I, Fürst von Anhalt-Bernburg, 1568-1630
Physical Description : Seal and receipt dated 24. Sept. 1618 on verso. 1 leaf ; 32 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1, ms no. 16
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Refers to "3 Captains" discussed in a previous letter.Source/Provenance :

Tenner 116/I, Nr. 589, 1977

Contents: Letter : Bernburg, to Ludwig, Fürst von Anhalt-Köthen : ALS, 1626 Feb. 16.
Author(s) : Christian I, Fürst von Anhalt-Bernburg, 1568-1630
Recipient(s) : Ludwig, Prince of Anhalt-Köthen, 1579-1650
Physical Description : 2 seals and receipt dated 18. Febr. 1626 on p. 4. 2 leaves ; 31 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1,ms no. 17
Note: Language: French
Scope and contents : Response to a letter from 5./15. Febr. 1626, describing the horrors of the war in his country and lacking of funds to house his troups.Source/Provenance :

Bassenge/Berlin 24, Nr. 4869, Nov. 1974

Contents: Letter : Bernburg, to Octavio Piccolomini, Fürst d'Aragona u. Duca d' Amalfi (FG356) : ALS, 1642 Feb. 20.
Author(s) : Christian II, Fürst von Anhalt-Bernburg, 1599-1656
Recipient(s) : Piccolomini, Ottavio, 1599-1656
Physical Description : 2 pages of text, plus 1 half page bearing seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1,ms no. 18
Note: Language: Italian
Scope and contents : Request to Piccolomini and Archduke Leopold Wilhelm for support.Source/Provenance :

Adam 366

Contents: Letter : Bernburg, to Fürst Ludwig von Anhalt-Köthen (FG2) and Fürst August von Anhalt-Plötzkau (FG46) : ALS, 1643 Apr. 11.
Author(s) : Christian II, Fürst von Anhalt-Bernburg, 1599-1656
Recipient(s) : Ludwig, Prince of Anhalt-Köthen, 1579-1650
Physical Description : 2 pages of text and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1,ms no. 19
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter discusses family disputes.Source/Provenance :

Wildner/Graz, Dec. 82, nr. 549

Contents: Letter : Bernburg, to Christian II., Fürst von Anhalt-Bernburg : ALS, 1643 Oct. 28.
Author(s) : Berge, Johann von
Recipient(s) : Christian II, Fürst von Anhalt-Bernburg, 1599-1656
Physical Description : 1 leaf ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1,ms no. 20
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter regarding outstanding debts owed to the Swedes by the city and administration of Bernburg .Source/Provenance :

Gilhofer, Wien, März 72

Contents: Letter : Bernburg, to Herzogin Elisabeth Sophie von Sachsen-Gotha : ALS, 1650 Dec. 2.
Author(s) : Christian II, Fürst von Anhalt-Bernburg, 1599-1656
Recipient(s) : Elisabeth Sophie, Herzogin von Sachsen-Gotha,1619-1680
Physical Description : 2 pages of text with seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1,ms no. 21
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New Year's greetings.Source/Provenance :

Bassage, Berlin 19, Nr. 5050, May 1972

Contents: Letter : Bernburg, to Gräfin Anna Sophie von Scwarzburg-Rudolstadt, Kranichfeld : ALS, 1651 Dec. 21
Author(s) : Christian II, Fürst von Anhalt-Bernburg, 1599-1656
Recipient(s) : Anna Sophie, Gräfin von Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt,1584-1652
Physical Description : Seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1, ms no. 22
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New Year's greetings.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 617, Feb. 79, Nr. 887

Contents: Letter : Harzgerode, to Christian Ernst von Knoch, Köthen : ALS, 1645 Jul. 10.
Author(s) : Friedrich, Fürst von Anhalt-Hatzgerode, 1613-1670
Recipient(s) : Knoch, Christian Ernst von, 1608-1655
Physical Description : 3 page letter with 1 page postscript. Address and seal on verso on leaf 2. 3 leaves ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1, ms no. 24
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter requests the aid of Christian Ernst von Knoch in resolving a personal conflict.Source/Provenance :

Bassenge 55, May 1990, nr. 3234

Contents: Letter : Wörlitz, to a "highborn Prince" : ALS, 1643 Aug. 1.
Author(s) : Georg Aribert, Fürst von Anhalt-Dessau, 1606-1643
Physical Description : 1 leaf ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, ms no. 25
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Announcement of the birth of Georg Aribert's daughter Eleonore.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 614, Nr. 108

Contents: Letter : Dessau, to a Prince of Anhalt : ALS, 1631 Dec. 30.
Author(s) : Johann Kasimir, Fürst von Anhalt-Dessau, 1596-1660
Physical Description : 2 page letter with seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 34 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, ms no. 33
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Request for information regarding the wounded in the approaching army of Pappenheim, presumably in order to provide for their care.Source/Provenance :

Adam 367

Contents: Letter : Dessau, to Herzog Ernst I. von Sachsen-Gotha : ALS, 1644 Jan. 16.
Author(s) : Johann Kasimir, Fürst von Anhalt-Dessau, 1596-1660
Recipient(s) : Ernst I, der Fromme, Herzog vonSachsen-Gotha-Altenburg, 1601-1675
Physical Description : Seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, ms no. 34
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Thank you letter for the letter of New Year's greetings sent by Ernst I.Source/Provenance :

Wildner, Graz, Dec. 1982, Nr. 550

Contents: Letter : Zerbst, to Herzog Friedrich von Sachsen-Gotha, Gotha : ALS, 1675 Dec. 20.
Author(s) : Karl Wilhelm, Fürst von Anhalt-Zerbst, 1652-1718
Recipient(s) : Friedrich I, Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha und Altenburg,1648-1691
Physical Description : Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 33 x 23 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, ms no. 35
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New Year's greetings.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 614, Nr. 178

Contents: Letter : Plötzgau, to Herzog Ernst I. Von Sachsen-Gotha, Gotha : ALS, 1657 Dec. 19.
Author(s) : Lebrecht, Fürst von Anhalt-Köthen, 1622-1669
Recipient(s) : Ernst I, der Fromme, Herzog vonSachsen-Gotha-Altenburg, 1601-1675
Physical Description : 2 page letter with seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, ms no. 40
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New Year's greetings.Source/Provenance :

Bassenge 19, May 1972, Nr. 5050

Contents: Letter : Plötzgau, to Herzogin Elizabeth Sophie von Sachsen-Gotha, Friedenstein (Gotha) : ALS, 1662 Dec. 15.
Author(s) : Lebrecht, Fürst von Anhalt-Köthen, 1622-1669
Recipient(s) : Elisabeth Sophie, Herzogin von Sachsen-Gotha,1619-1680
Physical Description : Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, ms no. 41
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New Year's greetings.Source/Provenance :

Bassenge 19, May 1972, Nr. 5050

Contents: Letter : Sulzbach, from Pfalzgraf Christian August von Sulzbach : ALS, 1659 Apr. 22.
Author(s) : Christian August, Pfalzgraf von Sulzbach, 1622-1708
Recipient(s) : Lebrecht, Fürst von Anhalt-Köthen, 1622-1669
Physical Description : 1 leaf ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, ms no. 42
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter of condolence in regard to the death of Lebrecht's mother, Fürstin Sibylle, 1590-1659.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 614, Nr. 138

Contents: Letter : Köthen, to Markgraf Johann Georg zu Brandenburg : ALS, 1614 Aug. 26.
Author(s) : Ludwig, Prince of Anhalt-Köthen, 1579-1650
Recipient(s) : Johann Georg, Markgraf zu Brandenburg, 1577-1624
Physical Description : 1 leaf ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, ms no. 45
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter of correspondence. Full-text available in Catalogue.Source/Provenance :

Adam 368, 1

Contents: Letter : Aschersleben, from Albrecht von Wallenstein, Herzog von Friedland : ALS, 1626 Jul. 25.
Author(s) : Wallenstein, Albrecht Wenzel Eusebius von, Herzog vonFriedland, 1583-1634
Recipient(s) : Ludwig, Prince of Anhalt-Köthen, 1579-1650
Physical Description : Includes seal. 1 leaf ; 32 x 36 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, ms no. 46
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter of safe passage provided to Ludwig by Wallenstein for his trip to Bad Wildungen.Source/Provenance :

Adam 478

Contents: Letter : Halle, to Michael Ott, Sekretär in Halberstadt : ALS, 1632 Feb. 16.
Author(s) : Ludwig, Prince of Anhalt-Köthen, 1579-1650
Recipient(s) : Ott, Michael
Physical Description : With seal and mark of receipt dated 20. Feb. 1632 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 33 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, ms no. 47
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Financial correspondence regarding the cathedral in Halberstadt.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt, Apr. 1991, bei 1713

Contents: Letter : Kalbe, to the citizens and town council of Halberstadt : ALS, 1633 Oct. 24.
Author(s) : Ludwig, Prince of Anhalt-Köthen, 1579-1650
Physical Description : Seal on verso of leaf. 1 leaf ; 34 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, ms no. 48
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter regarding the conduct of administrative matters in Halberstadt.

Contents: Letter : Köthen, to an acquaintance within the circle of people surrounding Herzog Bernhards von Weimar (FG30) : ALS, 1634 Oct. 31.
Author(s) : Ludwig, Prince of Anhalt-Köthen, 1579-1650
Physical Description : Seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 24 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, ms no. 49
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter concerns claims of Prince Ludwig against Herzog Bernhard.Source/Provenance :

Adam 368, 2

Contents: Letter : Stockholm, from Queen Maria Eleonore of Sweden : ALS, 1634 114. Aug.
Author(s) : Maria Eleonore, Queen of Sweden, 1591-1655
Recipient(s) : Ludwig, Prince of Anhalt-Köthen, 1579-1650
Physical Description : 2 leaves; 34 x 23 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, ms no. 50
Note: With seal and mark of receipt dated 24. Aug. 1634 on verso of leaf 2.
Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter regarding a personal request of Queen Maria Eleonore to Prince Ludwig.Source/Provenance :

Brandes 79, Apr. 1983, Nr. 960

Contents: Charter : Köthen, with the signatures of Ludwig Fürst von Anhalt-Köthen, Johann Kasimir Fürst von Anhalt-Dessau and Christain II. Fürst von Anhalt Bernburg : ALS, 1642 Mar. 2.
Author(s) : Ludwig, Prince of Anhalt-Köthen, 1579-1650Johann Kasimir, Fürst von Anhalt-Dessau, 1596-1660Christian II, Fürst von Anhalt-Bernburg, 1599-1656
Physical Description : Includes the seals of all three princes on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 34 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, ms no. 51
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Charter with an appeal for relief to Archduke Leopold Wilhelm of Austria.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 614, Nr. 103

Contents: Letter : Rochlitz, writing of Linnardt von Torstenson, Graf von Ortala : ALS, 1642 Dec. 27.
Author(s) : Torstenson, Lennart, Grefve of Ortala, 1603-1651
Physical Description : Includes seal. 1 leaf ; 33 x 40 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, ms no. 52
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter of protection given to the principality of Anhalt, including the territory of Ludwig Fürst von Anhalt-Köthen.Source/Provenance :

Adam 472

Contents: Letter : Zeitz, from Linnardt von Tortenson, Graf von Ortala : ALS, 1645 Jan. 14.
Author(s) : Torstenson, Lennart, Grefve of Ortala, 1603-1651
Recipient(s) : Ludwig, Prince of Anhalt-Köthen, 1579-1650
Physical Description : With seal and mark of receipt dated 14. Jan. 1645 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, ms no. 53
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Reply to appeal of Fürst Ludwig.Source/Provenance :

Tenner 116/I, Nr. 710, 1977

Contents: Letter : St. Pölten, from Kaiser Ferdinand III, Köthen : ALS, 1645 Aug 23.
Author(s) : Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor, 1608-1657
Recipient(s) : August, Fürst von Anhalt-Plötzkau, 1575-1653Ludwig, Prince of Anhalt-Köthen, 1579-1650Johann Kasimir, Fürst von Anhalt-Dessau, 1596-1660Johann, Fürst von Anhalt-Zerbst, 1621-1667Christian II, Fürst von Anhalt-Bernburg, 1599-1656
Physical Description : With seal and mark of receipt dated 26. Sep. 1645 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 31 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, ms no. 54
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter of invitation regarding the peace talks in Münster and Osnabrück.Source/Provenance :

Tenner 116/I, Nr. 580, 1977

Contents: Letter : Magdeburg, from Ludwig Fuess : ALS, 1646 Feb. 28.
Author(s) : Fuess, Ludwig
Recipient(s) : Ludwig, Prince of Anhalt-Köthen, 1579-1650
Physical Description : Seal on verso of leaf. 1 leaf ; 18 x 15 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, ms no. 55
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter by Imperial representative Ludwig Fuess to Fürst Ludwig demanding 540 Taler for the provisioning of troops.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 628, Mar. 1983, nr/ 1137

Contents: Letter : Leipzig, from Graf Axel Lillie von Lillienburg to a "Herrn Ober. Leut" of Ludwig Fürst von Anhalt-Köthen : ALS, 1647 Oct. 1.
Author(s) : Axel Lillie, Graf von Lillienburg, 1603-1667
Physical Description : Includes seal. 2 leaves ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, ms no. 56
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Request from Swedish Field Marshal Graf Axel Lillie von Lillienburg.Source/Provenance :

Tenner 116/I, Nr. 710, 1977

Contents: Letter : Jönköping, from King Gustav Adolf II of Sweden : ALS, 1618 Jan. 30.
Author(s) : Gustaf II Adolf, King of Sweden, 1594-1632
Recipient(s) : Arnim, Hans Georg von, 1583-1641
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Includes seal on verso of leaf 2 (detached). 2 leaves ; 32 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, ms no. 72
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Reply with instructions concerning Arnim's inquiries regarding powder distributions, recruitment of engineers, plans for harbors, etc.Source/Provenance :

Hauswedell 280, Jun. 1990, Nr. 2358

Contents: Letter : Gotha, to Diederich von dem Werder (FG31), Reinsdorf : ALS, 1634 Oct. 20.
Author(s) : Banér, Johann, 1596-1641
Recipient(s) : Werder, Diederich von dem, 1584-1657
Physical Description : Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. Leaf 2 cut. 2 leaves ; 31 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, ms no. 83
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Vom dem Werder exhorted to strengthen his regiment and submit his contribution.

Contents: Letter : Egeln, to Fürst Ludwig von Anhalt-Köthen (FG2) : ALS, 1635 May 31.
Author(s) : Banér, Johann, 1596-1641
Recipient(s) : Ludwig, Prince of Anhalt-Köthen, 1579-1650
Physical Description : Seal and mark of receipt dated 1. Jun. 1635 on verso of leaf 2. Portrait of Banér, with latin poem, also included in folder ( see note from Portrait mf. 1, item81). 2 leaves ; 32 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, ms no. 84
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Acknowledgement of receipt of Ludwig's letter.Source/Provenance :

Tenner 116/I, Nr. 710, 1977

Contents: Letter : Tecklenburg, to Fürst Ludwig von Anhalt-Köthen (FG2), Köthen : ALS, 1648 Jul. 20./30.
Author(s) : Moritz, Graf von Bentheim-Tecklenburg, 1615-1674
Recipient(s) : Ludwig, Prince of Anhalt-Köthen, 1579-1650
Physical Description : Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 2. Aug. 1648 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, ms no. 89
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Announcement of the birth of a daughter.Source/Provenance :

Wildner, Graz, Dec. 1982, Nr. 581

Contents: Autograph : Dresden, signed in register of Gustav von Racknitz : ALS, 1648 Jun. 22.
Author(s) : Berlepsch, Otto Wilhelm von, 1618-1683
Physical Description : 1 autograph
Microfiche number: mf. 26, ms no. 90
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Autograph can be found in: Gustav von Racknitz. Stammbuch. p. 158 (Bancroft Collections BANC MSS 98/49 1153).

Contents: Letter : Bernburg, to Martinus Milagius, Plötzgau : ALS, 1636 Mar. 4.
Author(s) : Börstel, Heinrich von, 1581-1647
Recipient(s) : Milagius, Martinus, 1598-1657
Physical Description : Includes seal on verso of leaf. 1 leaf ; 33 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, ms no. 106
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Report to Milagius regarding Chursächsische troop movements.Source/Provenance :

Doerling 107, Nov. 1983, Nr. 5293

Contents: Letter : Vienna, to the "Herrn vndt gutten Freünde" of the Lower Austrian Government in Vienna : ALS, 1640 Oct. 18.
Author(s) : Christian Wilhelm, Markgraf von Brandenburg,1587-1665
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Includes seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, ms no. 109
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter is from the nephew of Christian Markgraf von Brandenburg-Bayreuth, 1581-1655, (FG145).

Contents: Charter : Cölln a.d. Spree, includes the signatures of Thomas von dem Knesebeck and Christian Gumm : ALS, 1654 Feb. 21.
Author(s) : Friedrich Wilhelm, Elector of Brandenburg, 1620-1688Knesebeck, Thomas von dem, 1594-1658Gumm, Christian
Physical Description : Includes seal. 1 leaf ; 33 x 40 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, ms no. 113
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Document relates to an estimate on the debt of the manor owned by Kaspar von Wartenberg and his son Peter. Charter was issued in the name of Friedrich Wilhelm, Elector of Brandenburg.

Contents: Letter : Cölln a.d. Spree, to the court administrator in Kolberg : ALS, 1654 Sep. 16.
Author(s) : Friedrich Wilhelm, Elector of Brandenburg, 1620-1688
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Seal and mark of receipt dated 19 Oct. 1654 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, ms no. 114
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter concerns a proposed settlement over a minor debt.

Contents: Letter : Königsberg, to Herzog Ernst I. von Sachsen-Gotha, Friedenstein (Gotha) : ALS, 1656 Jan. 15.
Author(s) : Friedrich Wilhelm, Elector of Brandenburg, 1620-1688
Recipient(s) : Ernst I, der Fromme, Herzog vonSachsen-Gotha-Altenburg, 1601-1675
Physical Description : Seal and mark of receipt dated 5. Feb. 1656 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 34 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 4, ms no. 115
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Thank you note and return of New Year's greetings.

Contents: Letter : Cölln a.d. Spree, to the Magistrate of Magdeburg : ALS, 1672 Aug. 7.
Author(s) : Friedrich Wilhelm, Elector of Brandenburg, 1620-1688
Physical Description : Includes seal on front of leaf 1. 2 leaves ; 32 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 4, ms no. 116
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter regarding the quartering of soldiers. The letter is significant because it provides evidence that Friedrich Wilhelm was involved in the affairs of Magdeburg even prior to the actual transferal of Magdeburg, as stipulated by the Peace of Westphalia, to Friedrich Wilhelm upon the death of Herzog August von Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1614-1680, (FG402).Source/Provenance :

Stargardt, Nov. 1981, Nr. 858

Contents: Letter : Halberstadt, to Herzog Rudolf August von Braunschweig u. Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel : ALS, 1672 Sep. 4.
Author(s) : Friedrich Wilhelm, Elector of Brandenburg, 1620-1688
Recipient(s) : Rudolf August, Herzog von Braunschweig- Wolfenbüttel,1627-1704
Physical Description : Seal on verso of leaf 2 missing. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 4, ms no. 117
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Request that Rudolf August intervene and aid Hedwig Arnold, a subject of Friedrich Wilhelm.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt, Dec. 1988, Nr. 1062

Contents: Letter : Vienna, from Kaiser Leopold I. : ALS, 1687 Apr. 29.
Author(s) : Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor, 1640-1705
Recipient(s) : Friedrich Wilhelm, Elector of Brandenburg, 1620-1688
Physical Description : Partial seal and address on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves : 31 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 4, ms no. 118
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter of condolence regarding the death of Friedrich Wilhelm's third son, Ludwig, 1666-1687.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt, Apr. 1991, Nr. 1661

Contents: Letter : Cleve, to Markgraf Christian von Brandenburg-Bayreuth (FG145) : ALS, 1649 Mar. 27.
Author(s) : Luise Henriette, Electress of Brandenburg (geb. vonOranien), 1627-1667
Recipient(s) : Christian, Markgraf von Brandenburg-Bayreuth,1581-1655
Physical Description : 2 page letter. 1 leaf ; 32 x 21cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 4, ms no. 123
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter of condolence from Luise Henriette (1st wife of Friedrich Wilhelm, Elector of Brandenburg, 1620-1688, FG401) regarding the death of the wife of Markgraf Christian.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt Apr. 1991, Nr. 1335

Contents: Letter : Cölln a. d. Spree, to Herzog Friedrich von Sachsen-Gotha (FG816) : ALS, 1677 Jan. 4.
Author(s) : Dorothea, Kurfürstin von Brandenburg (geb. vonSchleswig-Holstein), 1636-1689
Recipient(s) : Friedrich I, Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha und Altenburg,1648-1691
Physical Description : Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 19. Jan. 1677 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 4, ms no. 124
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New year's greetings from Dorothea, 2nd wife of Friedrich Wilhem, Elector of Brandenburg (1620-1688, FG 401).Source/Provenance :

Stargardt Apr. 1991, Nr. 1336

Contents: Letter : Cölln a. d. Spree, to Kurfürst Johann Georg I. von Sachsen : ALS, 1634 Apr. 30.
Author(s) : Georg Wilhelm, Kurfürst von Brandenburg, 1595-1640
Recipient(s) : Johann Georg I, Elector of Saxony, 1585-1656
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 4, ms no. 129
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Renewed request to allow a transport of 170 millstones to pass freely on the waterway from Pirna to Havelberg.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt Jun. 1990, Nr. 1127

Contents: Letter : Cölln a. d. Spree, to Gottfried Heinrich von Pappenheim : ALS, 1629 Oct. 26/Nov. 5.
Author(s) : Siegmund, Markgraf von Brandenburg, 1592-1640
Recipient(s) : Pappenheim, Gottfried Heinrich von, 1594-1632
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 1. Dec. 1629 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 4, ms no. 132
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Complaint that soldiers are hunting without permission.Source/Provenance :

J.A. Stargardt, Jun. 1990, Nr. 1125

Contents: Letter : Wolfenbüttel, to a prince (unknown) : ALS, 1664 Dec. 19.
Author(s) : Anton Ulrich, Herzog von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel,1633-1714
Physical Description : 2 page letter. 2nd leaf missing. 1 leaf ; 30 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 4, ms no. 136
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New Year's greetings.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 614, Nr. 151

Contents: Letter : Wolfenbüttel, to an abbot (unknown) : ALS, 1709 Oct. 10.
Author(s) : Anton Ulrich, Herzog von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel,1633-1714
Physical Description : 2 leaves ; 23 x 18 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 4, ms no. 138
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter to an abbot regarding his young granddaughter, who would later become Empress Maria Theresia.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt Nov. 1962, Nr. 1273

Contents: Letter : Wolfenbüttel, to the chief administrator and councilors of Blankenburg : ALS, 1710 Nov. 17.
Author(s) : Anton Ulrich, Herzog von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel,1633-1714
Physical Description : Includes seal and address on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 4, ms no. 139
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Notice to officials of Blankenburg that materials for the renovation of Blankenburg castle, undertaken by Anton Ulrich for his second son Ludwig Rudolf, are being delivered to town.Source/Provenance :

Hauswedell 229, May 1979, Nr. 1487

Contents: Letter : Braunschweig, to Herzogin Magdalena Augusta von Sachsen-Gotha, Gotha : ALS, 1714 Mar. 27.
Author(s) : Ludwig Rudolph, Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg,1671-1735
Recipient(s) : Magdalena Augusta, Herzogin von Sachsen-Gotha,1679-1740
Physical Description : Leaf 1 marked by a black border. Includes address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 35 x 23 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 4, ms no. 145
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter announces the death of Anton Ulrich, Herzog von Braunschweig und Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel, 1633-1714, (FG716).Source/Provenance :

Granier 21, Oct. 1986, Nr. 434

Contents: Letter : Wolfenbüttel, to Ernst I. von Sachsen-Hildburghausen, Coburg : ALS, 1701 Jan. 15.
Author(s) : Elisabeth Juliana, Herzogin vonBraunschweig-Lüneburg, 1634-1704
Recipient(s) : Ernst I, Herzog von Sachsen-Hildburghausen, 1655-1715
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Includes address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 33 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 4, ms no. 146
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New year's greetings. Author is the wife of Anton Ulrich, Herzog von Braunschweig und Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel, 1633-1714, (FG716).Source/Provenance :

J.A. Stargardt, Jun. 1990, Nr. 1146

Contents: Letter : Wolfenbüttel, from Herzog Anton Ulrich von Braunschweig und Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel, Marienthal bei Ichtershausen : ALS, 1679 Dec. 24.
Author(s) : Anton Ulrich, Herzog von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel,1633-1714
Recipient(s) : Bernhard, Herzog von Sachsen-Meiningen, 1649-1706
Physical Description : Includes address and mark of receipt dated 31. Jan. 1680 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 31 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 4, ms no. 150
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New Year's greetings.Source/Provenance :


Contents: Letter : Wolfenbüttel, from Anton Ulrich von Braunschweig und Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel, Mareinburg bei Ichtershausen : ALS, 1680 Jan. 7.
Author(s) : Anton Ulrich, Herzog von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel,1633-1714
Recipient(s) : Maria Hedwig, Herzogin von Sachsen-Meiningen,1647-1680
Physical Description : Includes address and mark of receipt dated 31. Jan 1680 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, ms no. 152
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New year's greetings.Source/Provenance :

J.A. Stargardt, Jun. 1990, Nr. 1146

Contents: Letter : Wolfenbüttel, to Herzog Bernhard von Sachsen-Meiningen, Meiningen : ALS, 1688 Mar. 27.
Author(s) : Anton Ulrich, Herzog von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel,1633-1714
Recipient(s) : Bernhard, Herzog von Sachsen-Meiningen, 1649-1706
Physical Description : Includes address, seal and mark of receipt dated 1. April 1688. 2 leaves ; 23 x 17 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, ms no. 155
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter concerns financial matters as well as personal sentiments towards Bernhard and his wife Elisabeth Eleonore, daughter of Anton Ulrich.Source/Provenance :


Contents: Letter : Hitzacker, to Fürst August von Anhalt-Plötzkau, Zerbst : ALS, 1624 Dec. 15.
Author(s) : August, Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg, 1579-1666
Recipient(s) : August, Fürst von Anhalt-Plötzkau, 1575-1653
Physical Description : Includes address, seal and mark of receipt dated 19 Dec. 1624. 2 leaves ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, ms no. 177
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter concerns the matter of payment of the "Pommerischen Ehegeldern" (Pommeranian dowry) to August Fürst von Anhalt-Plötzkau.Source/Provenance :

Bassenge May 1991, Nr. 3253

Contents: Letter : Hitzacker, to Diedrich Focke (beer brewer) : ALS, 1634 Dec. 29.
Author(s) : August, Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg, 1579-1666
Recipient(s) : Focke, Diedrich
Physical Description : 2 pages. 1 leaf ; 15 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, ms no. 178
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Order for "good beer" and complaint about previous beer shipment.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt, Jun. 1986, Nr. 907

Contents: Letter : Braunschweig, to Julius Hackelberg, Amtmann zu Schöningen : ALS, 1639 Feb. 28.
Author(s) : August, Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg, 1579-1666
Recipient(s) : Hackelberg, Julius
Physical Description : Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 12. Mar. 1639 on verso of leaf 2.Part of a bound file containing the following letters:3 Letters from the Braunschweigr Konsistorialpräsident Peter Tuckermann (1651) to Julius Hackelberg, Amtmann zu Schöningen: dated 31. May 1638, 5. Jul. 1638 and 3. Jan. 1639.Copies of letters from the widow and heirs of Pastor Cyriacus Jorden to the Braunschweigr Konsistorialrat: dated Schöningen 30. Mar. 1638.Copy of the letter from Adam Viebingius, Notar in Schöningen, from 2. Nov. 1637. 2 leaves ; 33 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, ms no. 179
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter from Duke August calling for the removal of Pastor Andreas Dodeling due to the latter's refusal to pay monies owed to the widow of his predecessor, Pastor Cyriacus Jorden.

Contents: Directive : Nordhausen, to Obristleutnant Marquart Ernst von Prutz : ALS, 1642 Aug. 14.
Author(s) : Königsmarck, Hans Christoff, 1605-1663
Recipient(s) : Prutz, Marquart Ernst von
Physical Description : Copy 1 leaf ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, ms no. 180
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Orders to raise contributions and enlist and station troops in the territories around Dannenberg and Lüchow belonging to August, Duke of Branschweig-Lüneburg. First of seven related documents (mss. 180-186).

Contents: Letter : Dannenberg, to Duke August of Braunschweig-Lüneburg (FG227), Braunschweig : ALS, 1643 Feb. 18.
Author(s) : Sibylla, Herzogin von Braunschweig-Lüneburg,1584-1652
Recipient(s) : August, Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg, 1579-1666
Physical Description : 3 page letter. Address, seal and mark of recipt dated 23. Feb. 1643 on verso of leaf 2. With 3 handwritten comments from recipient on the margins. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, ms no. 181
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter from Sibylle, widow of recipient's older brother, Herzog Julius Ernst (1571-1636), requesting assistance. Second of seven related documents ( mf. 5, ms no. 180).Source/Provenance :

Frau Seeliger, 1977

Contents: Letter : Braunschweig, to Sibylle, Duchess of Braunschweig-Lüneburg, Dannenberg : ALS, 1643 Feb. 24.
Author(s) : August, Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg, 1579-1666
Recipient(s) : Sibylla, Herzogin von Braunschweig-Lüneburg,1584-1652
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, ms no. 182
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Draft (with changes) of response to request for assistance. Third of seven related documents ( mf. 5, ms no. 180).

Contents: Letter : Wustrow, to August, Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg, Braunschweig : ALS, 1643 Mar. 4.
Author(s) : Roerich, Nikolaus
Recipient(s) : August, Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg, 1579-1666
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address and mark of receipt dated 7. Mar. 1643 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, ms no. 183
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter concerning the "Prutzischen Liquidation." Fourth of seven related documents ( mf. 5, ms no. 180 ).

Contents: Letter : Celle, to August, Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg : ALS, 1644 Aug. 9.
Author(s) : Friedrich, Herzog von Braunschweig-Lüneburg,1574-1648
Recipient(s) : August, Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg, 1579-1666
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address, seal and mark of receipt dated 17. Aug. 1644 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 34 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, ms no. 184
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Author, second cousin of Duke August and brother of Duke Georg (FG231) requests assistance. Fifth of seven related documents ( mf. 5, ms no. 180 ).Source/Provenance :

Frau Seeliger, 1977

Contents: Letter : Celle, to August, Duke of Branschweig-Lüneburg : ALS, 1644 Nov. 30.
Author(s) : Friedrich, Herzog von Braunschweig-Lüneburg,1574-1648
Recipient(s) : August, Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg, 1579-1666
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 5. Dec. 1644 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, ms no. 185
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Information about the reply of author's "Commendant" at Lüneburg. Sixth of seven related documents ( mf. 5, ms no. 180).Source/Provenance :

Frau Seeliger, 1977

Contents: Agreement : Salzdahlum : ALS, 1645 Jan. 29.
Author(s) : Königsmarck, Hans Christoff, 1605-1663August, Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg, 1579-1666
Physical Description : 3 page agreement, title on verso of leaf 2. Copy. 2 leaves ; 34 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, ms no. 186
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Agreeement concerning the activites of Obristleutnant Marquart Ernst von Prutz. Seventh of seven related documents ( mf. 5, ms no. 180 ).

Contents: Letter : Wolfenbüttel, to Christian von Bülow, Brunsrode : ALS, 1651 Oct. 27.
Author(s) : August, Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg, 1579-1666
Recipient(s) : Bülow, Christian von
Physical Description : Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, ms no. 188
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Concerning the sum of 18 Taler to be collected from the "Ratskammer" in Königslutter relating to costs for care of troops stationed there.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 617, Feb. 1979, Nr. 927,1.

Contents: Letter : Wolfenbüttel, to Fürst Octavio Piccolomini d'Aragona Duca d'Amalfi (FG356), Wien : ALS, 1655 Dec. 21.
Author(s) : August, Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg, 1579-1666
Recipient(s) : Piccolomini, Ottavio, 1599-1656
Physical Description : Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 33 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, ms no. 189
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New Year's greetings.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 628, Mar. 1983, Nr. 1090

Contents: Letter : Wolfenbüttel, to an agent in Halberstadt : ALS, 1660 Jan. 30.
Author(s) : August, Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg, 1579-1666
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Leaf 2 missing. 1 leaf ; 31 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, ms no. 190
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Concerns troubles with the government in Halberstadt.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 617, Feb. 1979, Nr. 928

Contents: Postscript : (Unknown), to a relative : ALS, 1661 Aug. 9.
Author(s) : August, Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg, 1579-1666
Physical Description : 1 leaf ; 28 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, ms no. 191
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Concerning the settlement of a misunderstanding.

Contents: Letter : [Wolfenbüttel], to Oberamtmann Schilling: ALS, [unknown]
Author(s) : Sophie Elisabeth, Duchess, consort of August, Duke ofBraunschweig-Lüneburg, 1613-1676
Physical Description : Address and seal on verso of leaf 1. 1 leaf ; 20 x 17 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, ms no. 200
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Author requests the procurement of a wedding present for her lady-in-waiting.Source/Provenance :

Doerling 107, Nov. 1983, Nr. 5187

Contents: Letter : Uppsala, to unknown : ALS, 1643 Oct. 12.
Author(s) : Freinsheim, Johann, 1608-1660
Physical Description : 2 page letter. 1 leaf ; 19 x 16 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, ms no. 212
Note: Language: Latin
Scope and contents : Author, occasional book dealer for August, Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg (FG227), requesting that another book dealer, with the Duke's permission, send him money so that he can balance his accounts.

Contents: Letter : Wolfenbüttel, to unknown : ALS, 1619 May 13.
Author(s) : Friedrich Ulrich, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel,1591-1634
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 31 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, ms no. 299
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Acknowledgment of liabilities of the Steterburg cloister.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 617, Feb. 1979, Nr. 927,2.

Contents: Letter : Wolfenbüttel, to the "Konsistorialräte zu Wolfenbüttel": ALS, 1596 May 29.
Author(s) : Heinrich Julius, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel,1564-1613
Physical Description : 2 Page letter. Address on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 34 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, ms no. 302
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Announcement of the author, father of Friedrich Ulrich, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (FG38), to the Konsistorialräte of the impending birth of another child (Dorothea, born on 8. Jul. 1596).

Contents: Letter : Feldlager vor Hameln, to a General : ALS, 1633 Jun 2.
Author(s) : Georg, Herzog von Braunschweig undLüneburg-Calenberg, 1582-1641
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Seal and address (cut out) on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, ms no. 306
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter on military matters, written shortly before author's victory in the battle at Hessisch-Oldendorff (28. Jun. 1633) for the Swedish-protestant cause.Source/Provenance :

Granier 21, Nr. 410, Oct. 1986

Contents: Letter : Braunschweig, to the "Fürstin, Gräfinnen und Baasen" of the Quedlinburg convent : ALS, 1680 Sep. 21.
Author(s) : Rudolf August, Herzog von Braunschweig- Wolfenbüttel,1627-1704
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Leaf 2 missing. 1 leaf ; 31 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, ms no. 313
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter of condolence to the canoness' of the Quedlinburg convent concerning the death of their abbess, Anna Sophie Pfalzgräfin bei Rhein-Birkenfeld (1619-1680).Source/Provenance :

Brandes 98, Oct. 1992, Nr. 2541

Contents: Autograph : Wittenberg : ALS, 1658 Jan. 27.
Author(s) : Buchner, August, 1591-1661
Physical Description : Unsigned poem, by unknown author, on verso of leaf 1. 1 leaf ; 9 x 14 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, ms no. 328
Note: Language: Latin
Scope and contents : Latin inscription and signature of author.Source/Provenance :

Voerster, Jun. 1990

Contents: Autograph : Wittenberg, signed in register of Johann Wagner : ALS.
Author(s) : Buchner, August, 1591-1661
Physical Description : 1 autograph
Microfiche number: mf. 26, ms no. 329
Note: Language: Latin
Scope and contents : Autograph can be found in: Johann Wagner. Album of autographs, leaf 19 verso (Bancroft Collections BANC MSS 98/49 329).

Contents: Bundle of writings regarding the life of Johann Kaspar Buchner: ALS, dates vary from 1656 to 1721.
Author(s) : Buchner, Johann Kaspar, 1642-1708
Recipient(s) : Buchner, Johann Kaspar, 1642-1708
Physical Description : 8 separate entries:; 1. 1 leaf ; 33 x 20 cm.; 2. 2 documents: a) 2 leaves ; 28 x 18 cm : b) 2 leaves ; 33 x 19 cm.; 3. 1 leaf ; 20 x 33 cm.; 5. 2 documents: a) 2 leaves ; 34 x 22 cm : b) 2 leaves ; 33 x 21 cm.; 7. 2 leaves ; 22 x 15 cm.; 8. 5 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.; 9. 2 leaves ; 34 x 21 cm.; 10. 6 documents : 1 leaf ; 11 x 9 cm : 1 leaf ; 14 x 21 cm : 1 leaf ; 16 x 21 cm : 1 leaf ; 21 x 17 cm : 2 leaves ; 33 x 21 cm : 2 leaves ; 33 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6-7, ms no. 333
Note: Language: German, Latin
Scope and contents : Entries relating to the life of Johann Kaspar Buchner, nephew of Augustus Buchner (1591-1661, FG362).; 1. Edict accepting Johann Buchner as a student at the University of Wittenberg.; 2. 2 letters for Buchner from Karl Moritz von Redern; 3. Attestation from Jobst Christoph Brandt von Lindau for Buchner; 5. Johann Heinrich Seufert, Konrektor zu Umstadt, latin poem for Buchner; 7. Poem written by Buchner for his wife; 8. Personalia written upon Buchner's death in 1708 (good biography).; 9. Parsonalia written upon the death of Buchner's wife in 1721.; 10. Six miscellaneous documents related to Buchner's life, 17th century.; Entry 4 listed separately ( mf. 8 , ms no. 436 ); Entry 6 listed separately ( mf. 8 , ms no. 437)

Contents: Autograph : Nürnberg, signed in register of Gustav von Racknitz : ALS, 1645 Apr. 29.
Author(s) : Dietrichstein, Christian von, 1610-1681
Physical Description : 1 autograph
Microfiche number: mf. 26, ms no. 343
Scope and contents : Autograph can be found in: Gustav von Racknitz. Album of coat of arms and autographs, p. 54 (Bancroft Collections BANC MSS 98/49 1153).

Contents: Letter : Roßla, to Landgräfin Amalie Elisabeth von Hessen-Kassel : ALS, 1648 Feb. 7.
Author(s) : Douglas, Robert Graf, 1611-1662
Recipient(s) : Amalia Elisabeth, Landgräfin von Hessen-Kassel,1602-1651
Physical Description : Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 11. Feb. 1648 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 7, ms no. 347
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter to recipient (widow of Wilhem V, FG65) concerning Swedish troop movements between Erfurt and Mühlhausen (Thüringen) in the last phase of the thirty years war.Source/Provenance :

Nebehay Wien, L.68, Nr.23, Feb. 1981

Contents: Letter : Latorff, to "a German Princess," probably Landgräfin Amalie Elisabeth von Hessen-Kassel : ALS, 1644 Oct. 25.
Author(s) : Erskein, Alexander Freiherr, 1598-1656
Recipient(s) : Amalia Elisabeth, Landgräfin von Hessen-Kassel,1602-1651
Physical Description : 1 leaf ; 32 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 7, ms no. 352
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : News that one of her messengers with, among other things, secret military-related documents, had been captured.Source/Provenance :

Wildner 595

Contents: Receipt : Gotha : ALS, 1643 Dec. 2.
Author(s) : Frantzke, Georg (von), 1594-1659
Physical Description : With addendum, written in author's own hand, dated 25. May 1644. 1 leaf ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 7, ms no. 356
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Receipt for the "Rentkammer" in Gotha for a juridical work left to the government.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 614, Nr. 109

Contents: Autograph : Dresden : ALS, 1650 Dec. 9.
Author(s) : Friesen, Heinrich d.J., Freiherr von, 1610-1680
Physical Description : 1 leaf ; 9 x 14 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, ms no. 359
Note: Language: Latin
Scope and contents : Inscription "patiar, ut potiar." and signature of author.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 614, Nr. 121

Contents: Letter : Staßfurt, to "einen Fürsten von Anhalt" : ALS, 1638 Jun. 6.
Author(s) : Hanow, Augustus von, 1591-1661
Physical Description : Seal on verso of leaf 2. Address cut out. 2 leaves ; 32 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, ms no. 399
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Regarding passage of author's troops through recipient's territory.Source/Provenance :

Wildner/Graz, Dec. 1982, Nr.615

Contents: Letter : Frankfurt/M, to Kurfürst Johann Wilhelm von der Pfalz (?) : ALS, 1698 Oct. 11.
Author(s) : Friedrich II, Landgrave of Hessen-Homburg, 1633-1708
Recipient(s) : Johann Wilhelm, Elector Palatine, 1658-1716
Physical Description : 2 page letter. 2 leaves ; 31 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, ms no. 429
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Author expresses thanks for a letter from Weinheim and for supporting his claims against Landgraf Ernst Ludwig von Hessen-Darmstadt (1667-1739).Source/Provenance :

J.A.Stargardt, Jun. 1990, Nr. 1282

Contents: Letter : Rotenburg, to Fürstin Sophie von Anhalt-Köthen : ALS, 1650 Feb. 6.
Author(s) : Hermann IV, Landgrave of Hesse-Rotenburg, 1607-1658
Recipient(s) : Sophie, Fürstin von Anhalt-Köthen, 1599-1654
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 21 x 16
Microfiche number: mf. 8, ms no. 430
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter of condolence regarding the death of recipient's husband, Fürst Ludwig von Anhalt-Köthen (FG2).Source/Provenance :

Stargardt Nov. 1981, Nr. 972

Contents: Letter : Darmstadt, to Burggraf Georg Ludwig von Kirchberg : ALS, 1672 Oct. 25.
Author(s) : Ludwig VI, Landgraf von Hessen-Darmstadt, 1630-1678
Recipient(s) : Georg Ludwig, Burggraf von Kirchberg
Physical Description : 3 page letter. Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, ms no. 435a
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : News of the arrival of an officer from the Kaiser's army who was searching for Otto Wilhelm von Berlepsch (FG409).

Contents: Letter : Darmstadt, "Original BestallungsBrief des Registratoris Johann Caspar Buchnerus" : ALS, 1675 Jan. 1.
Author(s) : Ludwig VI, Landgraf von Hessen-Darmstadt, 1630-1678Buchner, Johann Kaspar, 1642-1708
Physical Description : a) 8 page letter. Title on leaf 1. Seal on verso of leaf 5.; b) 11 page letter. 2 documents:; a) 6 leaves ; 32 x 21 cm.; b) 9 leaves ; 29 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, ms no. 436
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : a) Detailed document relating to the summons of Johann Kaspar Buchner (nephew of August Buchner, FG362) to the "registratore" of Ludwig VI, Landgraf von Hessen-Darmstadt.; b) Handwritten copy from Buchner.; For other documents relating to Johann Kaspar Buchner, mf. 6-7 , ms no. 333 .

Contents: Letter : Darmstadt, to Johann Kaspar Buchner : ALS, 1693 Mar. 29.
Author(s) : Ludwig VI, Landgraf von Hessen-Darmstadt, 1630-1678
Recipient(s) : Buchner, Johann Kaspar, 1642-1708
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Seal on verso of leaf 1. 2 leaves ; 33 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, ms no. 437
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter regarding recipient's handling of incoming mail in his position as personal secretary.For more documents relating to Johann Kaspar Buchner, see mf. 6-7 , ms no. 333.

Contents: Proclamation : Schweinfurt : ALS, 1628 Aug. 6.
Author(s) : Collalto
Physical Description : With seal. 1 leaf ; 27 x 41 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, ms no. 438a
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Document relating to the property of Landgraf Georg II von Hesse-Darmstadt, father of Ludwig VI von Hesse-Darmstadt (FG774).

Contents: Letter : Kassel, to a "besonders lieben Freund" : ALS, 1599 Jul. 10.
Author(s) : Moritz, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel, 1572-1632
Physical Description : 10 page letter. 5 leaves ; 32 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 9, ms no. 446
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Concerning opportunities surrounding the Hessian land of Christoffel von Bodensehe, who had recently died.Source/Provenance :

Granier 21, Oct. 1986, Nr. 445.

Contents: Letter : Schmalkalden, to King Henry IV of France : ALS, 1603 Jul. 5.
Author(s) : Moritz, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel, 1572-1632
Recipient(s) : Henry IV, King of France, 1553-1610
Physical Description : 3 page letter. Address on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 31 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 9, ms no. 447
Note: Language: French
Scope and contents : Addresses a number of political issues important to author and recipient, who are united against the Habsburgs. Alludes to Henry's illness, and the coronation of James I. of England, among other matters.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt Apr. 1991, Nr. 1476

Contents: Letter : Kassel, to Wilhelm V, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel : ALS, 1635 Sep. 8.
Author(s) : Feuquières, Manassès de Pas, marquis de, 1590-1640
Recipient(s) : Wilhelm V, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel, 1602-1637
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 9, ms no. 450a
Note: Language: French

Contents: Letter : Kassel, to Graf Johann von Sayn u. Wittgenstein, Minden : ALS, 1651 Sep. 20.
Author(s) : Wilhelm VI, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel, 1629-1663
Recipient(s) : Johann, Graf von Sayn u. Wittgenstein
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 28 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 9, ms no. 454
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Asks for patience in replying to previous letter due to recent death of author's mother.Source/Provenance :

Brandes 68, Oct. 1977, Nr. 1934

Contents: Letter : Homburg, to Herzog Ernst von Sachsen-Gotha (FG19), Gotha : ALS, 1663 Dec. 18.
Author(s) : Wilhelm Christoph, Landgraf von Hessen-Bingenheim u.-Homburg, 1625-1681
Recipient(s) : Ernst I, der Fromme, Herzog vonSachsen-Gotha-Altenburg, 1601-1675
Physical Description : Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 12. Jan. 1664 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 33 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 9, ms no. 455
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New year's greetings.Source/Provenance :

Hartung 62, May 1990, Nr. 1775

Contents: Letter : Homburg, to herzogin Elisabeth Sophie von Sachsen-Gotha : ALS, 1663 Dec. 18.
Author(s) : Wilhelm Christoph, Landgraf von Hessen-Bingenheim u.-Homburg, 1625-1681
Recipient(s) : Elisabeth Sophie, Herzogin von Sachsen-Gotha,1619-1680
Physical Description : Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 12. Jan. 1664 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 33 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 9, ms no. 456
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New year's greetings.Source/Provenance :

Hartung 62, May 1990, Nr. 1776

Contents: Decree : Bückeburg : ALS, 1637 Dec. 22.
Author(s) : Otto V, Graf von Holstein-Schaumburg, 1614-1640
Physical Description : With seal. 1 leaf ; 33 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 9, ms no. 466
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Decree concerning the investigation of the administration of Georg Deichmann in Egestorf by a commission made up of Franz von Ditfurth (FG275), Bernhard von Gehmark and J.H. Vietor.Source/Provenance :

Wildner 622

Contents: Letter : Jena, to Landgraf Georg II. Von Hessen-Darmstadt : ALS, 1636 Jul. 6.
Author(s) : Hortleder, Friedrich, 1579-1640
Recipient(s) : Georg II, Landgraf von Hessen-Darmstadt, 1605-1661
Physical Description : 3 page letter. Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 9, ms no. 468
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Announcement of the upcoming wedding of author's daughter Anna Katharina to Zacharias Prueschenk (FG418).Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 614 Nr. 85

Contents: Autographs : Several album entries : ALS, 1624.
Author(s) : Jörger von Tollet, Hans Septimius, 1596 - after 1667Jörger von Tollet, Hans Helfreich, 1594 - after 1654
Physical Description : Photocopy 1 leaf ; 15 x 10 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 9, ms no. 472
Note: Language: French, Latin, German
Scope and contents : Hans Helfreich was the father of and Hans Septimius the uncle of Johann Quintin Graf Jörgen von Tollet (FG772). The autographs come from the year of Johann Quintin's birth.

Contents: Autograph : Signed in register of Gustav von Racknitz : ALS, 1646 Jul. 17.
Author(s) : Jörger von Tollet, Hans Septimius, 1596 - after 1667
Physical Description : 1 Autograph
Microfiche number: mf. 26, ms no. 474
Note: Language: Latin
Scope and contents : Autograph can be found in: Gustav von Racknitz. Stammbuch. p. 68 (Bancroft Collections BANC MSS 98/49 1153).

Contents: Autograph : Nürnberg, signed in register of Balthasar Chiliani : ALS, 1655 Jun. 14.
Author(s) : Jörger von Tollet, Hans Septimius, 1596 - after 1667
Physical Description : 1 Autograph
Microfiche number: mf. 26, ms no. 475
Note: Language: Latin
Scope and contents : Autograph can be found in: Chiliani, Balthasar. Album of autographs. Nr. 3 (Bancroft Collections BANC MSS 98/49 475).

Contents: Letter : Quartier Halchter, to Johann Grünewaldt ("aus dem Amt Dardeßen") : ALS, 1632 Aug. 18.
Author(s) : Calcheim, Wilhelm von, called Lohausen, 1584-1640
Recipient(s) : Grünewaldt, Johann
Physical Description : Address on verso of leaf 2. Paper seal on leaf 1. 2 leaves ; 32 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 9, ms no. 477
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Relating to a horse which the recipient obtained in Braunschweig.Source/Provenance :

Doerling 107, Nov. 1983, Nr. 5219

Contents: Letter : Magdeburg, to Graf Christoph von Stolberg : ALS, 1636 Feb. 12.
Author(s) : Calcheim, Wilhelm von, called Lohausen, 1584-1640
Recipient(s) : Christoph, Graf von Stolberg
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address and 2 seals on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, ms no. 478
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Concerns quartering of author's troops on the recipient's property.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt Nov. 1981, Nr. 1011

Contents: Letter : Königsberg, to Duke August of Sachsen-Weissenfels : ALS,1668 Jul. 25.
Author(s) : Kempe, Martin von, 1637-1683
Recipient(s) : August, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1614-1680
Physical Description : Address, black seal, and mark of receipt dated 5. Oct. 1668 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, ms no. 482
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter of thanks for acceptance into the Fruitbearing society.Source/Provenance :

R.Wittmann, München, Jun. 1989

Contents: Letter : Köthen, to Ernst Kelberg ("Baillif de son Altesse d'Anhalt à Cöthen") , Köthen : ALS, 1644 May 4.
Author(s) : Knoch, Christian Ernst von, 1608-1655
Recipient(s) : Kelberg, Ernst
Physical Description : Address and 2 seals on verso of leaf 1. 1 leaf ; 27 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, ms no. 491
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Concerns military matters.Source/Provenance :

Adam 369,1

Contents: Letter : Halle : ALS, 1666 Apr. 23.
Author(s) : König, Michael, 1614-1673
Physical Description : Seal on leaf 1. 2 leaves ; 32 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, ms no. 492
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Decision in a legal dispute of the "Domkapitel" in Magdeburg, carried out on behalf of Duke August of Sachsen-Weissenfels (FG402).Source/Provenance :

aus Konvolut, Bremer Wf.

Contents: Letter : Stade, to the Mayor and council of the city of Hildesheim: ALS, 1653 Mar. 23.
Author(s) : Königsmarck, Hans Christoff, 1605-1663
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address and mark of receipt dated 9. Apr. 1653 on verso of leaf 2. Seal missing. 2 leaves ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, ms no. 493
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Concerning author's takeover of the "Stifte" of Bremen and Verden.Source/Provenance :

Tenner 116/I, Nr.710, 1977

Contents: Letter : Stockholm, to Albrecht Hahne, "Kaufmann in Wolgast" : ALS, 1681 Oct. 4.
Author(s) : Otto Wilhelm, Graf von Königsmarck, 1639-1688
Recipient(s) : Hahne, Albrecht
Physical Description : 2 leaves ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, ms no. 496
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Certificate confirming that the recipient made two trips in the service of the Swedes from Hamburg to Stralsund in 1678.Source/Provenance :

Dörling 111, Jun. 1985, Nr.3101

Contents: Letter : Stockholm, to the chancellor and councilmen of Swedish-Pommerania, Stettin : ALS, 1685 Mar. 18.
Author(s) : Otto Wilhelm, Graf von Königsmarck, 1639-1688
Physical Description : Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. Mark of receipt dated 12. Nov. 1685 on leaf 1. 2 leaves ; 31 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, ms no. 497
Note: Language: German, French
Scope and contents : Letter of recommendation for the Stralsund citizen and innkeeper Ernst Casimir Stainmetz.Source/Provenance :

Hauswedell 278, Nov. 1989, Nr.2213

Contents: Certificate : Nauplia : ALS, 1686 Sep. 6.
Author(s) : Otto Wilhelm, Graf von Königsmarck, 1639-1688
Physical Description : With seal. 2 leaves ; 31 x 22 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, ms no. 498
Note: Language: French
Scope and contents : Certificate of praise for the "Chevalier" Jerôme de Minoussy.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 635, Nr. 42, Jan. 1986

Contents: Letter : Halle, from Duke August of Sachsen-Weissenfels (FG402): ALS, 1678 Jun. 15.
Author(s) : August, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1614-1680
Recipient(s) : Loss, Hans Kaspar von, ? - 1711
Physical Description : 8 page letter. Seal on verso of leaf 6. 6 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, ms no. 523
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Instructions relating the European travels of the author's son Heinrich (FG790), for which the recipient would act as chaperone and be obliged to file weekly reports.Source/Provenance :

Venator/Köln 43, Nr.22, Jun. 1976

Contents: Letter : Halle, from Duke August of Sachsen-Weissenfels (FG402) : ALS, 1679 Mar. 9.
Author(s) : August, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1614-1680
Recipient(s) : Loss, Hans Kaspar von, ? - 1711
Physical Description : 4 page letter. Seal on verso of leaf 2. Leaves bound together with yellow and black string. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, ms no. 524
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter appointing recipient to the position of Privy Counselor.Source/Provenance :

Venator/Köln 43, Nr.23, Jun. 1976

Contents: Letter : Halle, from Duke August of Sachsen-Weissenfels (FG402), : ALS, 1679 Mar. 9.
Author(s) : August, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1614-1680
Recipient(s) : Loss, Hans Kaspar von, ? - 1711
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Seal on verso of leaf 1. 2 leaves ; 32 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, ms no. 525
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter assigning the recpient (privy counselor to the author) the duty of looking after the author's son Heinrich.Source/Provenance :

Venator/Köln 43, Nr. 23, Jun. 1976

Contents: Letter : Halle, from Duke August of Sachsen-Weissenfels (FG402) : ALS, 1680 Mar. 16.
Author(s) : August, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1614-1680
Recipient(s) : Loss, Hans Kaspar von, ? - 1711
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 31 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, ms no. 526
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Recipient instructed by author to serve as a political advisor to his son, Duke Heinrich.Source/Provenance :

Venator/Köln 43, Nr.23, Jun. 1976

Contents: Letter : Mansfeld, to Markgraf Christian Wilhelm von Brandenburg : ALS, 1621 May 31.
Author(s) : Johann Georg, Graf von Mansfeld, 1593-1647
Recipient(s) : Christian Wilhelm, Markgraf von Brandenburg,1587-1665
Physical Description : With seal and mark of receipt dated 2. Jun. 1621 on verso of leaf. Part of 2 leaf document, leaf 1 missing. 1 leaf ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, ms no. 529
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter regarding recipient's duties as "Administrator des Erzstiftes Magdeburg" and a matter in the village of Helfta, near Merseburg.Source/Provenance :

Kronenberg Basel, Dec. 1991

Contents: Letter : Schwerin : ALS, 1619 Feb. 19.
Author(s) : Adolf Friedrich I, Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin,1588-1658
Physical Description : Title on leaf 1. 4 page letter beginning on leaf 2. Typewritten transcription of document included in folder. 3 leaves ; 33 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, ms no. 532a
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Writing regarding the sentencing of the imprisoned mint-master S. Lüdemann on the charge of counterfeiting.

Contents: Letter : Schwerin : ALS, 1636 Jun. 14/24.
Author(s) : Adolf Friedrich I, Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin,1588-1658
Physical Description : Seal on leaf 1. 2 leaves ; 34 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, ms no. 533
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter of passage for 24 cart loads of Rheinwine in Warnemünde and Wismar.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt, Jun. 1984, Nr.1262

Contents: Letter : Schwerin : ALS, 1637 Oct. 3.
Author(s) : Adolf Friedrich I, Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin,1588-1658
Physical Description : Seal on leaf 1. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, ms no. 534
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter of passage for 24 casks of Franconian wine at the Swedish customs station in Warnemünde.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt, Jun. 1984, Nr.1262

Contents: Letter : Celle, from Duke Friedrich of Braunschweig-Lüneburg : ALS, 1639 Feb. 6.
Author(s) : Friedrich, Herzog von Braunschweig-Lüneburg,1574-1648
Recipient(s) : Adolf Friedrich I, Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin,1588-1658
Physical Description : 3 page letter. Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, ms no. 535
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Concerns the dispute between Balthasar von Bothmer and Dietrich von Hastette over the rights to 15/21 of the estate of Joachim Müller.Source/Provenance :

Hartung 62, May 1990, Nr.1662

Contents: Document : Schwerin : ALS, 1648 Jul. 25.
Author(s) : Adolf Friedrich I, Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin,1588-1658
Physical Description : Mounted on stock paper. 1 leaf ; 29 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, ms no. 536
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Document concerning the contract with "von Blumentahl" and a two year contribution.Source/Provenance :

Hauswedell 229, May 1979, Nr.1483

Contents: Letter : Schloß "Newstal", to a "lieben besonderen ..." : ALS, 1654 Jun. 14.
Author(s) : Adolf Friedrich I, Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin,1588-1658
Physical Description : 1 leaf ; 33 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, ms no. 537
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Concerns the appointment of a future diplomat to the "Frankfurter Deputation."Source/Provenance :

Doerling 109, Nov. 1984, Nr.3648.

Contents: Letter : Grabow, to Duke Friedrich of Sachsen-Gotha (FG816) : ALS, 1681 Dec. 23.
Author(s) : Friedrich, Herzog von Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 1638-1688
Recipient(s) : Friedrich I, Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha und Altenburg,1648-1691
Physical Description : Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 34 x 24 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, ms no. 539
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New year's greetings.Source/Provenance :

Bassenge 52, Nov. 1988, Nr. 2867

Contents: Letter : Grabow, to Duke Friedrich I of Sachsen-Gotha (FG816) : ALS, 1690 Dec. 20.
Author(s) : Christine Wilhelmine, Herzogin vonMecklenburg-Schwerin, 1656-1722
Recipient(s) : Friedrich I, Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha und Altenburg,1648-1691
Physical Description : Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 34 x 23 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, ms no. 539a
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New year's greetings from widow of Duke Friedrich of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (FG795).Source/Provenance :

Bassenge 52, Nov. 1988, Nr.2867

Contents: Letter : Grabow, to a "Frau Muhme, Schwiegerin, Schwester und Gevatterin" : ALS, 1696 Dec. 21.
Author(s) : Christine Wilhelmine, Herzogin vonMecklenburg-Schwerin, 1656-1722
Physical Description : Seal on verso of leaf 2. Bottom half of leaf 2 cut out. 2 leaves ; 35 x 24 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, ms no. 540
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New year's greetings from widow of Friedrich, Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (FG795).Source/Provenance :

Stargardt, Jun. 1984, Nr. 1262/Beilage

Contents: Letter : Güstrow, to the "DohmbDechant, Seniorn und gantzen Capitel der ErtzBischöfflichen hohen Stiffskirchen zu Magdeburg" : ALS, 1664 Sep. 24.
Author(s) : Gustav Adolf, Duke of Mecklenburg-Güstrow, 1635-1695
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 3. Oct. 1664 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 12, ms no. 543
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Concerning the office of archiepiscopal canon following the death of Jost Kaspar Klencke. Without reference to the administrator of the archbishopric Magdeburg, Duke August (FG402).Source/Provenance :

Bassenge 52, Nov. 1988, Nr. 2878

Contents: Letter : (Dessau), to the Mayor and Council of Dessau : ALS, 1641 Jul. 5.
Author(s) : Milagius, Martinus, 1598-1657
Physical Description : Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 6. Jul. 1641 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 12, ms no. 552
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Request for funds by author in his position as "anhaltischer Gesamtrat."Source/Provenance :

Adam 369, 2

Contents: Document : Passau : ALS, 1710 Aug. 3.
Author(s) : Morawiczky von Rudnitz, Freiherr Wolfgang Heinrich,late 17th - early 18th c.
Physical Description : Seal on leaf 1. Title on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 31 x 45 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 12, ms no. 553a
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Document by Freiherrn Wolfgang Heinrich Morawiczky von Rudnitz, relative of Karl Heinrich Morawiczky von Rudnitz (FG877), on behalf of his "Herrendiener" Franz Anton Meiselseder of Passau.Source/Provenance :

Bassenge 55, May 1990, Nr. 3298

Contents: Letter : Corvey, to Landräfin Amalie Elisabeth von Hessen-Kassel : ALS, 1646 Apr. 22.
Author(s) : Mortaigne dit de Pottelles, Gaspard Corneille de,1608-1647
Recipient(s) : Amalia Elisabeth, Landgräfin von Hessen-Kassel,1602-1651
Physical Description : Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 24. Apr. 1646 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 20 x 17 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 12, ms no. 555
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Communication by author in his position as infantry commander in the service of the recipient.Source/Provenance :

Wildner 648

Contents: Letter : Rastede, to Duke August of Sachsen-Weissenfels (FG402) : ALS, 1654 Jul. 17.
Author(s) : Anton Günther, Count of Oldenburg, 1583-1667
Recipient(s) : August, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1614-1680
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. Folder also contains brief handwritten biography of author. 2 leaves ; 33 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 12, ms no. 580
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Regarding the baptism of Duke August's youngest daughter Sophie (1654-1724, wife of Prince Karl Wilhelm von Anhalt-Zerbst (FG825)).Source/Provenance :

Wildner, Graz, Dec. 1982, Nr.652

Contents: Partitur of drinking song : "Les Eloux" : ALS, 1964 Jul.
Author(s) : Opitz, Martin, 1597-1639
Physical Description : Typewritten version of text on verso of leaf 1. 4 leaves ; 27 x 18 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 12, ms no. 602a
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Rare example of a setting by Opitz. Composed and prepared by Wilhelm Arbenz (1899-1969).

Contents: Letter : Halberstadt, to Prince Ludwig of Anhalt-Köthen : ALS, 1634 Feb. 10.
Author(s) : Oxenstierna, Axel, Greve, 1583-1654
Recipient(s) : Ludwig, Prince of Anhalt-Köthen, 1579-1650
Physical Description : Seal on verso of leaf 2. Address cut out. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 12, ms no. 604
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter concerning the stationing of "kursächsische" troops in the principality of Anhalt.Source/Provenance :

Tenner 116/I, Nr. 683, 1977

Contents: Letter : Frankfurt a. M., to the Princes of Anhalt (to the senior member of the House, August (FG46), as well as Johann Kasimir (FG10), Christian d. J. (FG51), Rudolf (FG12) and Ludwig (FG2) : ALS, 1634 Sep. 19.
Author(s) : Oxenstierna, Axel, Greve, 1583-1654
Recipient(s) : August, Fürst von Anhalt-Plötzkau, 1575-1653
Physical Description : Leaf 2 missing. 1 leaf ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 12, ms no. 605
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Orders to accept and care for a thousand wounded soldiers belonging to the army of Banér (FG222), which had been beaten three weeks earlier near Nördlingen.Source/Provenance :

Adam 442

Contents: Letter : Stralsund, to Alexander Erskein (FG421) : ALS, 1636 Jan. 25.
Author(s) : Oxenstierna, Axel, Greve, 1583-1654
Recipient(s) : Erskein, Alexander Freiherr, 1598-1656
Physical Description : Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 18. Feb. 1636 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 12, ms no. 606
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Author informs recepient, war councilor of the main Swedish army, that a troubled soldier is being sent to to him to be rehabilitated.Source/Provenance :

Adam 443

Contents: Letter (fragment) : Straßburg : ALS, 1676 Apr. 3.
Author(s) : Anna Magdalena, Pfalzgräfin bei Rhein-Birkenfeld,1640-1693 Christian II, Pfalzgraf bei Rhein-Birkenfeld,1637-1717
Physical Description : With two seals (one red, one black) on front of leaf 1. Title on verso of leaf 1. 1 leaf ; 17 x 23 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 12, ms no. 617
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Concerning the settlement and guardianship of the sons of Anna Magdalena, sister of Christian II and widow of Johann Reinhard II., Graf von Hanau-Lichtenberg.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt, Apr. 1991, Nr.1600

Contents: Letter : Birkenfeld, to Graf Johann Anton Cratz von Scharffenstein, Kassel : ALS, 1652 Mar. 22.
Author(s) : Georg Wilhelm, Pfalzgraf bei Rhein-Birkenfeld,1591-1669
Recipient(s) : Johann Anton Cratz, Graf von Scharffenstein
Physical Description : Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 33 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 12, ms no. 618
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Invitation to a "Lehensrenovatur" as the "dießmahlen Eltisten Lehensträger" on 2. April.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 635, Nr.3, Jan. 1986

Contents: Letter : Dannenberg, from Duchess Sibylla of Braunschweig-Lüneburg : ALS, 1641 Oct. 25./Nov. 4.
Author(s) : Sibylla, Herzogin von Braunschweig-Lüneburg,1584-1652
Recipient(s) : Piccolomini, Ottavio, 1599-1656
Physical Description : 3 page letter. Address on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 24 x 18 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 13, ms no. 623
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Author (widow of the eldest brother of Duke August of Braunschweig (FG227)) asks for help as troops demand contributions from her estate.

Contents: Letter : Passau, to Graf Philippe-Emmanuel de Ligniville : ALS, 1648 Jul. 9.
Author(s) : Piccolomini, Ottavio, 1599-1656
Recipient(s) : Philippe-Emmanuel, Graf de Ligniville, 1611-1664
Physical Description : 2 page letter. 1 leaf ; 29 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 13, ms no. 624
Note: Language: French
Scope and contents : Author informs recipient about the situation of the French army near Passau at the end of the Thirty Years' War.Source/Provenance :

L'abbaye, Bull.212, Paris, Nr.109, 1973

Contents: Letter : Vienna, from Raimondo de Montecuccoli : ALS, 1649 Oct. 13.
Author(s) : Montecuccoli, Raimondo, Prince, 1609-1680
Recipient(s) : Piccolomini, Ottavio, 1599-1656
Physical Description : 3 page letter. 2 leaves ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 13, ms no. 625
Note: Language: Italian
Scope and contents : Concerns the extension of a peace treaty between Kaiser Ferdinand III. and the Turkish Sultan.Source/Provenance :

Erasmushaus 760, Mar. 1973, Nr.125

Contents: Letter : Antwerpen, from Raimondo de Montecuccoli : ALS, 1654 Nov. 13.
Author(s) : Montecuccoli, Raimondo, Prince, 1609-1680
Recipient(s) : Piccolomini, Ottavio, 1599-1656
Physical Description : 2 leaves ; 31 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 13, ms no. 626
Note: Language: Italian
Scope and contents : Announcement about the meshing of troops in the winter quarters.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 589,1969, Nr.138.

Contents: Letter : Wien, from Kaiser Matthias : ALS, 1608 Mar. 10.
Author(s) : Matthias, Holy Roman Emperor, 1557-1619
Recipient(s) : Hans Christoph, Graf von Puchheim, 1578-1619
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Seal on verso of leaf 1. Address on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 31 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 13, ms no. 629a
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Appointment of recepient, father of Hans Christoph von Puchheim (FG516), to a position in the Kaiser's court.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 631, Jun. 1984, Nr.1397

Contents: Letter : Derenburg, to the council of the city of Nordhausen : ALS, 1643 Sep. 4.
Author(s) : Rochow, Otto Christoph von, 1607-1659
Physical Description : 1 leaf ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 13, ms no. 642
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Author, a Swedish military commander, requests that the city send a contribution of 271Taler for the month of September for the benefit of his two companies.Source/Provenance :

Wildner 676

Contents: Letter : Wien, to the "niederösterreichischen Landstände" : ALS, 1593 Jan. 22.
Author(s) : Matthias, Holy Roman Emperor, 1557-1619
Physical Description : 3 page letter. Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 23. Jan. 1693 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 31 x 22 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 13, ms no. 643
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Author (at the time still Archduke of Austria) intercedes with the Austrian Diet in the matter of debts owed by Hans Wilhelm von Roggendorf (1531-1590), great uncle of Georg Ehrenreich von Roggendorf u. Mollenburg (1596-1653; FG369).Source/Provenance :

J.A.Stargardt, Kat. 576, May 1966, Nr. 1077

Contents: Letter : Weimar, to Philipp Adolf von Ehrenberg, Prince and Bishop of Würzburg : ALS, 1623 Mar. 26.
Author(s) : Albrecht, Herzog von Sachsen-Eisenach, 1599-1644
Recipient(s) : Ehrenburg, Philipp Adolf von, Prince and Bishop ofWürzburg, 1583-1631
Physical Description : 4 page letter. Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 10. Aug. 1623 on verso of leaf 4. 4 leaves ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 13, ms no. 651
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Concerns a territorial dispute around the Saxe-Coburg area in Franconia.Source/Provenance :

Doerling 109, Nov. 1984, Nr.3707

Contents: Letter : Weimar, to Burkhard Grossmann : ALS, 1625 Mar. 18.
Author(s) : Albrecht, Herzog von Sachsen-Eisenach, 1599-1644
Recipient(s) : Grossmann, Burckhard, 1575-1637
Physical Description : Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 13, ms no. 652
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Author, acting on behalf of his brother Johann Ernst (FG3), orders recipient, tax collector, financial administrator and police inspector in Jena, to arrest the murderer Quirin Eißleben.Source/Provenance :

Wildner-Graz, 1982, Nr.698

Contents: Letter : Weimar, to Herzog Johann Wilhelm von Sachsen-Altenburg, Leipzig : ALS, (before 1632) Mar. 25.
Author(s) : Albrecht, Herzog von Sachsen-Eisenach, 1599-1644
Recipient(s) : Johann Wilhelm II, Herzog von Sachsen-Altenburg,1600-1632
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 28 x 17 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 13, ms no. 653
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : In the face of the hardship brought on by the Thirty Years' War, author asks recipient (a cousin) for the use of two companies of troops.Source/Provenance :

Doerling 107, Nov. 1983, Nr.8196

Contents: Letter : Halle, to the "verodneten Saltzsgräfen vndt Oberbornmeistern des Thalgerichts" zu Halle : ALS, 1643 Jan. 29.
Author(s) : August, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1614-1680
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 31. Jan. 1643 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 13, ms no. 660
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Concerns clarification of financial accounts.Source/Provenance :

Adam 342

Contents: Letter : Freyberg, from Linnardt von Torstenson, Graf von Ortala: ALS, 1643 Feb. 2.
Author(s) : Torstenson, Lennart, Grefve of Ortala, 1603-1651
Recipient(s) : August, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1614-1680
Physical Description : Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 10. Jun. 1643 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 13, ms no. 661
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Concerns a written "Salvaguarde" for Adolf Lösern zu Pretzsch

Contents: Payment order : Halle : ALS, 1647 May 25.
Author(s) : August, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1614-1680
Physical Description : 1 leaf ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 14, ms no. 662
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Payment order to Caspar Neefe, "Kammermeister," for Conrad Schmidt, "Reitschmied."Source/Provenance :

Adam 342

Contents: Autograph : Signed in register of Gustav von Racknitz : ALS, 1648.
Author(s) : August, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1614-1680
Physical Description : 1 autograph
Microfiche number: mf. 26, ms no. 663
Note: Language: Latin
Scope and contents : Autograph can be found in: Gustav von Racknitz. Stammbuch. p. 3 (Bancroft Collections BANC MSS 98/49 1153).

Contents: Letter : Halle, to "die Stände von Prälaten, Ritterschaft u. Städten des Erzstifts Magdeburg : ALS, 1649 Nov. 24.
Author(s) : August, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1614-1680
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 14, ms no. 664
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Official announcement by author of the birth of his son and heir Johann Adolf (FG719) on 2. November 1649.Source/Provenance :

Adam 342

Contents: Letter : Halle, to "Hochgeborene Fürsten, Freündtliche liebe Oheimbe" : ALS, 1654 Jun. 23.
Author(s) : August, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1614-1680
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Leaf 2 missing. 1 leaf ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 14, ms no. 665
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Announcement by author of the birth of a daughter, Sophie (who would later go on to marry Prince Karl Wilhelm von Anhalt-Zerbst (FG825)).Source/Provenance :

Bassenge 55, May 1990, Nr.3281

Contents: Letter : Halle, to "die Senioren u. Assessoren des Schöppenstuhls in Halle" : ALS, 1656 Mar. 27.
Author(s) : August, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1614-1680
Physical Description : Address, seal (fallen off), and mark of receipt dated 31. Mar. 1656 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 14, ms no. 666
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Concerning Sigmund Siegfried Reichhelm (1613-1678), newly appointed "Ratsmeister" of the city of Halle.Source/Provenance :

Adam 342

Contents: Letter : Halle, to Jacob Hennig von Wendessen zu Imnitz, Oberforstmeister in Thüringen : ALS, 1661 Mar. 7.
Author(s) : August, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1614-1680
Recipient(s) : Wendessen zu Imnis, Jacob Hennig von
Physical Description : Address, seal (fallen off), and mark of receipt dated 15. Feb 1662 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 14, ms no. 667
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Concerning the repair of the Rohrbach mills per request of Christian Vogler.Source/Provenance :

Adam 342

Contents: Letter : Halle, to Dr. jur. Adam Timaeus, Oberaufseher u. Amstsverwalter in der Grafschaft Mansfeld : ALS, 1662 Jul. 11.
Author(s) : August, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1614-1680
Recipient(s) : Timaeus, Adam
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address and seal (fallen off) on verso of leaf 2. Mark of receipt dated 17. Jul. 1662 on leaf 1. 2 leaves ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 14, ms no. 668
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Concerns the transfer of the position of "Gerichts-Substitut" from Johann Hieronymus Cothe to Georg Friedrich Nagel.Source/Provenance :

Nebehay Wien, L.68, Nr.339, Feb. 1981

Contents: Letter : Halle, to "die kurfürstlichen brandenburgischen zur Regierung des Fürstentums Halberstadt verordneten Statthalter, Kanzler, Vizekanzler u. Räte" : ALS, 1663 Jul. 1.
Author(s) : August, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1614-1680
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address, seal, and notations by recipient on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 30 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 14, ms no. 669
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Instructions pertaining to legal dispute involving Michael Hermann von Hagen (FG487).Source/Provenance :

Adam 342

Contents: Letter : Halle, to Siegmund Dorner, "Amtsmann zu Barby" : ALS, 1665 Jan. 28.
Author(s) : August, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1614-1680
Recipient(s) : Dorner, Siegmund
Physical Description : Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. Mark of receipt dated 18. Feb. 1665 on leaf 1. 2 leaves ; 30 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 14, ms no. 670
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Pertaining to Heinrich Döbing, former "Kanzler" in Barby, an area which the author inherited upon the death of the Count of Barby in 1659.Source/Provenance :

Adam 342

Contents: Letter : Halle, to Adam Heinrich von Ende, "Haupt- u. Amtmann zu Barby," and Dr. Jur. Abraham Marconnett, both councilmen in Barby : ALS, 1666 Mar. 26.
Author(s) : August, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1614-1680
Recipient(s) : Ende, Adam Heinrich von Marconnett, Abraham
Physical Description : Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. Mark of receipt dated 28. Mar. 1666 on leaf 1. 2 leaves ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 14, ms no. 671
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Concerns a financial dispute between Georg Friedrich von Miltitz and Jost Helmuth von Warleben. Miltitz is undoubtedly related to Dietrich (FG750) and Hans Kaspar (FG549). Recipient Adam Heinrich von Ende is the father of Hans Adam von Ende (FG811).Source/Provenance :

Adam 342

Contents: Debenture : Halle : ALS, 1669 Oct. 12.
Author(s) : August, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1614-1680
Physical Description : 2 page letter. With paper-covered seal on title page, and two more seals on verso of leaf 1. 1 leaf ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 14, ms no. 673
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Acknowledgement of loan of 450 Thaler from Elisabeth Stisser (1614-1675), widow of Bruno Stisser. Verso of leaf 1 has reciept of repayment of loan, dated 8. May 1671.Source/Provenance :

Venator/Köln 43, Nr.23, Jun. 1976

Contents: Letter : Halle, to the "hochgelehrten, liebe getreuen ... Möllenvogt" : ALS, 1670 Aug. 18.
Author(s) : August, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1614-1680
Physical Description : Leaf 2 missing. 1 leaf ; 27 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 14, ms no. 674
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Concerns the "supplicien der Schäfferischen Wittib," which the Möllenvogt is suppose to specify and consult about with Michael Meinigke.Source/Provenance :

Doerling, Jun. 1987, Nr.3610

Contents: Letter : Gottorf, from Duke Christian Albrecht of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf : ALS, 1672 Feb. 16.
Author(s) : Christian Albrecht, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp,1641-1695
Recipient(s) : August, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1614-1680
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 29. Feb. 1672 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 14, ms no. 675
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter of congratulations from author (nephew of recepient) regarding the marriage of the recipient to his second wife, Johanna Walburga.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 614, Nr. 164

Contents: Letter : Halle, to "den Rat" Dr. Jur. Abraham Marconnett, "den Oberpfarrer u. Superintendent" Paul Schreiber and "den Amtsverwalter" Johann Theodor Braun zu Barby : ALS, 1672 Jul. 8.
Author(s) : August, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1614-1680
Recipient(s) : Braun, Johann Theodor Marconnett, Abraham Scheiner, Paul
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. Mark of receipt dated 15. Jul 1672 on leaf 1. 2 leaves ; 31 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 14, ms no. 676
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Concerning the punishment of Statz Heinrich Fleischmann.Source/Provenance :

Adam 342

Contents: Letter : Halle, to a "Festen, lieben getreuen" : ALS, 1676 Aug. 12.
Author(s) : August, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1614-1680
Physical Description : Leaf 2 missing. 1 leaf ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 14, ms no. 679
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Regarding disputed property in Magdeburg.Source/Provenance :

Adam 342

Contents: Letter : Halle, to Herzog Friedrich von Sachsen-Gotha (FG816), Altenburg : ALS, 1676 Aug. 19.
Author(s) : August, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1614-1680
Recipient(s) : Friedrich I, Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha und Altenburg,1648-1691
Physical Description : 6 page letter. Address and seal (fallen off) on verso of leaf 4. 4 leaves ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 15, ms no. 680
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Regarding the conditions of wine transport, specifically the "wine road" from Franconia over Blankenheim, Magdala, Romstedt and Comburg to Naumburg and Leipzig.Source/Provenance :

Adam 342

Contents: Letter : Halle : ALS, 1678 Jun. 8.
Author(s) : August, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1614-1680
Physical Description : With seal. Leaf 2 missing. 1 leaf ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 15, ms no. 681
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Regarding the "Reformations-ordnung von Anno 1554" and the appropriate number of jurors.Source/Provenance :

Adam 342

Contents: Letter : Halle, to Duke Bernhard of Saxe-Meiningen, Ichtershausen : ALS, 1679 Jan. 10.
Author(s) : August, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1614-1680
Recipient(s) : Bernhard, Herzog von Sachsen-Meiningen, 1649-1706
Physical Description : Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 15. Jan. 1679 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 31 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 15, ms no. 682
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New Year's greetings.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 614, Nr.205

Contents: Letter : Halle, to the "Verordneten zum kleinen Ausschuß unsers Ertzstiffts Magdeburg" : ALS, 1679 May 16.
Author(s) : August, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1614-1680
Physical Description : 3 page letter. Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 9. Jun. 1679 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 15, ms no. 683
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Author praises the services of his secretary and chancellor Joachim Martin Unverfährt.Source/Provenance :

Adam 342

Contents: Letter : Halle, to Herzog Friedrich von Sachsen-Gotha (FG816), Gotha : ALS, 1679 Jan. 10.
Author(s) : Johanna Walburga, Herzogin von Sachsen-Weissenfels,1647-1687
Recipient(s) : Friedrich I, Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha und Altenburg,1648-1691
Physical Description : Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 31 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 15, ms no. 697
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New year's greetings from author, second wife of Duke August of Sachsen-Weissenfels (FG402), to her stepson.Source/Provenance :

Adam 342

Contents: Letter : Halle, to Herzogin Magdalena Sibylla von Sachsen-Weissenfels : ALS, 1676 Dec. 26.
Author(s) : Charlotte, Herzogin von Sachsen-Weissenfels,1653-1708
Recipient(s) : Magdalena Sibylla, Herzogin von Sachsen-Weissenfels,1648-1681
Physical Description : Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 33 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 15, ms no. 708
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New year's greetings from author (widow of August d. J., Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, FG720) to her sister-in-law, wife of Friedrich I, Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha u. Altenburg, FG816).Source/Provenance :

Adam 342

Contents: Letter : "Bei Forchheim", to Mannassès de Pas, Marquis de Feuquières : ALS, 1634 Jun. 17.
Author(s) : Bernhard, Duke of Saxe-Weimar, 1604-1639
Recipient(s) : Feuquières, Manassès de Pas, marquis de, 1590-1640
Physical Description : Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. Mark of receipt dated 17. Jun. 1634 on leaf 1. 2 leaves ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 15, ms no. 714
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter to the special French ambassador in Germany concerning the French officer Claude de Gadagne de Beauregard.Source/Provenance :

Bassenge May 1991, Nr.3249

Contents: Autograph : Signed in register of Gustav von Racknitz : ALS, 1648.
Author(s) : Christian I, Herzog von Sachsen-Merseburg, 1615-1691
Physical Description : 1 autograph
Microfiche number: mf. 26, ms no. 724
Note: Language: Latin
Scope and contents : Autograph can be found in: Gustav von Racknitz. Stammbuch. p. 7 (Bancroft Collections BANC MSS 98/49 1153).

Contents: Letter : Merseburg, to "unseren Verwalter zu Finsterwalde, und lieben getreuen Andream Körnern" : ALS, 1659 May 28.
Author(s) : Christian I, Herzog von Sachsen-Merseburg, 1615-1691
Recipient(s) : Körner, Andreas
Physical Description : 2 page letter. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 15, ms no. 725
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter instructing that Elias Zeibig be accepted without prejudice into the blacksmiths' guild. (See also mf. 15 , ms no. 726).Source/Provenance :

Brandes 81, April 1984, Nr.809

Contents: Letter : Merseburg, to "unseren Verwalter zu Finsterwalde und lieben getreuen Andreas Körnern" : ALS, 1659 Jul. 26.
Author(s) : Christian I, Herzog von Sachsen-Merseburg, 1615-1691
Recipient(s) : Körner, Andreas
Physical Description : 1 leaf ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 15, ms no. 726
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Second letter ordering the fair treatment of Elias Zeibig within the blacksmiths' guild. (See item mf. 15 , ms no. 725).Source/Provenance :

Brandes 81, April 1984, Nr.809

Contents: Letter : Merseburg, to his advisors Johann Christoph Marci, Günther von Bünau zu Meineweh and Lukas Berger : ALS, 1665 May 4.
Author(s) : Christian I, Herzog von Sachsen-Merseburg, 1615-1691
Recipient(s) : Berger, Lukas Bünau zu Meineweh, Günther von Marci, Johann Christoph
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 30 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 15, ms no. 727
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter containing instructions concerning negotions with commissioners from Anhalt-Dessau over land including the village of Priorau.Source/Provenance :

Nebehay, Wien, L.68 Nr.351, Feb. 1981

Contents: Letter : Merseburg, to his "Muhme" : ALS, 1673 Jan. 8.
Author(s) : Christian I, Herzog von Sachsen-Merseburg, 1615-1691
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Incomplete document (cut out). 1 leaf ; 16 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 15, ms no. 729
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New year's greetings.Source/Provenance :

Adam 342, falsch zugeschrieben

Contents: Receipt : Merseburg : ALS, 1677 Apr. 5.
Author(s) : Christian I, Herzog von Sachsen-Merseburg, 1615-1691
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Seal on verso of leaf 1. 1 leaf ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 15, ms no. 730
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Confirmation of receipt of four thousand Taler (of a 20,000 Taler loan, of which 10,000 had already been paid back) from Herzog Johann Georg I. von Sachsen-Eisenach (FG424).Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 614, Nr.183

Contents: Letter : Weimar, to Burkhard Großmann, "Amtsschösser in Jena" : ALS, 1634 Oct. 27.
Author(s) : Ernst I, der Fromme, Herzog vonSachsen-Gotha-Altenburg, 1601-1675
Recipient(s) : Wrangel, Carl Gustaf, 1613-1676
Physical Description : 3 page letter. Address on verso of leaf 2. Seal detached, also in folder. 2 leaves ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 15, ms no. 738
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter containing instructions on various administrative and tax matters.Source/Provenance :

Kronenberg, Basel, Dec. 1990

Contents: Letter : Eisenach, to Johann Breithaupt, Amtsverwalter u. Rat der Stadt Gotha : ALS, 1640 Dec. 3.
Author(s) : Ernst I, der Fromme, Herzog vonSachsen-Gotha-Altenburg, 1601-1675
Recipient(s) : Breithaupt, Johann
Physical Description : Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 16, ms no. 739
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter containing instructions regarding the threat posed by Swedish field marshall Johann Banér (FG222).Source/Provenance :

Granier 21, Nr.380, Oct.1986

Contents: Letter : Heldburg, to a Princess : ALS, 1645 Sep. 20.
Author(s) : Ernst I, der Fromme, Herzog vonSachsen-Gotha-Altenburg, 1601-1675
Physical Description : Leaf 2 missing. 1 leaf ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 16, ms no. 740
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter to a princess (maybe his mother-in-law Duchess Elisabeth, 1597-1650, or his sister-in-law Dorothea, 1601-1675?) who had made plans to visit Eisfeld, which the author had recently inherited from his elder brother Albrecht (FG17).Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 628, Mar. 1983, Nr.1490

Contents: Letter : Friedenstein (Gotha), to an official, "Lieber getreüer" in Heldburg : ALS, 1648 Jun. 27.
Author(s) : Ernst I, der Fromme, Herzog vonSachsen-Gotha-Altenburg, 1601-1675
Physical Description : Seal on verso of leaf 2. Most of leaf 2 (including address) cut out. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 16, ms no. 741
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter to recipient, administrator in Heldburg, regarding request for permission to brew beer.Source/Provenance :

Doerling, Jun. 1987, Nr.3620

Contents: Letter : Friedenstein (Gotha), to Johann Philipp von Schönborn, Kurfürst von Mainz, Bischof von Würzburg : ALS, 1649 Mar. 26.
Author(s) : Ernst I, der Fromme, Herzog vonSachsen-Gotha-Altenburg, 1601-1675
Recipient(s) : Schönborn, Johann Philipp von, 1605-1673
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 20. Apr. 1649 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 33 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 16, ms no. 742
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Concerning the priest from Westheim "who was supposedly seen with an evangelical pastor."Source/Provenance :

Stargardt, Apr. 1991, Nr. 1713

Contents: Letter : Friedenstein (Gotha), to Wilhelm Schröter, Geheimer Rat u. Kanzler (FG635) : ALS, 1662 Sep. 30.
Author(s) : Ernst I, der Fromme, Herzog vonSachsen-Gotha-Altenburg, 1601-1675
Recipient(s) : Schröter, Wilhelm, ? - 1663
Physical Description : 3 page letter. Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 1. Oct. 1662 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 16, ms no. 743
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter instructing recepient, who had long been in the service of the author as a jurist, secretary, and chancellor, to travel to Altenstein (not far from Liebenstein near Meiningen, at the southern end of the Thüringer Wald) in order to resolve a number of administrative matters.

Contents: Letter : Friedenstein (Gotha), to Otto Wilhelm von Berlepsch, kurfürstlicher brandenburgischer Schloßhauptmann u. Obrist (FG409) : ALS, 1664 Sep. 13.
Author(s) : Ernst I, der Fromme, Herzog vonSachsen-Gotha-Altenburg, 1601-1675
Recipient(s) : Berlepsch, Otto Wilhelm von, 1618-1683
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. Mark of receipt dated 14. Oct. 1664 on leaf 1. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 16, ms no. 744
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Regarding a letter which the author had received from the recipient's employer Friedrich Wilhelm, Elector of Brandenburg (FG401).Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 635, Nr. 17, Jan. 1986

Contents: Bill and payment order : Friedenstein (Gotha) : ALS, 1669 Jan. 16.
Author(s) : Ernst I, der Fromme, Herzog vonSachsen-Gotha-Altenburg, 1601-1675
Physical Description : 1 leaf ; 29 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 16, ms no. 745
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Bill and payment order for ox-tongues.

Contents: Receipt : Friedenstein (Gotha) : ALS, 1669 Mar. 29.
Author(s) : Ernst I, der Fromme, Herzog vonSachsen-Gotha-Altenburg, 1601-1675
Physical Description : 1 leaf ; 32 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 16, ms no. 746
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Receipt for the issuance of grain "aus unserm Vorsteher Ambt zu Gotha" to Leonhard Kraus, ropemaker. Countersigned by Joachim Leonhard Strauß.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 628, Mar. 1983, Nr.1490

Contents: Edict : Friedenstein (Gotha) : ALS, 1669 May 7.
Author(s) : Ernst I, der Fromme, Herzog vonSachsen-Gotha-Altenburg, 1601-1675
Physical Description : 2 page document. 1 leaf ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 16, ms no. 747
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Financial document concerning crops damaged in a hailstorm.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 614, 161

Contents: Note : Friedenstein (Gotha) : ALS, 1668 Dec. 7.
Author(s) : Elisabeth Sophie, Herzogin von Sachsen-Gotha,1619-1680
Physical Description : 1 leaf ; 17 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 16, ms no. 751
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Regarding grain tax for chicken feed. Author was wife of Ernst I, der Fromme, Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha-Altenburg (FG19).Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 589, Nr.195, 1969

Contents: Letter : Utrecht, to Freidrich von Thillisch, "Colonel et Commendant a Fridenstein" : ALS, 1670 Dec. 2.
Author(s) : Heinrich, Herzog von Sachsen-Römhild, 1650-1710
Recipient(s) : Thillisch, Friedrich von, ?-1681
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 20 x 16 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 16, ms no. 757
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter from author, third son of Ernst I, der Fromme, Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha-Altenburg (FG19), to his teacher. Contains biographical information and serves as illustration of the intellectual- and educational atmosphere of Gotha in the period.Source/Provenance :

J.A.Stargardt, Apr. 1991, Nr.1711

Contents: Financial report : Hildburghausen : ALS, 1692 May 3.
Author(s) : Ernst I, Herzog von Sachsen-Hildburghausen, 1655-1715
Physical Description : 5 page document. Seal on leaf 3. 3 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 16, ms no. 760
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : 1689/90 annual financial report of accountant Michael Christoph Ritter for Heldburg (Kr. Hildburghausen), signed by author, sixth son of Ernst I, der Fromme, Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha-Altenburg (FG19).Source/Provenance :

Stargardt, Apr. 1991, bei Nr.1713

Contents: Letter : Friedenstein (Gotha), to "die Verordneten des Konsistoriums zu Coburg," Coburg : ALS, 1675 Jan. 23.
Author(s) : Friedrich I, Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha und Altenburg,1648-1691
Physical Description : Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 5. Feb. 1675 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 17, ms no. 773
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Instructions regarding a pension for the widow of the pastor Johann Fischer. Author had resumed responsibility over such matters after his father, Ernst I, der Fromme, Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha-Altenburg (FG19) suffered a heart attack on 8. Aug. 1674.Source/Provenance :

Hartung 2826, Nov. 1981

Contents: Letter : Altenburg, to Ernst Ludwig Avemann, Secretary and Chancellor in Gotha, Friedenstein (Gotha) : ALS, 1675 Jul. 31.
Author(s) : Friedrich I, Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha und Altenburg,1648-1691
Recipient(s) : Avemann, Ernst Ludwig, 1609-1689
Physical Description : Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 1. Aug. 1675 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 17, ms no. 774
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter instructing recipient to collect and send material relating to property in Meiningen for the delegation travelling to attend the installment of the new Bishop of Würzburg, Peter Philipp von Dernbach (1619-1683). The Bishop had estates in Meiningen as well, so the author wanted to use this opportunity to discuss financial matters.Source/Provenance :

Hartung 2826, Nov. 1981

Contents: Edict : Signed by Herzog Friedrich and the Chancellor August Carpzov, Coburg : ALS, 1675 Sep. 13.
Author(s) : Carpzov, August, 1603-1683 Friedrich I, Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha und Altenburg,1648-1691
Physical Description : 1 leaf ; 28 x 51 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 17, ms no. 775
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Friedrich I (with August Carpzov, his secretary and Chancellor, as a signing witness) officially grants Hans Phillip von Heßberg and his heirs ownership of the "See zwischen Mitz und Breitensee, in Unser Herrschaft Röhmhild liegend, welcher nunmehro zu einer Wiesen gemacht."

Contents: Letter : Friedenstein (Gotha), to Gottfried Wilhelmi, Amtmann zu Saalfeld, Saalfeld : ALS, 1676 Mar. 23.
Author(s) : Friedrich I, Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha und Altenburg,1648-1691
Recipient(s) : Wilhelmi, Gottfried, 1628(?)-1697(?)
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address, seal (partially detached) and mark of receipt dated 6. Apr. 1676 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 17, ms no. 776
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter of instructions to local administrator relating to the mining and coal industry in Saalfeld.Source/Provenance :

Hartung 2826, Nov. 1981

Contents: Letter : Friedenstein (Gotha), to Prince Albrecht Ernst of Oettingen, Oettingen : ALS, 1676 May 22.
Author(s) : Friedrich I, Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha und Altenburg,1648-1691
Recipient(s) : Albrecht Ernst, Prince of Oettingen, 1642-1683
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 17, ms no. 777
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter of reference on behalf of Karl Alexander de Hoy, who had converted from Catholicism to Protestantism and had previously worked in the service of Ferdinand Albrecht, Herzog von Braunschweig u. Lüneburg (FG842) and Anton Ulrich, Herzog von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel (FG716).Source/Provenance :

Zisska 15, May 1990

Contents: Edict : Friedenstein (Gotha), signed by Herzog Friedrich and his Chancellor Ernst Ludwig Avemann : ALS, 1679 Mar. 8.
Author(s) : Avemann, Ernst Ludwig, 1609-1689 Friedrich I, Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha und Altenburg,1648-1691
Physical Description : 1 leaf ; 39 x 53 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 17, ms no. 778
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Document officially bestowing the court of Kezroda on the brothers Strauß and their sister Anna Elisabeth Förster (née Strauß).Source/Provenance :

Tenner 114, May 1977, Nr. 40

Contents: Letter : Gotha (Friedenstein), to Karl von Friesen (FG538), Dresden : ALS, 1680 Feb. 9.
Author(s) : Friedrich I, Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha und Altenburg,1648-1691
Recipient(s) : Friesen, Karl von, 1619-1686
Physical Description : Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 17, ms no. 779
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Concerning a stallion which the author had sent to the court of Kurfürst Johann Georg II. von Sachsen (FG682), for whom the recipient was in service as private secretary.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt Kat.648, Nr. 164, Jan. 1992

Contents: Note : Friedenstein (Gotha) : ALS, 1684 Nov. 16.
Author(s) : Friedrich I, Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha und Altenburg,1648-1691
Physical Description : 1 leaf ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 17, ms no. 780
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Directive to the librarian to hand over copies of the funeral sermons for his father, Ernst I, der Fromme, Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha-Altenburg (FG19), and his wife, Magdalena Sibylla, Herzogin von Sachsen-Weissenfels, to the mother of private secretary Hans Dietrich von Schönberg (FG752).Source/Provenance :

Doerling 107, Nov. 1983, Nr.8197

Contents: Postscript : ALS, 1685 Nov. 7.
Author(s) : Friedrich I, Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha und Altenburg,1648-1691
Recipient(s) : Bernhard, Herzog von Sachsen-Meiningen, 1649-1706
Physical Description : 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 17, ms no. 781
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Relating to the "Rat zu Sachsa" and the delivery of boles.Source/Provenance :

Brandes 68, Oct. 1977, Nr.1844

Contents: Letter : Gotha (Friedenstein), to his brother Bernhard, Duke of Saxe-Meiningen, Meiningen : ALS, 1687 Jun. 2.
Author(s) : Friedrich I, Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha und Altenburg,1648-1691
Recipient(s) : Bernhard, Herzog von Sachsen-Meiningen, 1649-1706
Physical Description : Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated Jun. 1687 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 17, ms no. 781a
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Author suggests to recipient, his younger brother, that he should employ Johann Matthes Beck, probably a secretary or personal servant, who had been in the service of Johann Georg I, Herzog von Sachsen-Eisenach (FG424) until the latter's death the previous year.

Contents: Letter : Friedenstein (Gotha), to Friedrich Wilhelm Carpzov, Rat u. Amtmann in Volkeroda : ALS, 1701 Feb. 21.
Author(s) : Friedrich II, Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha, 1676-1732
Recipient(s) : Carpzov, Friedrich Wilhelm
Physical Description : Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 17, ms no. 786
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter instructing recipient to look after the debts owed by Charlotte Marie (1669-1703), daughter of Herzog Bernhard von Sachsen-Jena (FG427), to the widow of the "ObristLieutenant von Wangenheimb."

Contents: Letter : Friedenstein (Gotha), to "Commissarius Lt. Lauhn in Camburg," Camburg : ALS, 1712 Oct. 28.
Author(s) : Friedrich II, Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha, 1676-1732
Physical Description : Address and seal (partial) on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 33 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 17, ms no. 787
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Concerning administrative disputes between Gotha and Weimar. Recipient probably was Wittum administrator Friedrich Lauhn (1650-1715).

Contents: Letter : Weißenfels, to Herzog Friedrich III. von Sachsen-Gotha, Gotha : ALS, 1738 Dec. 29.
Author(s) : Friederike, Herzogin von Sachsen-Weissenfels,1715-1775
Recipient(s) : Friedrich III, Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha, 1699-1772
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 33 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 18, ms no. 788
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New Year's greetings from the author to her brother. Author and recipient were grandchildren of Friedrich I, Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha und Altenburg (FG816).

Contents: Letter : Altenburg, to Kurfürst Johann Georg II. von Sachsen : ALS, 1665 Aug. 26.
Author(s) : Friedrich Wilhelm, Herzog von Sachsen-Altenburg,1603-1669
Recipient(s) : Johann Georg II, Elector of Saxony, 1613-1680
Physical Description : Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 31 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 18, ms no. 797
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter of appreciation for the offers of concern and assistance with regard to the illness of the author's wife.Source/Provenance :

Doerling122, Jun. 1987, Nr.3629

Contents: Letter : Coburg, to Johann Lauterbach, "Amtsverwalter zu Neuenhaus" : ALS, 1666 Oct. 6.
Author(s) : Friedrich Wilhelm, Herzog von Sachsen-Altenburg,1603-1669
Recipient(s) : Lauterbach, Johann
Physical Description : Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 23. Oct. 1666 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 18, ms no. 798
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Concerning the payment of "Trieftgeldt" and "Korn Pacht."Source/Provenance :

J.A. Stargardt, Apr. 1991, bei 1711

Contents: Edict : Torgau : ALS, 1592 Sep. 29.
Author(s) : Friedrich Wilhelm I, Herzog von Sachsen-Altenburg,1562-1602
Physical Description : 4 page letter. Seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 33 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 18, ms no. 799
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Edict by author, as regent for Elector Christian II. of Saxony, appointing Andres Koch to the office of forester in the district of Seyda near Marseburg.Source/Provenance :

Doerling Jun. 1987, 3629

Contents: Letter : Altenburg, to Kurfürst Johann Georg II. Von Sachsen (FG682), Dresden : ALS, 1667 Feb. 16.
Author(s) : Magdalena Sibylle, Herzogin von Sachsen-Altenburg,1617-1668
Recipient(s) : Johann Georg II, Elector of Saxony, 1613-1680
Physical Description : Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 31 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 18, ms no. 800
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter from author, wife of Friedrich Wilhelm, Herzog von Sachsen-Altenburg (FG577) to her eldest brother thanking him for writing with news from Dresden (including the news of the marriage of his eldest son Johann Georg III to Anna Sophie, the daughter of King Friedrich III of Denmark), and thanking him for his concern about her health ( mf. 18 , ms no. 797 ).Source/Provenance :

Doerling 122, Jun. 1987, Nr.3629

Contents: Documents from the peripherie of Friedrich Wilhelm, Herzog von Sachsen-Altenburg (FG577) : Altenburg and Dresden : ALS, 1659-1661
Author(s) : Berbisdorf, Heinrich Samuel von Nitzschwitz, Anna Maria von, 1608-1690
Physical Description : 1) 6 page letter. 5 Seals on verso of leaf 3.; 2) 3 page letter. Seal on front of leaf 2.; 3) 3 page letter. Two seals on front of leaf 2. ; 3 Documents:; 1) 4 leaves ; 33 x 20 cm.;; 2) 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.;; 3) 2 leaves ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 18, ms no. 803
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : 1) Contract between Heinrich Samuel von Berbisdorf (who worked in the service of Herzog Friedrich Wilhelm von Sachsen-Altenburg, FG577), and his relatives regarding inhertance rights pertaining to the estate in Pichau handed down by his grandmother, Veronika von Berbisdorf, née Loß. Altenburg, 1659 Jul. 12.; 2) Financial document regarding the sale of the Pichau estate to Heinrich von Taube, secretary of Elector Johann Georg II. von Sachsen (FG682). Altenburg, 1660 Oct. 30.; 3) Confirmation by Anna Maria von Nitzschwitz regarding her receipt of payments relating to the sale of the Pichau estate to Heinrich von Taube. Dresden, 1661 Nov. 28.Source/Provenance :

gekauft von Briefmarkenhändler Friebe, Wolfenbüttel Feb. 18, 1985

Contents: Letter : Freyburg, from Duke Johann Georg of Sachsen-Weissenfels : ALS, 1706 Sep. 5.
Author(s) : Johann Georg, Herzog von Sachsen-Weissenfels,1677-1712
Recipient(s) : Heinrich, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1657-1728
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Seal and address (cut away) on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 30 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 18, ms no. 807
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter from the author to his uncle informing him of the impending danger to the entire duchy of Sachen-Weissenfels resulting from a Swedish invasion.Source/Provenance :

Adam 342

Contents: Draft of Letter : [Barby], Duke Friedrich Heinrich to his Father : ALS, [ca. 1702]
Author(s) : Friedrich Heinrich, Herzog von Sachsen-Weissenfels,1692-1711
Recipient(s) : Heinrich, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1657-1728
Physical Description : 2 page letter. 2 leaves ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 18, ms no. 808
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Draft of a letter from the 10-12 year old son of Duke Heinrich of Sachsen-Weissenfels (FG790) expressing thanks for being allowed to partake in communion for the first time.Source/Provenance :

Adam 342

Contents: Letter : Utrecht, Duke Georg Albert to his Brother, Duke Friedrich Heinrich : ALS, 1710 Aug. 26.
Author(s) : Georg Albert, Herzog von Sachsen-Weissenfels,1695-1739
Recipient(s) : Friedrich Heinrich, Herzog von Sachsen-Weissenfels,1692-1711
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 20 x 16 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 18, ms no. 809
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Author informs recipient of his arrival in Utrecht, and asks recepient to write back with news of his health.

Contents: Letter : Utrecht, Duke Georg Albert to his Brother, Duke Friedrich Heinrich, Barby : ALS, 1711 Apr. 24.
Author(s) : Georg Albert, Herzog von Sachsen-Weissenfels,1695-1739
Recipient(s) : Friedrich Heinrich, Herzog von Sachsen-Weissenfels,1692-1711
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 20 x 16 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 18, ms no. 810
Note: Language: French
Scope and contents : Letter in which author offers his greetings and writes briefly of his activities in Utrecht.

Contents: Letter : Hirschberg, from Duke Friedrich of Sachsen-Weissenfels : ALS, 1711 Dec. 24
Author(s) : Friedrich, Herzog von Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1673-1715
Recipient(s) : Heinrich, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1657-1728
Physical Description : 4 page letter. Seal on front of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 30 x 18 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 19, ms no. 811
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter of condolence from author to recipient (his half-brother) regarding the death of the recipient's son, Duke Friedrich Heinrich.Source/Provenance :

Adam 342

Contents: Letter : Neu-Augustusburg zu Weissenfels, from Duke Johann Georg of Sachsen-Weissenfels to Duke Heinrich of Sachsen-Weissenfels, Barby : ALS, 1711 Dec. 9.
Author(s) : Johann Georg, Herzog von Sachsen-Weissenfels,1677-1712
Recipient(s) : Heinrich, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1657-1728
Physical Description : 3 page letter. Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 30 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 19, ms no. 812
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Condolence letter from the author to his uncle regarding the death of the latter's son, Duke Friedrich Heinrich.Source/Provenance :

Adam 342

Contents: Letter : Neu-Augustusburg zu Weissenfels, from Duchess Friederike Elisabeth of Sachsen-Weissenfels to Duke Heinrich of Sachsen-Weissenfels, Barby : ALS, 1711 Dec. 9.
Author(s) : Friederike Elisabeth, Herzogin vonSachsen-Weissenfels, 1669-1730
Recipient(s) : Heinrich, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1657-1728
Physical Description : 3 page letter. Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 31 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 19, ms no. 813
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Condolence letter from author, wife of Johann Georg, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels (see previous item), regarding the death of the recipient's son, Duke Friedrich Heinrich.Source/Provenance :

Adam 342

Contents: Letter : Sangershausen, from Duke Christian of Sachsen-Weissenfels to Duke Heinrich of Sachsen-Weissenfels, Barby : ALS, 1711 Dec. 9.
Author(s) : Christian, Herzog von Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1682-1736
Recipient(s) : Heinrich, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1657-1728
Physical Description : 3 page letter. Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 34 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 19, ms no. 814
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Condolence letter from the author to his uncle regarding the death of the latter's son, Duke Friedrich Heinrich.Source/Provenance :

Adam 342

Contents: Letter : Sorau, from Gräfin Anna Marie von Promnitz, geb. Duchess of Sachsen-Weissenfels, to Duke Heinrich of Sachsen-Weissenfels : ALS, 1711 Dec. 9.
Author(s) : Anna Maria, Gräfin von Promnitz, geb. Herzogin vonSachsen-Weissenfels, 1683-1731
Recipient(s) : Heinrich, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1657-1728
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 19, ms no. 815
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Condolence letter from the author to her uncle regarding the death of the latter's son, Duke Friedrich Heinrich.Source/Provenance :

Adam 342

Contents: Letter : from Duchess Louise Christine of Sachsen-Weissenfels, geb. von Stolberg, to Duke Heinrich of Sachsen-Weissenfels, Barby : ALS, 1715 Jan. 8.
Author(s) : Louise Christine, Herzogin von Sachsen-Weissenfels,1675-1738
Recipient(s) : Heinrich, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1657-1728
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 19, ms no. 816
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New year's greetings.Source/Provenance :

Adam 342

Contents: Letter : Halle, to Herzog Bernhard I. von Sachsen-Meiningen, Ichtershausen : ALS, 1678 Jan. 4.
Author(s) : Johann Adolf I, Herzog von Sachsen-Weissenfels,1649-1697
Recipient(s) : Bernhard, Herzog von Sachsen-Meiningen, 1649-1706
Physical Description : 3 page letter. Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 12. Jan. 1678 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 19, ms no. 817
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New year's greetings.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 589,1969.Nr.212

Contents: Postscript : to "Edle und Veste" : ALS, [after 1680 Jun. 4]
Author(s) : Johann Adolf I, Herzog von Sachsen-Weissenfels,1649-1697
Physical Description : 2 leaves ; 30 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 19, ms no. 818
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Consent to a payment discussed in a previous Landtag under his deceased father.Source/Provenance :

Adam 342

Contents: Edict : Neu-Augustusburg zu Weissenfels : ALS, 1686 Jul. 27.
Author(s) : Johann Adolf I, Herzog von Sachsen-Weissenfels,1649-1697
Physical Description : 3 page letter. Seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 31 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 19, ms no. 819
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Edict confirming a decision by the council of Jütebog concerning the heirs of the late Benedikt Teupitz.Source/Provenance :

Wiener Antiquariat 29, Feb. 1968

Contents: Letter : Neu-Augustusburg zu Weissenfels, to the pastor of the Nicolai-Kirche in Weissenfels : ALS, 1687 Jan. 8.
Author(s) : Johann Adolf I, Herzog von Sachsen-Weissenfels,1649-1697
Physical Description : Mark of receipt dated 19. Jan. 1687 on leaf 1. Leaf 2 missing. 1 leaf ; 31 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 19, ms no. 820
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Concerning a new prayer against the Turks to be read from the pulpit.Source/Provenance :

Dörling 109, Nov. 1984, Nr.3649

Contents: Letter : Neu-Augustusburg zu Weissenfels, to Duke Heinrich of Sachsen-Weissenfels, Barby : ALS, 1690 Jun. 2.
Author(s) : Johann Adolf I, Herzog von Sachsen-Weissenfels,1649-1697
Recipient(s) : Heinrich, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1657-1728
Physical Description : 2 page letter. 2 leaves ; 23 x 17 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 19, ms no. 821
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Regarding the bequest of their brother Christian, who died on 24. Aug. 1689.Source/Provenance :

Adam 342

Contents: Letter : Freyburg, to Jobst Christoph Koch, "Schoßer zu Sangershausen" : ALS, 1694 Sep. 15.
Author(s) : Johann Adolf I, Herzog von Sachsen-Weissenfels,1649-1697
Recipient(s) : Koch, Jobst Christoph
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address on verso of leaf 2. Seal missing. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 19, ms no. 822
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Regarding a gift for Johann Conrad Stieff on account of his severe weather related damages.Source/Provenance :

Adam 342

Contents: Letter : Neu-Augustusburg zu Weissenfels, to Wolf Christoph von Hahn zu Grüningen, "Dom-Dechant zu Merseburg" : ALS, 1694 Nov. 11.
Author(s) : Johann Adolf I, Herzog von Sachsen-Weissenfels,1649-1697
Recipient(s) : Hahn zu Grüningen, Wolf Christoph von
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address and seal (missing) on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 31 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 19, ms no. 823
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Regarding "Merseburgische Sedis-vacanz im Dom-Capitul daselbst".Source/Provenance :

Adam 342

Contents: Letter : Halle, to Herzog Friedrich von Sachsen-Gotha (FG816), Gotha : ALS, 1672 Dec. 24.
Author(s) : Johanna Magdalena, Herzogin von Sachsen-Altenburg,1656-1686
Recipient(s) : Friedrich I, Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha und Altenburg,1648-1691
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 2. Jan. 1673 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 31 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 20, ms no. 826
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New year's greetings from author, wife of Herzog Johann Adolf I von Sachsen-Weissenfels (FG719).Source/Provenance :

Adam 342

Contents: Letter : Eisenach, to Herzog Friedrich II von Sachsen-Gotha, Gotha : ALS, 1713 Dec. 18.
Author(s) : Magdalena Sibylle, Herzogin von Sachsen-Weissenfels,1673-1726
Recipient(s) : Friedrich II, Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha, 1676-1732
Physical Description : Address on verso of leaf 2. Seal missing. 2 leaves ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 20, ms no. 829
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New year's greetings from author, daughter of Herzog Johann Adolf I von Sachsen-Weissenfels (FG719).

Contents: Receipt : Gotterstedt : ALS, 1703 Aug. 1.
Author(s) : Johann Georg, Herzog von Sachsen-Weissenfels,1677-1712
Physical Description : Seal also in folder. 1 leaf ; 33 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 20, ms no. 830
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Receipt to the "Amtsschreiber zu Freyburg," Hans Kaspar Feyerlein.

Contents: Letter : Weissenfels, to Herzog Friedrich II von Sachsen-Gotha, Gotha : ALS, 1730 Jan. 2.
Author(s) : Christian, Herzog von Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1682-1736
Recipient(s) : Friedrich II, Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha, 1676-1732
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 20, ms no. 832
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New year's greetings to recipient, son of Friedrich I, Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha und Altenburg (FG816)

Contents: Letter : Weissenfels, to Herzog Georg Albert von Sachsen-Weissenfels, Barby : ALS, 1736 Jul. 10.
Author(s) : Louise Christine, Herzogin von Sachsen-Weissenfels,1675-1738
Recipient(s) : Georg Albert, Herzog von Sachsen-Weissenfels,1695-1739
Physical Description : 3 page letter. Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 34 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 20, ms no. 833
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Author announces the death of her husband Christian, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, to the recipient, a cousin of the deceased.

Contents: Letter : Sorau, to Herzog Friedrich II von Sachsen-Gotha, Gotha : ALS, 1721 Dec. 24.
Author(s) : Anna Maria, Gräfin von Promnitz, geb. Herzogin vonSachsen-Weissenfels, 1683-1731
Recipient(s) : Friedrich II, Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha, 1676-1732
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address and mark of receipt dated 3. Jan. 1722 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 20, ms no. 834
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New year's greetings.

Contents: Letter : Weissenfels, to the "Kabinettminister u. General" Wolf Heinrich von Baudissin : ALS, 1738 Jan. 31.
Author(s) : Johann Adolf II, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels,1685-1746
Recipient(s) : Wolf Heinrich, Graf von Baudissin, 1671-1748
Physical Description : 2 page letter. 2 leaves ; 23 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 20, ms no. 835
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Author recommends his "Cammer Pagen von Könnwitz" for a vacant post in the "Karabiniers-Garde."

Contents: Letter : Weissenfels, to the "Konsistorium zu Barby", Barby : ALS, 1740 Oct. 6.
Author(s) : Johann Adolf II, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels,1685-1746
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 34 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 20, ms no. 836
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Instructions for the resumption of playing of organ music in Barby following the death of Herzog Georg Albert von Sachsen-Weissenfels and the transferral of the county's allegiance to author.

Contents: Letter : Weissenfels, to Graf Wolf Heinrich von Baudissin, Rixdorff : ALS, 1745 Jan. 21.
Author(s) : Johann Adolf II, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels,1685-1746
Recipient(s) : Johann Adolf I, Herzog von Sachsen-Weissenfels,1649-1697 Wolf Heinrich, Graf von Baudissin, 1671-1748
Physical Description : 1 leaf ; 24 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 20, ms no. 837
Note: Language: French
Scope and contents : Letter of greetings in which the author alludes to his sadness at failing to produce an heir.

Contents: Letter : to Johann Adolf I, Herzog von Sachsen-Weissenfels : ALS, 1683 Jan. 12.
Author(s) : Olearius, Gottfried, 1672-1715
Recipient(s) : Johann Adolf I, Herzog von Sachsen-Weissenfels,1649-1697 Wolf Heinrich, Graf von Baudissin, 1671-1748
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 20 x 16 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 20, ms no. 837a
Note: Language: German

Contents: Letter : Weimar, to Burkhard Grossmann : ALS, 1618 Oct. 8.
Author(s) : Johann Ernst, Duke of Saxony-Weimar, 1594-1626
Recipient(s) : Grossmann, Burckhard, 1575-1637
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 20, ms no. 843
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Directive to recipient, who served as tax collector, financial administrator, and police inspector in Jena, regarding the sentencing of Albrecht Keßelring for violent assault. Recipient is instructed to banish, not execute, Keßelring.Source/Provenance :

Hartung 2826, Nov. 1981

Contents: Letter : Weimar, Johann Ernst, Duke of Saxony-Weimar to his brother Friedrich, Duke of Saxony-Weimar : ALS, 1620 Jun. 26.
Author(s) : Johann Ernst, Duke of Saxony-Weimar, 1594-1626
Recipient(s) : Friedrich, Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1596-1622
Physical Description : Address on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 30 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 20, ms no. 848
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Author inquires after his brother's welfare and promises to pass along greetings to Friedrich V. von der Pfalz.Source/Provenance :

Wildner 702

Contents: Autograph : Signed in register of Gustav von Racknitz : ALS, 1648.
Author(s) : Johann Georg II, Elector of Saxony, 1613-1680
Physical Description : 1 autograph
Microfiche number: mf. 26, ms no. 859
Note: Language: Latin
Scope and contents : Autograph can be found in: Gustav von Racknitz. Stammbuch. p. 1 (Bancroft Collections BANC MSS 98/49 1153).

Contents: Letter : Dresden, to Wolf Siegfried von Lüttichau : ALS, 1655 Mar. 29.
Author(s) : Johann Georg II, Elector of Saxony, 1613-1680
Recipient(s) : Lüttichau, Wolf Siegfried von, 1610-1671
Physical Description : 1 leaf ; 30 x 17 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 20, ms no. 860
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Assignation of 875 Reichstaler to recepient, advisor and later personal secretary and chancellor to author.Source/Provenance :

Hartung u.Karl, May 1984, Nr.5257

Contents: Letter : Dresden, to the "Rat von Görlitz" : ALS, 1662 Aug. 13.
Author(s) : Johann Georg II, Elector of Saxony, 1613-1680
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 23. Sep. 1662 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 21, ms no. 862
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Regarding a legal dispute between Rosina Keßler and Johann Kaule.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt Apr. 1988, Nr.1512

Contents: Letter : Dresden, to Christoph Hölzel : ALS, 1669 Jun. 26.
Author(s) : Johann Georg II, Elector of Saxony, 1613-1680
Recipient(s) : Hölzel, Christoph
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 21, ms no. 863
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Instructions to recipient, "Zehnder zu St. Annaberg", to investigate and block the further construction of a ditch through woods belonging to Johann Georg II, Elector of Saxony. Signed on behalf of Johann Georg II, Elector of Saxony, by Johann Georg Hacker and an unidentified individual.Source/Provenance :

Hartung 49, May 1985m Nr.2573

Contents: Letter : Dresden, to Elector Friedrich Wilhelm of Brandenburg (FG401) : ALS, 1669 Oct.
Author(s) : Johann Georg II, Elector of Saxony, 1613-1680
Recipient(s) : Friedrich Wilhelm, Elector of Brandenburg, 1620-1688
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 21, ms no. 864
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Author intervenes in a financial dispute on bahalf of Jakob Friedel, a citizen of Leipzig, asking recipient to assist in helping Friedel recover the money he was owed by Michael Goldtmann, a resident of Berlin.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 634, Nov. 1985, Nr.1328

Contents: Letter : Dresden, to Ernst Friedemann von Selmnitz zu Steinburg (FG431) : ALS, 1670 May 26.
Author(s) : Friesen, Heinrich d.J., Freiherr von, 1610-1680Johann Georg II, Elector of Saxony, 1613-1680
Recipient(s) : Selmnitz zu Steinburg, Ernst Friedemann von,1620-1678
Physical Description : Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 21, ms no. 865
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Recipient, administrator and advisor to the authors, is asked to conduct a secret investigation and provide a report on an unpleasant situation involving Franz Maximilian, Graf von Mansfeld (FG803). Letter also signed by secretary and archivist Anton Wecke (1623-1680).Source/Provenance :

Stargardt, Jun. 1986, Nr.1192

Contents: Letter : Dresden, to Herzog Bernhard I. von Sachsen-Meiningen, Gotha : ALS, 1677 Jan. 9.
Author(s) : Johann Georg II, Elector of Saxony, 1613-1680
Recipient(s) : Bernhard, Herzog von Sachsen-Meiningen, 1649-1706
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address and mark of receipt dated 18. Jan. 1677 on verso of leaf 2. Seal cut out. 2 leaves ; 31 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 21, ms no. 866
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter of condolence with regard to the death of the recipient's fourth child, Maria Elisabeth, at the age of four months. Author was the uncle of the recipient's wife, Maria Hedwig.Source/Provenance :

Ingo Nebehay, Wien, L.48, Nr.136

Contents: Letter : Halle, to Hans Adolf von Haugwitz : ALS, 1661 Oct. 16.
Author(s) : Magdalena Sibylle, Kurfürstin von Sachsen, 1612-1687
Recipient(s) : Haugwitz, Hans Adolf von, 1647-1706
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 21, ms no. 869
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Directive from the author, wife of Johann Georg II, Elector of Saxony (FG682), that the personal servant Christoph Burckner should be paid back at least 1000 of the 1900 Reichstaler which had been loaned to the Kurfürstin zu Michaelis.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt, Apr. 1991, bei Nr.1713

Contents: Edict : Dresden : ALS, 1673 Nov. 13.
Author(s) : Magdalena Sibylle, Kurfürstin von Sachsen, 1612-1687
Physical Description : With seal. 1 leaf ; 33 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 21, ms no. 870
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Directive that Christoph Gleichmann, the administrator in Lohmen (near Dresden), should pay the chancellor Matthes Kriebel 50 Thaler a year for room and board.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt Apr. 1991, bei Nr.1713

Contents: Letter : Dresden, to Gottfried Heinrich Boezo : ALS, 1679 (Christmas).
Author(s) : Johann Georg III, Elector of Saxony, 1647-1691
Recipient(s) : Boezo, Gottfried Heinrich
Physical Description : 5 page letter. Seal on leaf 3. Bound with yellow and black string. Accompanied by one leaf with 2 pages of text, 32 x 19 cm., undecipherable. 4 leaves ; 32 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 21, ms no. 873
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Appointment of Gottfried Heinrich Boezo to the position of private secretary.Source/Provenance :

Venator/Köln 43, Jun. 1976, Nr.23 a

Contents: Letter : Dresden, to "die vier Stände von 'Praelaten, Herren: Ritterschafft vnd Städten des ErzHerzogthumbs österreich ob der Ens'" : ALS, 1640 Jul. 18.
Author(s) : Johann Georg I, Elector of Saxony, 1585-1656
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 21, ms no. 885
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter to the Upper Austrian Diet in which the author writes in support of one of his subjects, Johann Meurer, regarding a financial dispute.

Contents: Edict : Dresden : ALS, 1655 Mar. 8.
Author(s) : Johann Georg I, Elector of Saxony, 1585-1656
Physical Description : Seal between leaf 1 and leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 21, ms no. 886
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Directive raising the salary of Martin Rathke, personal servant to the author.Source/Provenance :

Erasmushaus, 760, Mar. 1973, Nr.77

Contents: Letter : Friedwald, to Herzogin Elisabeth Sophie von Sachsen-Gotha : ALS, 1663 Dec. 16.
Author(s) : Johann Georg I, Herzog von Sachsen-Eisenach,1634-1686
Recipient(s) : Elisabeth Sophie, Herzogin von Sachsen-Gotha,1619-1680
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 21, ms no. 898
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New year's greetings from author to his aunt, wife of Ernst I, Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha (FG19).Source/Provenance :

Hartung 2826, Nov. 1981

Contents: Letter : Altenburg, to Herzog Johann Ernst von Sachsen-Weimar : ALS, 1618 Feb. 26.
Author(s) : Johann Philipp, Herzog von Sachsen-Altenburg,1597-1639
Recipient(s) : Johann Ernst, Duke of Saxony-Weimar, 1594-1626
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 30 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 21, ms no. 901
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Author writes to turn down recipient's recommendation of Christoph Wilhelm Dieden as a page.Source/Provenance :

Nebehay Wien, L.68, Nr.367

Contents: Letter (draft) : Altenburg, to Johann Friedrich zu Württemberg : ALS, 1618 May 28.
Author(s) : Johann Philipp, Herzog von Sachsen-Altenburg,1597-1639
Recipient(s) : Johann Friedrich, Herzog von Württemberg und Teck,1582-1628
Physical Description : 1 leaf ; 30 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 22, ms no. 902
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter of recommendation on behalf of Matthaeus Müller, "Medicinae Doctor".Source/Provenance :

Nebehay Wien, L.68, Nr.366, Feb. 1981

Contents: Autograph : Signed in register of Gustav von Racknitz : ALS, 1648.
Author(s) : Moritz, Herzog von Sachsen-Zeitz, 1619-1681
Physical Description : 1 autograph
Microfiche number: mf. 26, ms no. 907
Scope and contents : Autograph can be found in: Gustav von Racknitz. Stammbuch. p.5 (Bancroft Collections BANC MSS 98/49 1153).

Contents: Letter : Cremnery, to "Domine Comes" : ALS, 1714 May 30.
Author(s) : Christian August, Herzog von Sachsen-Zeitz, 1666-1725
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Brief biography of author also in folder. 2 leaves ; 30 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 22, ms no. 914
Note: Language: Latin
Scope and contents : Concerning the replacement for the vacancy in the diocese Scepuiensis, Zips.Source/Provenance :

Nebehay Wien, L.68, Nr.352, Feb. 1981

Contents: Letter : Weimar, to the "Fürstlichen Braunschweigischen Cantzlar vnd Räthe zu Halberstadt" : ALS, 1623 Jan. 27.
Author(s) : Wilhelm IV, Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1598-1662
Physical Description : Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 31. Jan. 1623 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 22, ms no. 921
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Author writes on behalf of one of his subjects, Markus Neumair von Ramsla, concerning a financial dispute against Siegfried and Hans Georg von Hoym, citizens of Halberstadt.

Contents: Letter : Neustadt, to Herzog Johann Wilhelm II. von Sachsen-Altenburg (FG188), Altenburg : ALS, 1624 Jun. 2/12.
Author(s) : Wilhelm IV, Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1598-1662
Recipient(s) : Johann Wilhelm II, Herzog von Sachsen-Altenburg,1600-1632
Physical Description : Address on verso of leaf 2. Seal missing. 2 leaves ; 30 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 22, ms no. 922
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter of greetings from author, who at that time was under imperial arrest as a prisoner of war.

Contents: Letter : Wien, to "a closely related prince" : ALS, 1624 Dec. 28.
Author(s) : Wilhelm IV, Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1598-1662
Physical Description : Address cut out. Seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 31 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 22, ms no. 923
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter to a close relative in which the author shares the news of his release from captivity after one and a half years.Source/Provenance :

Bassenge 55, May 1990, Nr.3280

Contents: Edict : Weimar : ALS, 1628 Jan. 28.
Author(s) : Wilhelm IV, Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1598-1662
Physical Description : 2 leaves ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 22, ms no. 924
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Moratorium of four months regarding the awarding of the estate of Schwerstedt (near Weimar) to Johann Zeidler.Source/Provenance :

Dörling 105, Nov. 1982, Nr.3542

Contents: Letter : Weimar, to the "Rat von Weimar" : ALS, 1628 Jul. 9.
Author(s) : Wilhelm IV, Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1598-1662
Physical Description : Address on verso of leaf 2. Seal missing. 2 leaves ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 22, ms no. 925
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter calling for contributions for the Kaiser's troops.Source/Provenance :

Adam 462,1

Contents: Letter : Erfurt, to Prince Ludwig of Anhalt-Köthen : ALS, 1633 Mar. 7.
Author(s) : Wilhelm IV, Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1598-1662
Recipient(s) : Ludwig, Prince of Anhalt-Köthen, 1579-1650
Physical Description : Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 10. Mar. 1633 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 22, ms no. 926
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Regarding military matters (both author and recipient were in the service of the Swedes).Source/Provenance :

nicht gedruckt bei Krause

Contents: Travel Pass : Hof : ALS, 1633 May 8.
Author(s) : Wilhelm IV, Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1598-1662
Physical Description : Printed form filled out by hand. With seal. 1 leaf ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 22, ms no. 927
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Travel pass for the wife of Herr Reuß, Hauptmann.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 605, Nr.1278, 1975

Contents: Letter : Weimar, to a resident of Erfurt : ALS, 1634 Mar. 13.
Author(s) : Wilhelm IV, Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1598-1662
Physical Description : On verso of leaf 1, a notice about a fire in Hornby (England) on 23. Apr. 1693. 1 leaf ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 22, ms no. 928
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Instructions on how to interact with Reichschancellor Axel Graf Oxenstierna (FG232).Source/Provenance :

Adam 462,2

Contents: Letter : Weimar, to Friedrich Metzsch, Heinrich von Friesen (FG683) and Johann Teüber : ALS, 1641 Jul. 16.
Author(s) : Albrecht, Herzog von Sachsen-Eisenach, 1599-1644Ernst I, der Fromme, Herzog vonSachsen-Gotha-Altenburg, 1601-1675 Wilhelm IV, Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1598-1662
Recipient(s) : Ernst I, der Fromme, Herzog vonSachsen-Gotha-Altenburg, 1601-1675 Friesen, Heinrich d.J., Freiherr von, 1610-1680Metzsch, Friedrich Teüber, Johann
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address, 3 seals, and mark of receipt dated 2. Aug. 1641 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 22, ms no. 929
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter from the authors (brothers) to the three Weimar representatives to the Reichstag in Regensburg concerning the apportionment of inherited territory.

Contents: Letter : Weimar, to Herzog Ernst von Sachsen-Gotha (FG19) : ALS, 1645 Jan. 3.
Author(s) : Wilhelm IV, Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1598-1662
Recipient(s) : Ernst I, der Fromme, Herzog vonSachsen-Gotha-Altenburg, 1601-1675 Friesen, Heinrich d.J., Freiherr von, 1610-1680Metzsch, Friedrich Teüber, Johann
Physical Description : Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 22, ms no. 929a
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New year's greetings from author to his brother.Source/Provenance :

Kronenberger Basel, Dec. 1994

Contents: Letter : Weimar, to Fürst August von Anhalt-Plötzkau (FG46), Plötzkau : ALS, 1649 Nov. 13.
Author(s) : Wilhelm IV, Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1598-1662
Recipient(s) : August, Fürst von Anhalt-Plötzkau, 1575-1653
Physical Description : Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 16. Nov. 1649 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 22, ms no. 930
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter from author to his uncle regarding health and medical matters.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 617, Feb. 1979, Nr.1246

Contents: Letter : Weimar, to Herzog Ernst von Sachsen-Gotha (FG19) : ALS, 1651 Jun. 12.
Author(s) : Wilhelm IV, Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1598-1662
Recipient(s) : Ernst I, der Fromme, Herzog vonSachsen-Gotha-Altenburg, 1601-1675
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 17. Jun. 1651 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 33 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 23, ms no. 931
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Concerning regulation of timber trasportation by sea.Source/Provenance :

Adam 652,3

Contents: Letter : Weimar, to Herzogin Elisabeth Sophie von Sachsen-Gotha (wife of FG19), Friedenstein (Gotha) : ALS, 1659 Jan. 2.
Author(s) : Wilhelm IV, Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1598-1662
Recipient(s) : Elisabeth Sophie, Herzogin von Sachsen-Gotha,1619-1680
Physical Description : Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 7. Jan. 1659 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 23, ms no. 932
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New year's greetings from author to his sister-in-law.

Contents: Letter : Weimar, to Herzogin Elisabeth Sophie von Sachsen-Gotha (wife of FG19), Friedenstein (Gotha) : ALS, 1660 Jan. 2.
Author(s) : Wilhelm IV, Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1598-1662
Recipient(s) : Elisabeth Sophie, Herzogin von Sachsen-Gotha,1619-1680
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 3. Jan. 1660 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 23, ms no. 933
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New year's greetings from author to his sister-in-law.

Contents: Letter : Weimar, to Herzog Ernst von Sachsen-Gotha (FG19), Friedenstein (Gotha) : ALS, 1660 Apr. 14.
Author(s) : Wilhelm IV, Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1598-1662
Recipient(s) : Ernst I, der Fromme, Herzog vonSachsen-Gotha-Altenburg, 1601-1675
Physical Description : Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 15. Apr. 1660 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 23, ms no. 934
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter from author to his brother regarding the apportionment of their inheritance (see also mss.929 and 936).Source/Provenance :

Granier 21, Nr.469, Oct. 1986

Contents: Letter : Weimar, to unknown recipient : ALS, 1661 Jul. 9.
Author(s) : Wilhelm IV, Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1598-1662
Physical Description : Address and seal missing. Most of leaf 2 cut off. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 23, ms no. 935
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Regarding Ludwig Compenius, organ builder and citizen of Erfurt.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt Apr. 1991, Nr.1712

Contents: Letter : Tonna, to Herzog Ernst von Sachsen-Gotha (FG19), Friedenstein (Gotha) : ALS, 1661 Sep. 26.
Author(s) : Wilhelm IV, Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1598-1662
Recipient(s) : Ernst I, der Fromme, Herzog vonSachsen-Gotha-Altenburg, 1601-1675
Physical Description : Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 27. Sep. 1661 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 23, ms no. 936
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter from the author to his brother regarding the apportionment of the territory (Grafschaft) of Henneberg (see also mss. 929 and 934).Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 614, Nr.144

Contents: Letter : Weimar, to Herzog Ernst von Sachsen-Gotha (FG19), Gotha : ALS, 1662 Jan. 2.
Author(s) : Wilhelm IV, Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1598-1662
Recipient(s) : Ernst I, der Fromme, Herzog vonSachsen-Gotha-Altenburg, 1601-1675
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 7. Jan. 1662 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 23, ms no. 938
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New year's greetings from author to his brother, written a few months before author's death and containing wishes for continued peace within the empire.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 614, Nr.145

Contents: Letter : Wilhelmsburg (Weimar), to Herzog Ernst von Sachsen-Gotha, Gotha : ALS, 1662 Jan. 2.
Author(s) : Eleonora Dorothea, Herzogin von Sachsen-Weimar,1602-1664
Recipient(s) : Ernst I, der Fromme, Herzog vonSachsen-Gotha-Altenburg, 1601-1675
Physical Description : Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 7. Jan. 1662 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 23, ms no. 940
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New year's greetings from author, wife of Wilhelm IV, Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar (FG5), to her brother-in-law.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 614, Nr.146

Contents: Letter : Schloß Ratzeburg, to Herzog Franz Albrecht von Sachsen-Lauenburg (FG194) : ALS, 1639 Mar. 9.
Author(s) : August, Herzog von Sachsen-Lauenburg, 1577-1656
Recipient(s) : Franz Albrecht, Herzog von Sachsen-Lauenburg,1598-1642
Physical Description : Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 9. Mar. 1639 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 31 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 23, ms no. 945
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Author acknowledges previous correspondence from recipient, his stepbrother.Source/Provenance :

Adam 460, 1

Contents: Letter : Schwarzenberg, to Prince Ludwig of Anhalt-Köthen (FG2) [?] : ALS, 1638 May 25.
Author(s) : Franz Albrecht, Herzog von Sachsen-Lauenburg,1598-1642
Recipient(s) : Ludwig, Prince of Anhalt-Köthen, 1579-1650
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Seal on verso of leaf 2. Address cut off. 2 leaves ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 23, ms no. 948
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Demand for payment.Source/Provenance :

Adam 460,2

Contents: Letter : Prag, to Markgraf Christian von Brandenburg-Bayreuth (FG145) : ALS, 1638 Aug. 28/Nov. 7.
Author(s) : Franz Karl, Herzog von Sachsen-Lauenburg, 1594-1660
Recipient(s) : Christian, Markgraf von Brandenburg-Bayreuth,1581-1655
Physical Description : 2 page letter. 1 leaf ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 23, ms no. 950
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Author informs recipient that he will be unable to attend the wedding of the recipient's daughter, Magdalena Sibylle, and the future Elector Johann Georg II. von Sachsen (FG682).Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 629, Nr.203, Aug.1983

Contents: Letter : Brieg, to Princess Sophie of Anhalt-Köthen : ALS, 1650 Feb. 18.
Author(s) : Christian, Herzog in Schlesien zu Brieg, Wohlau undLiegnitz, 1618-1672
Recipient(s) : Sophie, Fürstin von Anhalt-Köthen, 1599-1654
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 23, ms no. 960
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter of condolence with regard to the death of recipient's husband, Prince Ludwig of Anhalt-Köthen (FG2).Source/Provenance :

Wildner/Graz, Dec. 1982, Nr.712

Contents: Letter : Oels, from Duke Sylvius Nimrod of Württemberg-Oels : ALS, 1655 Apr. 2.
Author(s) : Sylvius, Duke of Württemberg and Teck, 1622-1664
Recipient(s) : Georg III, Herzog in Schlesien zu Brieg, 1611-1664
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 4. May 1655 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 23, ms no. 966
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Author appoints two of his advisors to negotiate on his behalf with the recipient.Source/Provenance :

Ingo Nebehay

Contents: Letter : Breslau, to a prince ("Vetter und Schwager") : ALS, 1646 Sep. 1.
Author(s) : Georg Rudolf, Herzog in Schlesien zu Liegnitz,1595-1653
Physical Description : 1 leaf ; 31 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 23, ms no. 967
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Concerning the "urbarium, oder die beschaffenheit des Guttes Burschen."Source/Provenance :

Wildner 713

Contents: Letter : Liegnitz, to unknown recipient : ALS, 1656 Apr. 25.
Author(s) : Ludwig IV, Herzog in Schlesien zu Brieg u. Liegnitz,1616-1663
Physical Description : Seal on leaf 1. 2 leaves ; 31 x 22 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 23, ms no. 969
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Approval of a scholarship for Balthasar Friedrich von Logau, son of Freidrich von Logau (FG510), to be used for the continuation of his studies.Source/Provenance :

Hauswedell 278, Nov. 1989, Nr.2225

Contents: Letter : Plön, to Duke August of Braunschweig-Lüneburg : ALS, 1659 Apr. 28.
Author(s) : Joachim Ernst, Herzog vonSchleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Plön, 1595-1671
Recipient(s) : August, Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg, 1579-1666
Physical Description : Address and mark of receipt dated 30. May 1659 on verso of leaf 2. Seal and much of leaf 2 missing. 2 leaves ; 33 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 24, ms no. 975
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Regarding the remittal of the workers Heinrich Labandt and Johann Kemmerling.Source/Provenance :

Erasmushaus Kat.760, Mar. 1973, Nr.76

Contents: Letter : Groß Saltz, to Johann David Wies (FG340) : ALS, 1636 May 11.
Author(s) : Schlomach, Melchior von, 1607(?)-after 1678
Recipient(s) : Wies, Johann David
Physical Description : Address and seal on verso of leaf 1. 1 leaf ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 24, ms no. 976
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Regarding an assignation in the city of Köthen. Recipient was the Hof- und Amtsrat for Prince Ludwig of Anhalt-Köthen (FG2).Source/Provenance :

Wildner/Graz, Dec. 1982, Nr.716

Contents: Letter : Gera, to Gräfin Sophie, geb. von Anhalt, from Heinrich II. Reuß Herr von Plauen zu Gera : ALS, 1644 Dec. 29.
Author(s) : Heinrich II Reuß, Herr von Plauen zu Gera, 1602-1670
Recipient(s) : Anna Sophie, Gräfin von Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt,1584-1652
Physical Description : Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 3. Jan. 1645 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 24, ms no. 1004
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New year's greetings to recipient, younger sister of Prince Ludwig of Anhalt-Köthen (FG2), widow of Karl Günter, Graf von Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt (FG23), and founder of the "Tugendliche Gesellschaft."Source/Provenance :

Wildner 674

Contents: Autograph : (Nürnberg), signed in register of Gustav von Racknitz : ALS, 1649.
Author(s) : Charles X Gustav, King of Sweden, 1622-1660
Physical Description : 1 autograph
Microfiche number: mf. 26, ms no. 1009
Note: Language: Latin
Scope and contents : Dating from the author's stay in Nürnberg for the peace celebrations. Autograph can be found in: Gustav von Racknitz. Stammbuch. p. 29 (Bancroft Collections BANC MSS 98/49 1153).

Contents: Letter : Wismar, to Herzog Christian Ludwig von Braunschweig und Lüneburg-Celle (FG372), Celle : ALS, 1658 Jul. 27.
Author(s) : Charles X Gustav, King of Sweden, 1622-1660
Recipient(s) : Christian Ludwig, Herzog von Braunschweig-Lüneburg,1622-1665
Physical Description : Address on verso of leaf 2. Seal missing. 2 leaves ; 32 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 24, ms no. 1010
Note: Language: Latin
Scope and contents : Diplomatic accompanying letter for Bodo von Gladebeck, the accredited advisor of the author in Celle.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt Nov. 1981, Nr.1210

Contents: Letter : Wien, to the "niederösterreichische Landesregierung" : ALS, 1656 Dec. 4.
Author(s) : Ferdinand Maximilian, Graf von und zu Sprinzenstein,1625-1678
Physical Description : 2 page letter. 1 leaf ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 24, ms no. 1021a
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter from the "ständischen Landesverwaltung 'Augburg.Confession und theils Cathol.Religion'" regarding the execution matter from the rebellions coming from the Kirchberg estate. Signed also by Hans Reinhardt, Adam Ehrenberger, Hans Wilhelm von Waldherskirchen and Gottfried Haberlandt.Source/Provenance :

Hauswedell 275, May 1989, Nr.2951

Contents: Letter : Quedlinburg, from Pfalzgräfin Anna Sophie bei Rhein-Birkenfeld, äbtissen von Quedlinburg : ALS, 1659 Oct. 8.
Author(s) : Anna Sophie, Pfalzgräfin bei Rhein-Birkenfeld,äbtissen von Quedlinburg, 1619-1680
Recipient(s) : Hans Martin, Graf von Stolberg-Stolberg, 1594-1669
Physical Description : Address on verso of leaf 2. Seal missing. 2 leaves ; 34 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 24, ms no. 1029
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Regarding a dispute, details unkown.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt, Apr. 1991, Nr. 1600

Contents: Autographs : Nürnberg, signed in register of Gustav von Racknitz : ALS, 1646 Dec. 5.
Author(s) : Stubenberg, Georg Augustin, 1628-1691 Stubenberg, Otto Gall von, 1631-1688
Physical Description : 2 autographs
Microfiche number: mf. 26, ms no. 1073
Note: Language: Latin
Scope and contents : Autographs can be found in: Gustav von Racknitz. Stammbuch. p. 76 (Bancroft Collections BANC MSS 98/49 1153).

Contents: Letter : Erfurt, to Hans Martin Graf zu Stolberg-Stolberg (FG228) : ALS, 1631 Mar. 6.
Author(s) : Vitzthum von Eckstädt, Dam, 1595-1638
Recipient(s) : Hans Martin, Graf von Stolberg-Stolberg, 1594-1669
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 24, ms no. 1087
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Regarding "insolentien" among the troops of General Don Balthasar Graf Marradas.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 629, Nr.198, Aug. 1983

Contents: Letter : Ingolstadt, to Otto Heinrich Graf Fugger, Generalzeugmeister : ALS, 1641 Apr. 11.
Author(s) : Joachim Christian, Graf von Wahl, 1590-1644
Recipient(s) : Otto Heinrich, Graf Fugger
Physical Description : Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 24, ms no. 1089
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Author sends regrets for not being able to see recipient personally due to orders from the Elector in Westfalen to join the Armada.Source/Provenance :

Wildner 740

Contents: Letter : Schloß Detmold, to the citizens and town council of a city : ALS, 1628 Oct. 22.
Author(s) : Christian, Graf von Waldeck-Wildungen, 1585-1637
Physical Description : 2 page letter. 1 leaf ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 24, ms no. 1090
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Urgent demand for a financial contribution.Source/Provenance :

Wildner 741

Contents: Letter : Kassel, to Landgrave Moritz of Hesse-Kassel (FG80) : ALS, 1618 May 30.
Author(s) : Werder, Diederich von dem, 1584-1657
Recipient(s) : Moritz, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel, 1572-1632
Physical Description : Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 9. Jun. 1618 on verso of leaf 1. 1 leaf ; 33 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 24, ms no. 1094
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Author expresses gratitude for ceremonial costumes which he and his bride would wear at their wedding the following month.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt Apr. 1987, Nr.284

Contents: Letter : Reinsdorf, to Johann David Wies (FG340), Kammerrat, Köthen : ALS, 1639 Feb. 6.
Author(s) : Werder, Diederich von dem, 1584-1657
Recipient(s) : Wies, Johann David
Physical Description : Address and seal on verso of leaf 1. 1 leaf ; 33 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 24, ms no. 1095
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Acknowledgment and thanks for a previous letter.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 583, Nov. 1967, Nr.397

Contents: Letter (with supplement) : Osnabrück, to the Princes August (FG46), Ludwig (FG2) and Johann Kasimir of Anhalt (FG10) : ALS, 1648.
Author(s) : Wesenbeck, Matthaeus, 1600-1659
Recipient(s) : August, Fürst von Anhalt-Plötzkau, 1575-1653Johann Kasimir, Fürst von Anhalt-Dessau, 1596-1660Ludwig, Prince of Anhalt-Köthen, 1579-1650
Physical Description : 1. 7 page letter. Address and seal on verso of leaf 4.; 2. 4 page (incomplete) letter. 2 entries:; 1. 4 leaves ; 32 x 21 cm.; 2. 2 leaves ; 33 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 24, ms no. 1104
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Detailed report of the peace negotiations in Osnabrück from the author, a minister of Friedrich Wilhelm, Elector of Brandenburg (FG401).Source/Provenance :

Stargardt Dec. 1988, Nr.1066

Contents: Letter : [Hamburg] : ALS, 1674 Mar. 4.
Author(s) : Gottlieb, Graf von Windischgrätz, 1630-1695
Physical Description : 4 page letter. 2 leaves ; 32 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 25, ms no. 1108a
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Proposition in the name of the Holy Roman Emperor written by author, a diplomat in the Emperor's service.

Contents: Letter : "Im Hauptquartir Bregentz" : ALS, 1647 Feb. 10.
Author(s) : Wrangel, Carl Gustaf, 1613-1676
Physical Description : Seal on leaf 2 (with hole burned through leaf 1). 2 leaves ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 25, ms no. 1113
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Letter of safe-conduct for the Swedish resident Georg Snolsky. Author had just participated in the battle to win the city of Bregenz, and was sending Snolsky to Vienna as the Swedish ambassador.Source/Provenance :

Bassenge 47, Nr.1811, Apr. 1986

Contents: Letter : Haptquartier Rheinfeld vor Schweinfurt, to Prince Ludwig of Anhalt-Köthen (FG2) : ALS, 1647 May 11.
Author(s) : Wrangel, Carl Gustaf, 1613-1676
Recipient(s) : Ludwig, Prince of Anhalt-Köthen, 1579-1650
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 22. May 1647 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 33 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 25, ms no. 1114
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Response from author, commander of the Swedish army in Germany, to the recipient, who had complained about the continued quartering of foreign troops and the high level of contributions expected from the principality of Anhalt.Source/Provenance :

Tenner 116/I, Nr.710, 1977

Contents: Letter : Hauptquartier Langenau, to Duke August of Sachsen-Weissenfels (FG402) : ALS, 1648 May 4.
Author(s) : Wrangel, Carl Gustaf, 1613-1676
Recipient(s) : August, Duke of Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1614-1680
Physical Description : 4 page letter. 2 leaves ; 32 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 25, ms no. 1115
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Regarding the quartering of troops.Source/Provenance :

Wildner 748

Contents: Letter : Spyker (Rügen), to Heinrich Coelestin von Sternbach and Simon Mattaei Rosenhandt : ALS, 1660 Apr. 24.
Author(s) : Wrangel, Carl Gustaf, 1613-1676
Recipient(s) : Rosenhandt, Simon Mattaei Sternbach, Heinrich Coelestin von
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 3. May 1660 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 32 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 25, ms no. 1116
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Author, "Gernalgouverneur" in Pommern, writes to recipients, "Regierungsräte" in Pommern, regarding military matters.Source/Provenance :

Granier 21, Nr.480, Oct. 1986

Contents: Letter : [Unknown], to Herzog Rudolf August von Braunschweig u. Lünebug-Wolfenbüttel (FG754) : ALS, [Date unknown]
Author(s) : Wrangel, Carl Gustaf, 1613-1676
Recipient(s) : Rudolf August, Herzog von Braunschweig- Wolfenbüttel,1627-1704
Physical Description : 2 page letter. Address and seal on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 31 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 25, ms no. 1117
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New year's greetings.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 634, Nov. 1985, Nr.1376

Contents: Letter : Oels, to Herzogin Elisabeth Sophie von Sachsen-Gotha : ALS, 1656 Dec. 18.
Author(s) : Sylvius, Duke of Württemberg and Teck, 1622-1664
Recipient(s) : Elisabeth Sophie, Herzogin von Sachsen-Gotha,1619-1680
Physical Description : Address, seal, and mark of receipt dated 23 Dec. 1656 on verso of leaf 2. 2 leaves ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 25, ms no. 1118a
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : New year's greetings.Source/Provenance :

Stargardt 658, Nov. 1994

Contents: Note : to Malachias Siebenhaar in Magdeburg : ALS, 1667 Oct. 12.
Author(s) : Zesen, Philipp von, 1619-1689
Physical Description : 1 leaf ; 16 x 10 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 25, ms no. 1123
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Dedication to Malachias Siebenhaar (1616-1685) of author's works "Des Geistlichen Standes Vrteile wider den Gewissenszwang," and "Des Weltlichen Standes Handlungen und Vrteile wider den Gewissenszwang," both of which were published in Amsterdam in 1665.Source/Provenance :

Hartung & Karl, Jun. 1977, Nr.2037

Contents: Letter : Rostock, from Andreas Tscherning to Matthäus Apelles von Löwenstern : ALS, 1646 Jan. 7.
Author(s) : Tscherning, Andreas, 1611-1659
Recipient(s) : Löwenstern, Matthäus Apelles von, 1594-1648
Physical Description : 2 page letter. 1 leaf ; 31 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 25, ms no. 1139
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Autobiographical letter, including references to three members of the FG: Schottelius (FG397), Rist (FG467) and Philipp von Zesen (FG521).

Contents: Letter : [Unknown], to "Ehrwürdige wolgeborne, Eld vnd Gestrenge gunstige liebe Herren" : ALS, [Date unknown]
Author(s) : Enenkel, Albrecht von, 1547-1608
Physical Description : Address on verso of leaf 1. 1 leaf ; 28 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 25, ms no. 1142
Note: Language: German
Scope and contents : Probably addressed to the "niederösterreichische Herrenkammer." Regarding beer taxes.

Contents: Autograph : Nürnberg, signed in register of Gustav von Racknitz : ALS, 1648 Apr. 10.
Author(s) : Weltz, Justinian Ernst von, 1621-1685(?)
Physical Description : 1 autograph
Microfiche number: mf. 26, ms no. 1157
Note: Language: French
Scope and contents : Autograph can be found in: Gustav von Racknitz. Stammbuch. p. 141 (Bancroft Collections BANC MSS 98/49 1153).

BANC PIC1998.001      Pictorial Collection

Contents: Portrait of Johann Valentin Andreae, 1586-1654, (FG464).
Creator/Artist : Cappi, Carlo
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 15 x 9 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1, item 6

Contents: Portrait of Christian I. Fürst von Anhalt-Bernburg, 1568-1630, (FG26). Lukas Kilian, sc. and exc., 1615.
Creator/Artist : Kilian, Lukas
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 20 x 14 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1, item 13
Note: Includes 4 Latin verses.

Contents: Portrait of Friedrich Fürst von Anhalt-Harzgerode, 1613-1670, (FG62). Christian Romstedt, sc.
Creator/Artist : Romstedt, Christian
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 29 x 18 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, item 23
Note: Includes 4 Latin verses and dedication by Johann Frentzel.
Source :

Originally from: Leihenpredigt (funeral oratory) of Friedrich von Anhalt. Köthen, 1671.

Contents: Portrait of Johann Fürst von Anhalt-Zerbst, 1621-1667, (FG398).
Creator/Artist : Frentzel, Johann, 1609-1674
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 28 x 17 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, item 26
Note: Includes 4 Latin verses in anagramme format and dedication by Johann Frentzel.
Source :

Originally from: Leihenpredigt (funeral oratory) of Johann von Anhalt. Zerbst, 1668.

Contents: Portrait of Johann Georg II. Fürst von Anhalt-Dessau, 1627-1693, (FG322).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 19 x 13 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, item 29

Contents: Portrait of Johann Georg II. Fürst von Anhalt-Dessau, 1627-1693, (FG322). Johann Vaillant, pinx., Martin Bernigeroth sc.
Creator/Artist : Bernigeroth, Martin Vaillant, Johann
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 33 x 22 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, item 30
Source :

Originally from: Beckmann V, next to p. 246.

Contents: Portrait of Herzogin Magdalena Augusta von Sachsen-Gotha, 1679-1740. Pieter Schenck, fec. and exc.
Creator/Artist : Schenk, Pieter
Physical Description : 1 print : mezzotint ; 25 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, item 38
Note: Daughter of Karl Wilhelm Fürst von Anhalt-Zerbst, 1652-1718, (FG825).

Contents: Portrait of Ludwig Fürst von Anhalt-Köthen, 1579-1650, (FG2).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 15 x 9 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1, item 44
Source :

Originally from: Neumark, Palmbaum, next to p. 16.

Contents: Portrait of Hans Georg von Arnim, 1583-1641, (FG255).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 24 x 16 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 12, item 71
Source :

Portrait can be found in: G.P. Gualdo. Historia di Ferdinando 3. Imperatore, next to p. 426. (Bancroft Collections PT1100.F7 no. 1214).

Contents: Portrait of Johann Christoph Arnschwanger, 1625-1696, (FG853). Daniel Preisler, pinx., Philipp Kilian, sc.
Creator/Artist : Kilian, Philipp Preisler, Daniel
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 23 x 15 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1, item 73
Note: Includes 4 Latin verses and dedication by Johannes Fabricius.

Contents: Portrait of Johann Christoph Arnschwanger, 1625-1696, (FG853). Georg Strauch, fec.
Creator/Artist : Stauch, Georg
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 15 x 9 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1, item 74
Note: Includes 4 Latin verses and dedication by Georg Strauch.

Contents: Double Portrait. Portrait 1 is of Johann Christoph Arnschwanger, 1625-1696, (FG853). Jakob Sandrart, fec. Portrait 2 is the title page to Heilige Palmen/ und Christliche Psalmen. Nürnberg, 1680.
Creator/Artist : Sandrart, Jacob, 1630-1708
Physical Description : Portrait 1: 1 print : copperplate ; 14 x 9 cm. Portrait 2: 1 print : copperplate ; 14 x 9 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1, item 75

Contents: Portrait of Johann Christoph Arnschwanger, 1625-1696, (FG853).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 14 x 10 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1, item 76

Contents: Portrait of Johann Banér, 1596-1641, (FG222). Peter II. Aubry, exc.
Creator/Artist : Aubry, Peter II.
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 14 x 11 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1, item 81
Note: Includes 4 Latin verses by Peter II. Aubry. Note: Portrait can be found included with ms. no. 84, "Brief an Fürst Ludwig von Anhalt-Köthen (FG2)".

Contents: Portrait of Johann Banér, 1596-1641, (FG222). Johann Jakob Metzger, fec.
Creator/Artist : Metzger, Johann Jakob
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 24 x 16 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 12, item 82
Source :

Portrait can be found in: G.P. Gualdo. Historia di Ferdinando 3. Imperatore, next to p. 426. (Bancroft Collections PT1100.F7 no. 1214).

Contents: Portrait of Sebastian Beer, 1609-1659, (FG658). Andreas Kohl, sc.
Creator/Artist : Dilherr, Johannes Michael, 1604-1669 Kohl, Andreas
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 23 x 15 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, item 87
Note: Includes 4 Latin verses and dedication by Johann Michael Dilherr.

Contents: Portrait of Johann Adolf Graf von Bentheim-Tecklenburg, 1637-1704, (FG882).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 20 x 15 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1, item 88

Contents: Portrait of Sigmund von Birken, 1626-1681, (FG681). Jakob Sandrart, sc.
Creator/Artist : Sandrart, Jacob, 1630-1708
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 19 x 11 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. , item 94
Note: Includes 4 Latin verses by Martin Limburger.

Contents: Portrait of Christian Markgraf von Brandenburg-Bayreuth, 1581-1655, (FG145). Lukas Kilian, sc. and exc.
Creator/Artist : Kilian, Lukas
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 20 x 14 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1, item 107
Note: Includes 6 Latin verses.

Contents: Portrait of Friedrich Wilhelm Kurfürst von Brandenburg, 1620-1688, (FG401). Adam de Clerck, pinx, Samuel Blesendorf, sc.
Creator/Artist : Blesendorf, Samuel Clerck, Adam de
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 30 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, item 111

Contents: Portrait of Friedrich Wilhelm Kurfürst von Brandenburg, 1620-1688, (FG401). Johann Franck, sc.
Creator/Artist : Franck, Johann
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 29 x 18 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, item 112

Contents: Portrait of Georg Wilhelm Kurfürst von Brandenburg, 1595-1640, (FG307).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 28 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, item 128

Contents: Portrait of Markgraf Christian Wilhelm von Brandenburg, 1587-1665. Wolfgang Philipp Kilian, sc. and exc.
Creator/Artist : Kilian, Wolfgang Philipp
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 17 x 13 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1, item 131
Note: Includes 4 Latin verses. Uncle of Georg Wilhelm Kurfürst von Brandenburg, 1595-1640, (FG307).

Contents: Portrait of Anton Ulrich Herzog von Braunschweig und Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel, 1633-1714, (FG716). Conrad Buno, sc.
Creator/Artist : Buno, Conrad
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 14 x 8 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, item 133
Source :

Originally from: Johann Valentin Andreae. Seleniana Augustalia. Ulm, 1649.

Contents: Portrait of Anton Ulrich Herzog von Braunschweig und Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel, 1633-1714, (FG716). Johann Hoffmann, exc., Philipp Kilian, sc.
Creator/Artist : Hoffmann, Johann Kilian, Philipp
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 29 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, item 134

Contents: Portrait of August d. J. Herzog von Braunschweig und Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel, 1579-1666, (FG227). Johann van der Heyden, pinx., Jakob van der Heyden sc.
Creator/Artist : Van de Heyden, Jakob Van der Heyden, Johann Zuber, Matthaeus
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 24 x 17 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, item 167
Note: Includes 6 Latin verses by Matthaeus Zuber and a dedication by the artist, 1606.

Contents: Portrait of August d. J. Herzog von Braunschweig und Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel, 1579-1666, (FG227). Lukas Kilian, sc., 1621.
Creator/Artist : Kilian, Lukas Remus, Georg
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 20 x 14 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, item 168
Note: Includes 4 Latin verses by Georg Remus and a dedication by the artist, 1621.

Contents: Portrait of August d. J. Herzog von Braunschweig und Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel, 1579-1666, (FG227).
Creator/Artist : Remus, Georg
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 18 x 13 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, item 169
Note: Includes 4 Latin verses by Georg Remus.

Contents: Portrait of August d. J. Herzog von Braunschweig und Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel, 1579-1666, (FG227). Lukas Kilian, sc., 1626.
Creator/Artist : Kilian, Lukas Remus, Georg
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 14 x 10 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, item 170
Note: Includes 4 Latin verses by Georg Remus.

Contents: Portrait of August d. J. Herzog von Braunschweig und Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel, 1579-1666, (FG227). Lukas Kilian, sc., 1630.
Creator/Artist : Kilian, Lukas Remus, Georg
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 19 x 12 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, item 171
Note: Includes 4 Latin verses by Georg Remus.

Contents: Portrait of August d. J. Herzog von Braunschweig und Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel, 1579-1666, (FG227).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 14 x 10 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, item 172

Contents: Portrait of August d. J. Herzog von Braunschweig und Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel, 1579-1666, (FG227).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 16 x 12 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, item 173

Contents: Portrait of August d. J. Herzog von Braunschweig und Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel, 1579-1666, (FG227).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 11 x 7 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, item 174

Contents: Portrait of August d. J. Herzog von Braunschweig und Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel, 1579-1666, (FG227). Nikolaus Brühl, sc., Leipzig.
Creator/Artist : Brühl, Nikolaus
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 14 x 9 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, item 175

Contents: Portrait of August d. J. Herzog von Braunschweig und Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel, 1579-1666, (FG227). Jonas Suyderhoff sc., from a drawing by Albert Freyse.
Creator/Artist : Freyse, Albert Suyderhoff, Jonas
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 22 x 17 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 12, item 176
Source :

Portrait can be found in: Evangelische Kirchen Harmonie, Nr. 192. (Bancroft Collections PT1100.F7 no. 192).

Contents: Portrait of Herzogin Sibylle Ursula, 1629-1671. Conrad Buno, sc.
Creator/Artist : Buno, Conrad Gosky, Martin
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate : 13 x 8 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1, item 202
Note: Daughter of August d. J. Herzog von Braunschweig und Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel, 1579-1666, (FG227). Includes 4 Latin verses by Martin Gosky.
Source :

Originally from Johann Valentin Andreae. Seleniana Augustalia. Ulm, 1649.

Contents: Exterior view of the Wolfenbüttel library of August d. J. Herzog von Braunschweig und Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel, 1579-1666, (FG227).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 13 x 18 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, item 204
Source :

Originally from: Merian Matthäus d. ä. Topographia.Der.Stäte, Schlösser.in.Braunschweig und Lüneburg. Frankfurt a. M., 1654. Next to p. 210.

Contents: Interior view of the Wolfenbüttel library of August d. J. Herzog von Braunschweig und Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel, 1579-1666, (FG227).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 24 x 32 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, item 205
Source :

Originally from: Merian Matthäus d. ä. Topographia.Der.Stäte, Schlösser.in.Braunschweig und Lüneburg. Frankfurt a. M., 1654. Next to p. 210.

Contents: Portrait of Christian Ludwig Herzog von Braunschweig und Lüneburg-Celle, 1622-1665, (FG372). Christian Lorenz Rothgiesser, fec.
Creator/Artist : Olearius, Adam, 1603-1671 Rothgiesser, Christian Lorenz
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 18 x 12 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1, item 220
Note: Includes 4 German verses by Adam Olearius (FG543) written in 1654.
Source :

Originally from: Sa'adi. Persianischer Rosenthal...übersetzt von Adam Olearius. Hamburg, Johann Naumann, 1654.

Contents: Portrait of Herzog Georg Wilhelm von Braunschweig und Lüneburg-Calenberg, 1624-1705. Heinrich Cause, sc.
Creator/Artist : Cause, Heinrich
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 23 x 16 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, item 223
Note: Brother of Christian Ludwig Herzog von Braunschweig und Lüneburg-Celle, 1622-1665, (FG372).

Contents: Portrait of Herzog Anton Ulrich d.J., 1714-1775.
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, item 233
Note: Nephew of Ferdinand Albrecht Herzog von Braunschweig und Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel, 1636-1687, (FG842).

Contents: Portrait of Friedrich Ulrich Herzog von Braunschweig und Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel, 1591-1634, (FG38). Peter Iselburg, sc., 1615.
Creator/Artist : Iselburg, Peter
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 19 x 13 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, item 296

Contents: Portrait of Friedrich Ulrich Herzog von Braunschweig und Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel, 1591-1634, (FG38).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 25 x 18 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, item 297

Contents: Portrait of Friedrich Ulrich Herzog von Braunschweig und Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel, 1591-1634, (FG38). Eb. Kiefer, exc.
Creator/Artist : Kiefer, Eb. Meisner, Daniel
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 18 x 13 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, item 298
Note: Includes 4 Latin verses by Daniel Meisner.

Contents: Portrait of Herzog Heinrich Julius von Braunschweig und Lüneburg, 1564-1613.
Creator/Artist : Meibom, Heinrich
Physical Description : 1 print : woodcut ; 31 x 17 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, item 301
Note: Father of Portrait of Friedrich Ulrich Herzog von Braunschweig und Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel, 1591-1634, (FG38). Includes 8 Latin verses by Heinrich Meibom.

Contents: Coat of Arms of Friedrich Ulrich Herzog von Braunschweig und Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel, 1591-1634, (FG38). 18th century.
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 paper cutout ; 10 x 10 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1, item 303

Contents: Portrait of Georg Herzog von Braunschweig und Lüneburg-Calenberg, 1582-1641, (FG231).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 15 x 11 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, item 304
Source :

Originally from: Theatr. europ.

Contents: Portrait of Rudolf August Herzog von Braunschweig und Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel, 1627-1704, (FG754). Conrad Buno, fec.
Creator/Artist : Buno, Conrad
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 13 x 7 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, item 310
Note: Includes 4 Latin verses.
Source :

Originally from: Johann Valentin Andreae. Seleniana Augustalia. Ulm, 1649.

Contents: Portrait of Rudolf August Herzog von Braunschweig und Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel, 1627-1704, (FG754). Johann Hoffmann, exc., Philipp Kilian, sc.
Creator/Artist : Hoffmann, Johann Kilian, Philipp
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 29 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, item 311

Contents: Portrait of Augustus Buchner, 1591-1661, (FG362).
Creator/Artist : Feller, Joachim
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 16 x 10 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1, item 326
Note: Includes 6 Latin verses by Joachim Feller.

Contents: Portrait of Augustus Buchner, 1591-1661, (FG362).
Creator/Artist : Opitz, Martin, 1597-1639
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 16 x 10 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1, item 327
Note: Includes 4 Latin verses by Martin Opitz (FG200).

Contents: Portrait of Paul Röber, 1591-1661.
Creator/Artist : Buchner, August, 1591-1661
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 18 x 13 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1, item 336
Note: Colleague of Augustus Buchner, 1591-1661, (FG362).
Source :

Originally from: Paul Röber. Ausserlesene Zeit-Predigten Auff Ettliche hohe Fest-, Son- und Landtage. Frankfurt a. M., 1658.

Contents: Portrait of Hieronymus von Dieskau, 1591-1641, (FG209).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 20 x 12 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1, item 337

Contents: Portrait of Rudolf Herr von Dietrichstein, 1603-1649, (FG 481). Elias Wideman, del. and sc., 1646.
Creator/Artist : Wideman, Elias
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 15 x 12 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1, item 341
Source :

Originally from: Widemann. Comitium.

Contents: Portrait of Rudolf Herr von Dietrichstein, 1603-1649, (FG 481).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 9 x 6 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1, item 342

Contents: Portrait of Robert Graf Douglas, 1611-1662, (FG420).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 17 x 12 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1, item 345

Contents: Portrait of Robert Graf Douglas, 1611-1662, (FG420). Paul Fürst, exc.
Creator/Artist : Fürst, Paul
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 15 x 11 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1, item 346

Contents: Portrait of Alexander Freiherr Erskein, 1598-1656, (FG421). Johann Dürr, sc., 1646.
Creator/Artist : Dürr, Johann
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 26 x 17 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, item 350
Note: Includes 8 Latin verses.

Contents: Portrait of Alexander Freiherr Erskein, 1598-1656, (FG421).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 16 x 11 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, item 351
Source :

Originally from: Theatr. Europ. VI. 1649, p. 915.

Contents: Portrait of Georg von Frantzke, 1594-1659, (FG428). Johann Dürr, del. and sc., 1641.
Creator/Artist : Dilherr, Johannes Michael, 1604-1669 Dürr, Johann
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 19 x 14 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, item 353
Note: Includes 4 Latin verses and dedication by Johann Michael Dilherr.
Source :

Originally from: Georg Frantzke. Commentarius in viginti et unum libros pandectarum juris civilis priores. Strassburg, 1644.

Contents: Portrait of Georg von Frantzke, 1594-1659, (FG428). Johann Dürr, sc., 1648.
Creator/Artist : Dürr, Johann
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 15 x 13 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, item 354
Note: Includes 4 Latin verses.

Contents: Portrait of Georg von Frantzke, 1594-1659, (FG428). Johann Dürr, sc.
Creator/Artist : Dürr, Johann
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 29 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 5, item 355
Note: Includes 4 Latin verses.

Contents: Portrait of Heinrich d. J. Freiherr von Friesen, 1610-1680, (FG683). Johann Caspar Höckner, sc., Dresden.
Creator/Artist : Frentzel, Johann, 1609-1674 Höckner, Johann Caspar
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 30 x 22 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, item 358
Note: Incudes Latin anagramme, 4 Latin verses and dedication by Johann Frentzel, 1656.

Contents: Portrait of Heinrich von Friesen d. ä, 1578-1659. Johann Caspar Höckner, sc.
Creator/Artist : Frentzel, Johann, 1609-1674 Höckner, Johann Caspar
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 29 x 22 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, item 360
Note: Father of Heinrich d. J. Freiherr von Friesen, 1610-1680, (FG683). Includes bible excerpt, anagramme and 8 Latin verses and dedication by Johann Frentzel.

Contents: Portrait of Karl von Friesen, 1619-1686, (FG538). Johann Dürr and Johann Caspar Höckner, sc., 1657.
Creator/Artist : Dürr, Johann Höckner, Johann Caspar
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 31 x 22 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, item 361
Note: Includes Latin anagramme and 8 Latin verses as well as the royal dispensation (Privileg) of the Elector of Saxony.

Contents: Portrait of Christian Funcke, 1626-1695, (FG873).
Creator/Artist : Feller, Joachim
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 14 x 8 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1, item 362
Note: Includes 2 Latin verses by Joachim Feller, 1689.
Source :

Originally from: C. Funcke. Quadripartitum...3rd edition, Breslau, 1689.

Contents: Portrait of Andreas Gryphius, 1616-1664, (FG788). Philipp Kilian, sc.
Creator/Artist : Kilian, Philipp Mühlpfort, Heinrich
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 19 x 13 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, item 371
Note: Includes 6 Latin verses by Heinrich Mühlpfort.

Contents: Title page to Camillo Baldus. Physiognomica Aristotelis Commentarii. Bologna, 1621.
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 27 x 18 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, item 372
Note: Title page includes autograph of Andreas Gryphius, 1616-1664, (FG788).

Contents: Print by Martin Engelbrecht(?) of "Capitain Daradiridatumtarides, Windbrecher von tausend Mord.", a character in the Andreas Gryphius' (FG788) work.
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 29 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, item 380

Contents: Portrait of Arnold Mengering, 1596-?. Johann Dürr, sc.
Creator/Artist : Dürr, Johann Gueintz, Christian, 1592-1650
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 17 x 12 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1, item 394
Note: Includes a 4 line Latin poem by Christian Gueintz, 1592-1650, (FG361).

Contents: Portrait of Georg Philipp Harsdörffer, 1607-1658, (FG368). Georg Strauch, del., Andreas Kohl, sc.
Creator/Artist : Fürst, Paul Strauch, Georg
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 18 x 14 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1, item 400
Note: Includes Latin dedication by Paul Fürst.

Contents: Portrait of Daniel Schwenter, 1585-1636. Lukas Kilian, sc.
Creator/Artist : Kilian, Lukas Rehm, Georg
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 18 x 12 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1, item 403
Note: Instructor of Georg Philipp Harsdörffer, 1607-1658, (FG368). Includes 5 Latin verses by Georg Rehm.

Contents: Portrait of Daniel Schwenter, 1585-1636. W.P. Kilian del. and sc.
Creator/Artist : Kilian, Wolfgang Philipp
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 17 x 10 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1, item 403a

Contents: Portrait of Daniel Schwenter, 1585-1636. Lukas Kilian, sc.
Creator/Artist : Kilian, Lukas
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 18 x 12 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 1, item 403
Note: Instructor of Georg Philipp Harsdörffer, 1607-1658, (FG368). Includes 5 Latin verses by Georg Rehm.

Contents: Portrait of Georg Achaz Heher, 1601-1667, (FG590). Anselm van Hulle, pinx., Matthaeus Borrekeus, sc.
Creator/Artist : Borrekeus, Matthaeus Hulle, Anselm van
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 30 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, item 423
Note: Includes the dispensation of the Emporer, King and General States of the Netherlands, 1649.
Source :

Originally from: Pacificatores 1648

Contents: Portrait of Georg Achaz Heher, 1601-1667, (FG590). Johann Alexander Böner, sc.
Creator/Artist : Birken, Sigmund von, 1626-1681 Böner, Johann Alexander
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 19 x 14 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, item 424
Note: Includes 4 Latin verses and dedication by Sigmund von Birken (FG681).
Source :

Originally from: Justus Söffing. Ehren-Seüle. Rudolstadt, 1697.

Contents: Portrait of Friedrich II. Landgraf von Hessen-Homburg, 1633-1708, (FG613).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 19 x 14 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, item 428

Contents: Portrait of Johann Landgraf von Hessen-Braubach, 1609-1651, (FG326).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 12 x 10 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, item 434
Source :

Originally from: Theatrum Europ. IV, 1643.

Contents: Portrait of Ludwig VI. Landgraf von Hessen-Darmstadt, 1630-1678, (FG774). Salomon Duarte, pinx., Johann Schweizer, sc.
Creator/Artist : Duarte, Salomon Schweizer, Johann
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 30 x 18 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 9, item 435
Note: Includes 6 Latin verses by Johann Tackius. Reverse side contains dedication in Latin, signed I.J.D.

Contents: Portrait of Ludwig V. von Hessen-Darmstadt, 1577-1626.
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 18 x 12 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, item 439
Note: Grandfather of Ludwig VI. Landgraf von Hessen-Darmstadt, 1630-1678, (FG774). Includes 2 Latin verses.

Contents: Portrait of Moritz Landgraf von Hessen-Kassel, 1572-1632, (FG80). Wolfgang Philipp Kilian, sc.
Creator/Artist : Kilian, Wolfgang Philipp
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 18 x 12 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, item 442
Note: Includes 4 Latin verses.

Contents: Portrait of Moritz Landgraf von Hessen-Kassel, 1572-1632, (FG80). Johann Franck, sc.
Creator/Artist : Franck, Johann
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 23 x 15 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, item 443
Note: Second copy of print can be found in G.P. Gualdo. Historia di Fernando 3. Imperatore., opposite p. 162. Bancroft Library PT1100.F7 no. 1214.
Source :

Originally from: G.P. Gualdo. Historiadi Fernando 3. Imperatore.

Contents: Portrait of Moritz Landgraf von Hessen-Kassel, 1572-1632, (FG80).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 15 x 9 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, item 444
Note: Includes 4 French verses by M.T.

Contents: Portrait of Moritz Landgraf von Hessen-Kassel, 1572-1632, (FG80).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 16 x 12 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, item 445
Source :

Originally from: Theatr. Europ.

Contents: Group portrait of Wilhelm V. Landgraf von Hessen-Kassel, 1602-1637, (FG65) and family. Portrait includes: Amalie Elisabeth, the wife of Wilhelm V, and their six sons, Wilhelm VI. (FG694), Philipp, Wilhelm, Adolf, Karl and Moritz, and their six daughters, Charlotte, Amalie, Agnes, Elisabeth, Elisabeth and Louise.
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 27 x 62 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 9, item 449
Note: Includes 2 panels, each with 4 Latin verses.
Source :

Originally from: Der Leichenpredigt auf Landgraf Moritz von Hessen. Monumentum sepulcrale.Mauritii. Kassel and Frankfurt a.M. 1640.

Contents: Portrait of Wilhelm V. Landgraf von Hessen-Kassel, 1602-1637, (FG65).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 24 x 15 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 12, item 450
Source :

Portrait can be found in: G.P. Gualdo. Historia di Ferdinando 3. Imperatore, next to p. 550. (Bancroft Collections PT1100.F7 no. 1214)

Contents: Portrait of Georg Friedrich Graf von Hohenlohe-Neuenstein-Weikersheim, 1569-1645, (FG44). Wolfgang Philipp Kilian, sc. and exc.
Creator/Artist : Kilian, Wolfgang Philipp
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 19 x 14 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, item 461
Note: Includes 6 Latin verses.

Contents: Portrait of Georg Friedrich Graf von Hohenlohe-Neuenstein-Weikersheim, 1569-1645, (FG44). Lukas Schnitzer, sc., Nürnberg.
Creator/Artist : Schnitzer, Lukas
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 23 x 15 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, item 462

Contents: Portrait of Georg Friedrich Graf von Hohenlohe-Neuenstein-Weikersheim, 1569-1645, (FG44).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 19 x 13 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, item 463

Contents: Portrait of Georg Friedrich Graf von Hohenlohe-Neuenstein-Weikersheim, 1569-1645, (FG44).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 18 x 13 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, item 464

Contents: Fruitbearing Society membership certificate of Heinrich Friedrich Graf von Hohenlohe-Langenburg, 1625-1699, (FG680).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : paint and ink on parchment ; 20 x 15 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, item 465
Note: Includes poem by G[eorg] N[eumark]. Reverse contains a list of Fruitbearing Society members at induction ceremony.

Contents: Portrait of Hans Septimus Jörger, 1596-1668?. Georg Strauch, del., Jakob von Sandrart, sc.
Creator/Artist : Harsdörffer, Georg Philipp, 1607-1658Sandrart, Jacob, 1630-1708 Strauch, Georg
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 23 x 17 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, item 473
Note: Uncle of Johann Quintin Graf Jörger von Tollet, 1624-1705, (FG772). Includes poem by Georg Philipp Harsdörffer (FG368).

Contents: Portrait of Detloff Freiherr von Kapell, 17th century, (FG414). Sebastian Jenet, fec.
Creator/Artist : Jenet, Sebastian
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 14 x 11 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, item 480
Source :

Originally from: Widemann. Centuria, Nr. 15.

Contents: Portrait of Martin von Kempe, 1637-1683, (FG806).
Creator/Artist : Zamehl, Gottfried, 1629-1684
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 20 x 15 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, item 481
Note: Includes 6 Latin verses by Gottfried Zamehl, (FG805).
Source :

Originally from: Martin Kempe. Opus polyhistoricum. Frankfurt a.M., 1680.

Contents: Portrait of Daniel Klesch, 1624-1697, (FG864). Hieronymus von Henssbergen, sc., 1675.
Creator/Artist : Henßbergen, Hieronymus von Joel, Johann Friedrich
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 19 x 14 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, item 489
Note: Includes 4 Latin verses by P.P.F.L.E. and 4 German verses by Johann Freidrich Joel.

Contents: Portrait of Hans Christoph Graf von Königsmarck, 1605-1663, (FG515). W.P. Kilian, sc.
Creator/Artist : Kilian, Wolfgang Philipp
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 31 x 18 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 9, item 492a

Contents: Portrait of Otto Wilhelm Graf von Königsmarck, 1639-1688, (FG633). Pieter Schenck, fec.
Creator/Artist : Schenk, Pieter
Physical Description : 1 print : mezzotint ; 25 x 18 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, item 495

Contents: Portrait of Friedrich von Kospoth, 1569-1632, (FG55). Johann Frentzel, pos., Christian Richter, pinx., Johann Dürr, sc.
Creator/Artist : Dürr, Johann Frentzel, Johann, 1609-1674 Richter, Christian
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 27 x 15 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, item 500

Contents: Portrait of Dietrich Freiherr von Kracht, 1603-1657, (FG233). Bartholomäus Kilian, sc., 1649.
Creator/Artist : Kilian, Bartholomäus
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 15 x 12 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, item 501
Source :

Originally from: Widemann, Centuria.

Contents: Portrait of Georg Adam Graf von Kuefstein, 1605-1656, (FG540). Elias Widemann, sc.
Creator/Artist : Wideman, Elias
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 15 x 12 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, item 504
Source :

Originally from: Widemann, Comitium.

Contents: Portrait of Hieronymus Ambrosius Langenmantel, 1641-1718, (FG854).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : mezzotint ; 21 x 15 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, item 509
Note: Includes 4 Latin verses.

Contents: Portrait of Hieronymus Ambrosius Langenmantel, 1641-1718, (FG854).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 14 x 9 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, item 510

Contents: Portrait of Christian Lorentz von Adlershelm, 1608-1684, (FG840). Johann Kaspar Höckner, sc.
Creator/Artist : Frentzel, Johann, 1609-1674 Höckner, Johann Caspar
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 28 x 22 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, item 518
Note: Includes anagramme and dedication by Johann Frentzel (1665).

Contents: Portrait of Johann Georg von der Marwitz, 1638-1704, (FG856). Benjamin von Block, pinx., Bartholomäus II. Kilian, sc.
Creator/Artist : Block, Benjamin von Kilian, Bartholomäus II.
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 25 x 18 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, item 531

Contents: Portrait of Gustav Adolf Herzog von Mecklenburg-Güstrow, 1633-1695, (FG511). David Clöker, pinx., Jeremias Falck, sc.
Creator/Artist : Clöker, David Falck, Jeremias
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 13 x 11 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, item 541

Contents: Portrait of Gustav Adolf Herzog von Mecklenburg-Güstrow, 1633-1695, (FG511). Johann Alexander Böber, sc.
Creator/Artist : Böner, Johann Alexander
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 23 x 16 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, item 542

Contents: Portrait of Gaspard Corneille de Mortaigne dit de Pottelles, 1608-1647, (FG419).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 16 x 12 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, item 554

Contents: Portrait of Georg Dimpffel, 1593-1639. Peter Aubry, sc.
Creator/Artist : Aubry, Peter Moscherosch, Johann Michael, 1601-1669
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 16 x 10 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, item 557a
Note: Includes Latin poem by Johann Michael Moscherosch, 1601-1669, (FG436).

Contents: Portrait of Konrad Widerhold, 1598-1667. Peter II. Aubry, sc., 1646.
Creator/Artist : Aubry, Peter II. Moscherosch, Johann Michael, 1601-1669
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 17 x 11 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, item 559
Note: Includes German poem by Johann Michael Moscherosch, 1601-1669, (FG436).

Contents: Portrait of Peter Müller, 1640-1696, (FG850). Philipp Kilian, sc.
Creator/Artist : Kilian, Philipp
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 23 x 16 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, item 560
Note: Includes 6 Latin verses by Friedrich Hildebrand.

Contents: Portrait of Peter Müller, 1640-1696, (FG850). Georg Andreas Wolfgang, sc., 1680.
Creator/Artist : Hildebrand, Friedrich Wolfgang, Georg Andreas
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 20 x 15 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, item 561
Note: Includes 6 Latin verses by Friedrich Hildebrand.

Contents: Portrait of Hans Christoph von Naso, 17th century, (FG834). David Mannasser, fec., 1649.
Creator/Artist : Mannasser, David
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 14 x 12 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, item 571
Source :

Originally from: Widemann, Centuria.

Contents: Portrait of Georg Neumark, 1621-1681, (FG605).
Creator/Artist : Jacobi, Joh. Seb.
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 14 x 9 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, item 573
Note: Includes 6 German verses by Joh. Seb. Jacobi, 1556.

Contents: Portrait of Georg Adam Struve, 1619-1692. Johann Heinrich Haublin, fec., Leipzig.
Creator/Artist : Haublin, Johann Heinrich Neumark, Georg, 1621-1681
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 12 x 6 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, item 577
Note: Includes 4 Latin verses by Georg Neumark, 1621-1681, (FG605).
Source :

Printed at Mathaeum in Frankfurt a.M.

Contents: Painted crest and autograph of Anton Günther Graf von Oldenburg, 1583-1667, (FG351).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 slip of paper : 13 x 14 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, item 579
Source :

From a geneological book of unknown origin.

Contents: Portrait of Adam Olearius, 1599-1671, (FG543).
Creator/Artist : Wirth, Polycarp
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 17 x 13 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, item 584
Note: Includes 6 Latin verses by Polycarp Wirth, 1609-1654.

Contents: Portrait of Johann Adolf Kielmann von Kielmannsegg, 1612-1676. Christian Rothgiesser, fec.
Creator/Artist : Olearius, Adam, 1603-1671 Rothgiesser, Christian Lorenz
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 21 x 15 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, item 587
Note: Includes 4 Latin verses by Adam Olearius, 1599-1671, (FG543).

Contents: Portrait of Martin Opitz, 1597-1639, (FG200). Bartholomäus Strobel d. J., pinx., Johann Christoph Sysang, sc., Leipzig.
Creator/Artist : Strobel, Bartholomäus d.J. Sysang, Johann Christoph
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 17 x 11 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, item 588
Note: Includes 4 Latin verses by Johann Peter Titz.
Source :

Originally from: Johann Christoph Gottsched. Lob- und Gedächtnissrede auf den Vater der deutschen Dichtkunst, Martin Opitz von Boberfeld. Leipzig, 1739.

Contents: Portrait of Martin Opitz, 1597-1639, (FG200). Johann Baptist Paravicini, fec.,
Creator/Artist : Barth, Kaspar von, 1587-1658 Paravicini, Johann Baptist
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 17 x 14 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, item 589
Note: Includes 2 Latin verses by Kaspar von Barth.
Source :

Originally from: Christoph Colerus. Laudatio Honori & Memoriae V. C.L. Martini Opitii. Leipzig, 1665.

Contents: Portrait of Martin Opitz, 1597-1639, (FG200). Peter II. Aubry, exc.
Creator/Artist : Aubry, Peter II.
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 18 x 12 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, item 590
Note: Photocopy.

Contents: Portrait of Martin Opitz, 1597-1639, (FG200).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 15 x 10 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, item 591
Source :

Originally from: Clarorum virorum Imagines. Heidelberg, 1669.

Contents: Portrait of Queen Christine of Sweden, 1626-1689. Frederik van Hulsen, sc. and exc.
Creator/Artist : Hulsen, Friedrich van, ca. 1580-ca. 1660 Opitz, Martin, 1597-1639
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 22 x 16 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, item 600
Note: Includes 6 Latin verses by Martin Opitz, 1597-1639, (FG200).

Contents: Portrait of Queen Christine of Sweden, 1626-1689. Paul Fürst, exc., Andreas Kohl, fec.
Creator/Artist : Fürst, Paul Kohl, Andreas Opitz, Martin, 1597-1639
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 22 x 15 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, item 601
Note: Includes 6 Latin verses by Martin Opitz, 1597-1639, (FG200).

Contents: Portrait of Axel Graf Oxenstierna af Södermöre, 1583-1654, (FG232). Johann Jakob Metzger, fec.
Creator/Artist : Metzger, Johann Jakob
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 24 x 16 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 12, item 603
Source :

Portrait can be found in: G.P. Gualdo. Historia di Ferdinando 3. Imperatore, next to p. 424. (Bancroft Collections PT1100.F7 no. 1214)

Contents: Portrait of Octavio Fürst Piccolomini d' Aragona, Duca d' Amalfi, 1599-1656, (FG356). Adriaen van Bloem, del., Johann Alexander Böner, sc., Nürnberg.
Creator/Artist : Bloem, Andriaen van Böner, Johann Alexander
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 24 x 16 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 12, item 621
Source :

Portrait can be found in: G.P. Gualdo. Historia di Ferdinando 3. Imperatore, next to p. 424. (Bancroft Collections PT1100.F7 no. 1214)

Contents: Portrait of Octavio Fürst Piccolomini d' Aragona, Duca d' Amalfi, 1599-1656, (FG356).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 20 x 15 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, item 622
Source :

Originally from : Teatr. Europ.

Contents: Portrait of Michael Praun, 1626-1696, (FG849).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 14 x 10 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, item 628

Contents: Portrait of Hans Christoph Graf von Puchheim, 1605-1657, (FG516). Elias Widemann, sc.
Creator/Artist : Wideman, Elias
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 16 x 12 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, item 629
Source :

Originally from: Widemann, Comitium.

Contents: Portrait of Johann Rist, 1607-1667, (FG467). Franz Steürhelt, del. and fec.
Creator/Artist : Steürhelt, Franz
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 15 x 12 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, item 632

Contents: Portrait of Johann Rist, 1607-1667, (FG467).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 13 x 8 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, item 633

Contents: Portrait of Johann Rist, 1607-1667, (FG467). Franz Steürhelt, del. and fec.
Creator/Artist : Gläser, Enoch Steürhelt, Franz
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 15 x 9 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, item 634
Note: Includes German poem and dedication by Enoch Gläser.

Contents: Portrait of Balthasar Kindermann, 1636-1706. Johann Baptist Paravicini, fec.
Creator/Artist : Müller, J.G. Paravicini, Johann Baptist
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 15 x 9 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 2, item 639
Note: Kindermann was a protégé of Johann Rist, 1607-1667, (FG467). Includes 8 German verses by Thromylas (a.k.a. J.G. Müller).

Contents: Portrait of Herzogin Christine, 1665-1730. Pieter Schenck, exc.
Creator/Artist : Schenk, Pieter
Physical Description : 1 print : colored copperplate ; 25 x 18 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, item 648
Note: Wife of Albert Herzog von Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1659-1692, (FG791). Includes 4 French verses by Vassan.

Contents: Portrait of Albrecht Herzog von Sachsen-Eisenach, 1599-1644, (FG17). Christian Richter, pinx., Wolfgang Kilian, sc.
Creator/Artist : Kilian, Wolfgang Philipp Richter, Christian
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 18 x 14 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, item 649
Note: Includes 4 Latin verses and dedication by Kilian.

Contents: Portrait of August Herzog von Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1614-1680, (FG402). Christoph Steger, pinx., Johann Dürr, sc.
Creator/Artist : Dürr, Johann Frentzel, Johann, 1609-1674 Steger, Christoph
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 31 x 22 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, item 655
Note: Includes 10 Latin verses and a dedication by Johann Frentzel, 1654.

Contents: Portrait of August Herzog von Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1614-1680, (FG402). Paul Fürst, exc.
Creator/Artist : Fürst, Paul
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 18 x 13 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, item 656

Contents: Portrait of August Herzog von Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1614-1680, (FG402).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 2 prints : copperplate ; 14 x 11 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 6, item 657
Note: 1 print originally torn from Theatr. Europ., 1644. The other print is on white paper.
Source :

1 print originally from: Theatr. Europ., 1644.

Contents: Portrait of August Herzog von Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1614-1680, (FG402). Johann Alexander Böner, fec.
Creator/Artist : Böner, Johann Alexander
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 15 x 9 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 7, item 658
Source :

Originally from: Neumark, Palmbaum, next to p. 420.

Contents: Portrait of Herzogin Anna Maria, 1627-1669. Christoph Steger, pinx., Johann Dürr, sc., 1654.
Creator/Artist : Dürr, Johann Frentzel, Johann, 1609-1674 Steger, Christoph
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 31 x 22 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 9, item 695
Note: Wife of August Herzog von Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1614-1680, (FG402). Includes 6 German verses and a dedication by Johann Frentzel.

Contents: Portrait of Bernhard Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1604-1639, (FG30).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 15 x 9 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, item 709
Note: Includes 4 Latin verses.

Contents: Portrait of Bernhard Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1604-1639, (FG30). Adriaen van Bloemen, del., Johann Alexander Böner, sc.
Creator/Artist : Bloem, Andriaen van Böner, Johann Alexander
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 25 x 16 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 12, item 710
Source :

Originally from: G.P. Gualdo. Historia di Ferdinando 3. Imperatore, next to p. 590. (Bancroft Collections PT1100.F7 no. 1214)

Contents: Portrait of Bernhard Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1604-1639, (FG30).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 17 x 13 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, item 712
Source :

Originally from: Theatr. Europ., 1632.

Contents: Portrait of Bernhard Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1604-1639, (FG30).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 14 x 11 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, item 713

Contents: Portrait of Herzogin Marie-Charlotte, 1632-1682. Balthazar Moncornet, exc.
Creator/Artist : Moncornet, Balthazar
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 16 x 11 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, item 717
Note: Wife of Bernhard Herzog von Sachsen-Jena, 1638-1678, (FG427).

Contents: Portrait of Christian Herzog von Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1652-1689, (FG721).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 18 x 14 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, item 735

Contents: Portrait of Bernhard Herzog von Sachsen-Meiningen, 1649-1706. Wolfgang Philipp Kilian, sc.
Creator/Artist : Kilian, Wolfgang Philipp
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 30 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 9, item 752
Note: Son of Ernst I. Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha, 1601-1675, (FG19).

Contents: Portrait of Bernhard Herzog von Sachsen-Meiningen, 1649-1706. Benjamin von Block, pinx., Jakob Sandrart, sc.
Creator/Artist : Block, Benjamin von Sandrart, Jacob, 1630-1708
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 14 x 6 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 9, item 754
Note: Son of Ernst I. Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha, 1601-1675, (FG19).

Contents: Portrait of Heinrich Herzog von Sachsen-Römhild, 1650-1710. Pieter Schenck, fec. and exc.
Creator/Artist : Schenk, Pieter
Physical Description : 1 print : mezzotint ; 25 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 7, item 756
Note: Son of Ernst I. Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha, 1601-1675, (FG19).

Contents: Portrait of Christian Ernst Herzog von Sachsen-Saalfeld, 1658-1729. Martin Tyroff, inv. and sc., Nürnberg.
Creator/Artist : Tyroff, Martin
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 19 x 12 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, item 761
Note: Grandson of Ernst I. Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha, 1601-1675, (FG19).

Contents: Portrait of Friedrich Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1640-1656, (FG432). Johann Frentzel, pos., Albrecht Richter, pinx., Johann Dürr, sc., 1654.
Creator/Artist : Dürr, Johann Frentzel, Johann, 1609-1674 Gerhard, Johann Ernesto Richter, Albrecht
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 21 x 15 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, item 794
Note: Includes 2 Latin verses by Johann Ernesto Gerhard and a dedication by Johann Dürr.

Contents: Portrait of Johann Benedikt Carpzov, 1607-1657.
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 8 x 5 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, item 805
Note: Brother of August Carpzov, 1612-1683, a minister of Friedrich Wilhelm Herzog von Sachsen-Altenburg, 1603-1669, (FG577).

Contents: Portrait of Christian Herzog von Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1682-1736.
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 15 x 10 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, item 831
Note: Son of Johann Adolf Herzog von Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1649-1697, (FG719).

Contents: Portrait of Johan Adolf II. Herzog von Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1685-1746.
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 15 x 9 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, item 834a
Note: Son of Johann Adolf Herzog von Sachsen-Weissenfels, 1649-1697, (FG719).

Contents: Portrait of Johann Ernst d. J. Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1594-1626, (FG3).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 15 x 10 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 7, item 839

Contents: Portrait of Johann Ernst d. J. Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1594-1626, (FG3).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 13 x 11 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 7, item 840
Source :

Originally from: Theatr. Europ., 1623.

Contents: Portrait of Johann Ernst d. J. Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1594-1626, (FG3).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 14 x 9 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 7, item 841

Contents: Portrait of Johann Ernst d. J. Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1594-1626, (FG3).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 7 x 6 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 7, item 842

Contents: Portrait of Johann Friedrich Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1600-1628, (FG18).
Creator/Artist : Kilian, Wolfgang Philipp
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 17 x 12 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, item 852
Note: Includes 4 Latin verses and dedication by Wolfgang Kilian.

Contents: Portrait of Kurfürstin Magdalena Sibylle, 1612-1687. Johann Dürr, sc.
Creator/Artist : Dürr, Johann Frentzel, Johann, 1609-1674
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 30 x 22 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, item 868
Note: Wife of Johann Georg II. Kurfürst von Sachsen, 1613-1680, (FG682). Includes 8 German anagramatic verses and dedication by Johann Frentzel.

Contents: Portrait of Johann Georg III. Kurfürst von Sachsen, 1647-1691. Nicolaus Weishun, sc.
Creator/Artist : Weishun, Nicolaus
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 25 x 18 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 7, item 871
Note: Son of Johann Georg II. Kurfürst von Sachsen, 1613-1680, (FG682)

Contents: Portrait of Johann Georg III. Kurfürst von Sachsen, 1647-1691. H.I.S.?, fec.
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 12 x 6 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 7, item 872
Note: Son of Johann Georg II. Kurfürst von Sachsen, 1613-1680, (FG682)
Source :

Originally from: Sigmund von Birken. Chur- und Fürstlicher Sächsicher Helden-Saal. Nürnberg, 1677.

Contents: Double portrait of Kurfürst Johann Georg I. von Sachsen, 1585-1656, and Herzog August, 1589-1615.
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 19 x 15 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, item 875a
Note: Father and uncle of Johann Georg II. Kurfürst von Sachsen, 1613-1680, (FG682).
Source :

Originally from a collection of portraits of Saxony's royal families: Markus Henning. Saxoniae Ducum Caesarib. Creand. VII virum. Augsburg, 1601.

Contents: Portrait of Kurfürst Johann Georg I. von Sachsen, 1585-1656. Adrian van Bloemen, del., Johann Alexander Böner, sc.
Creator/Artist : Bloem, Andriaen van Böner, Johann Alexander
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 24 x 16 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 12, item 880
Note: Father of Johann Georg II. Kurfürst von Sachsen, 1613-1680, (FG682).
Source :

Originally from: G.P. Gualdo. Historia di Ferdinando 3. Imperatore, next to p. 370. (Bancroft Collections PT1100.F7 no. 1214)

Contents: Portrait of Kurfürstin Magdalena Sibylle, 1587-1659. Johann Franck, sc.
Creator/Artist : Franck, Johann
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 15 x 8 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, item 887
Note: Mother of Johann Georg II. Kurfürst von Sachsen, 1613-1680, (FG682).

Contents: Portrait of Christian August Herzog von Sachsen-Zeitz, 1666-1725. Johann Kopezky, pinx., Andreas Geyer, Regensburg, sc.
Creator/Artist : Geyer, Andreas Kopezky, Johann
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 28 x 18 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, item 913
Note: Son of Moritz Herzog von Sachsen-Zeitz, 1619-1681, (FG450).

Contents: Portrait of Wilhelm IV. Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1598-1662, (FG5). Peter Isselburg, sc.
Creator/Artist : Iselburg, Peter
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 17 x 12 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 7, item 915
Note: Includes 4 Latin verses and dedication by Peter Isselburg.

Contents: Portrait of Wilhelm IV. Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1598-1662, (FG5) with his six children: Johann Ernst (FG342), Johann Wilhelm, Adolf Wilhelm (FG423), Johann Georg (FG424), Wilhelmine Eleonore and Bernhard (FG427). Peter Troschel, sc.
Creator/Artist : Troschel, Peter
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 28 x 16 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 7, item 916

Contents: Portrait of Wilhelm IV. Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1598-1662, (FG5). Wolfgang Philipp Kilian, sc., 1623.
Creator/Artist : Kilian, Wolfgang Philipp
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 18 x 14 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 7, item 918
Note: Includes 4 Latin verses.

Contents: Portrait of Herzogin Eleonore Dorothea, 1602-1664. Christian Richter, pinx., Johann Dürr, sc.
Creator/Artist : Dürr, Johann Richter, Christian
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 21 x 15 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, item 939
Note: Wife of Wilhelm IV. Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1598-1662, (FG5). Includes 8 Latin verses.

Contents: Portrait of Franz Albrecht Herzog von Sachsen-Lauenburg, 1598-1642, (FG194).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 16 x 12 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, item 946

Contents: Portrait of Franz Albrecht Herzog von Sachsen-Lauenburg, 1598-1642, (FG194).
Creator/Artist : Pareus, Ph.
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 19 x 12 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, item 947
Note: Includes 6 Latin verses by Ph. Pareus.

Contents: Portrait of Franz Karl Herzog von Sachsen-Lauenburg, 1594-1660, (FG269).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 28 x 17 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, item 949

Contents: Portrait of Julius Heinrich Herzog von Sachsen-Lauenburg, 1586-1665, (FG311).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 28 x 17 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, item 951

Contents: Portrait of Rudolf Maximilian Herzog von Sachsen-Lauenburg, 1596-1647, (FG283).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 28 x 17 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, item 952

Contents: Portrait of Rudolf Maximilian Herzog von Sachsen-Lauenburg, 1596-1647, (FG283).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 28 x 16 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, item 953

Contents: Portrait of Joachim von Sandrart, 1606-1688, (FG863). J. Sandrart, sc.
Creator/Artist : Birken, Sigmund von, 1626-1681
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 33 x 23 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, item 954
Note: Includes 6 Latin verses and a dedication by Sigmund von Birken (FG681).
Source :

Originally from: Joachim Sandrart. L'Academia Todesca. 1675.

Contents: Portrait of Christian Herzog in Schlesien zu Brieg, Wohlau u. Liegnitz, 1618-1672, (FG505). Johann Frentzel, pos. and exc., Ezechiel Paritius, pinx., Johann Baptist Paravicini, sc.
Creator/Artist : Frentzel, Johann, 1609-1674 Paravicini, Johann Baptist Paritius, Ezechiel
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, item 958
Note: Includes dedication by Johann Baptist Paravicini.

Contents: Portrait of Christian Herzog in Schlesien zu Brieg, Wohlau u. Liegnitz, 1618-1672, (FG505). V. Somr. F.(?), I.M.H.(?).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 17 x 11 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, item 959

Contents: Portrait of Georg III. Herzog in Schlesien zu Brieg, 1611-1664, (FG520). M. Frentzel, pos. and exc., Ezechiel Paritius, pinx., Johann Baptist Paravicini, sc.
Creator/Artist : Frentzel, M. Paravicini, Johann Baptist Paritius, Ezechiel
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 31 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, item 964
Note: Includes dedication byJohann Baptist Paravicini.

Contents: Portrait of Friedrich III. Herzog von Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf, 1597-1659, (FG388). Adriaen van Bloemen, del., Johann Martin Lerch, sc.
Creator/Artist : Bloem, Andriaen van Lerch, Johann Martin
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 22 x 16 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, item 972

Contents: Portrait of Johann Adolf Kielmann von Kielmannsegg, 1612-1676. Johann Strauss, sc.
Creator/Artist : Morhof, Daniel Georg Strauss, Johann
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 20 x 15 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, item 974
Note: Includes 6 Latin verses by Daniel Georg Morhof. Acquaintance of Friedrich III. Herzog von Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf, 1597-1659, (FG388).
Source :

Originally from: Adam Olearius. Vermehrte newe Beschreibung der Muscowitischen und Persischen Reyse. Schleswig, 1661.

Contents: Portrait of Johann Rudolf Schmid von Schwarzenhorn, 1590-1667, (FG666). Elias Widemann, sc.
Creator/Artist : Wideman, Elias
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 15 x 12 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, item 977
Note: Includes a Latin verse.
Source :

Originally from: Widemann. Comitium.

Contents: Portrait of Johann Rudolf Schmid von Schwarzenhorn, 1590-1667, (FG666). Peter II. Aubry, exc.
Creator/Artist : Aubry, Peter II.
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 21 x 14 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, item 978

Contents: Portrait of Johann Rudolf Schmid von Schwarzenhorn, 1590-1667, (FG666). David Herrliberger, exc., Zürich, 1748.
Creator/Artist : Herrliberger, David
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 14 x 9 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, item 979

Contents: Portrait of Johann Rudolf Schmid von Schwarzenhorn, 1590-1667, (FG666). Johann Heinrich Pfenninger, fec.
Creator/Artist : Pfenninger, Johann Heinrich
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 12 x 8 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, item 980
Source :

Originally from: Leonard Meister. Helvetiens Berühmte Männer, Bd 3. Zürich and Winterthur, 1793. Next to p. 46.

Contents: Portrait of Johann Rudolf Schmid von Schwarzenhorn, 1590-1667, (FG666).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 12 x 8 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, item 981

Contents: Portrait of Quirinus Kuhlmann, 1652-1689. I. Muscowita, pinx., R. White, sc., Andreas Luppius, edit., 1683.
Creator/Artist : Luppius, Andreas White, R.
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 15 x 10 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, item 994
Note: Close acquaintance of Georg Schöbel von Rosenfeld, 1640-1680, (FG817). Includes anonymous Latin poem, perhaps by Martin Opitz (FG200).

Contents: Portrait of Veit Ludwig von Seckendorf, 1626-1692, (FG615). Johann Christoph Sysang, sc., Leipzig, 1754.
Creator/Artist : Sysang, Johann Christoph
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 19 x 15 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, item 1011

Contents: Portrait of Veit Ludwig von Seckendorf, 1626-1692, (FG615). Martin Bernigeroth, sc.
Creator/Artist : Bernigeroth, Martin
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 23 x 18 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, item 1012

Contents: Portrait of Ferdinand Maximilian Graf von and zu Sprinzenstein, 1625-1678, (FG668). I. Borcking, sc.
Creator/Artist : Borcking, I.
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 22 x 15 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, item 1021

Contents: Portrait of Kaspar Stieler, 1632-1707, (FG813). Johann David Hersicus, del., Cornelis Nikolas Schurtz, sc., Nürnberg.
Creator/Artist : Hersicus, Johann David Schurtz, Cornelius Nikolas
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 19 x 15 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, item 1022
Note: Includes 8 German verses by E.M.D.(?).

Contents: Portrait of Johann Wilhelm Herr von Stubenberg, 1619-1663, (FG500). Johann Franck, sc.
Creator/Artist : Franck, Johann
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 10 x 7 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 3, item 1030

Contents: Portrait of Johann Weikhard von Auersperg, 1615-1677. Franciscus van der Steen, sc.
Creator/Artist : Van der Steen, Franciscus
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 24 x 15 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, item 1064
Note: Close acquaintance of Johann Wilhelm Herr von Stubenberg, 1619-1663, (FG500).

Contents: Portrait of Wolfgang Engelbert von Auersperg, 1610-1673.
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 23 x 16 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, item 1065
Note: Close acquaintance of Johann Wilhelm Herr von Stubenberg, 1619-1663, (FG500).

Contents: Portrait of Raimondo de Montecuccoli, 1608-1680.
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 23 x 16 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 7, item 1067
Note: Close acquaintance of Johann Wilhelm Herr von Stubenberg, 1619-1663, (FG500).

Contents: Portrait of Raimondo de Montecuccoli, 1608-1680.
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 13 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 7, item 1068
Note: Close acquaintance of Johann Wilhelm Herr von Stubenberg, 1619-1663, (FG500).
Source :

Originally from: Theatrum Europ.

Contents: Portrait of Balthasar von Stubenberg, 1534-1583. Johann Franck, sc.
Creator/Artist : Franck, Johann
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 10 x 7 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, item 1072
Note: The portrait was most likely commisioned by Johann Wilhelm Herr von Stubenberg, 1619-1663, (FG500), for his cousins Georg Augustin von Stubenberg, 1628-1691, and Otto Gall von Stubenberg, 1631-1688, to commemorate their common ancenstry.

Contents: Portrait of Georg Augustin von Stubenberg, 1628-1691. Claudius Pfleger, pinx., Bartholomäus II. Kilian, sc., 1669.
Creator/Artist : Pfleger, Claudius
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 32 x 23 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, item 1074
Note: Cousin and close acquaintance of Johann Wilhelm Herr von Stubenberg, 1619-1663, (FG500).

Contents: Portrait of Amalie von Stubenberg, 1632-1661. Bartholomäus II. Kilian, sc.
Creator/Artist : Diether, C.L. Kilian, Bartholomäus II.
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 20 x 14 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, item 1075
Note: Wife of Georg Augustin von Stubenberg, 1628-1691, a cousin and close acquaintance of Johann Wilhelm Herr von Stubenberg, 1619-1663, (FG500). Includes 4 German verses by C.L. Diether.

Contents: Portrait of Georg Wilhelm von Stubenberg, 1660-1669. Georg Andreas Wolfgang d.ä., sc., Nürnberg, 1669.
Creator/Artist : Wolfgang, Georg Andreas d.ä.
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 21 x 14 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 4, item 1077
Note: Son of Georg Augustin von Stubenberg, 1628-1691, a cousin and close acquaintance of Johann Wilhelm Herr von Stubenberg, 1619-1663, (FG500).

Contents: Portrait of Otto Gall von Stubenberg, 1631-1688.
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 19 x 14 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 4, item 1078
Note: A cousin and close acquaintance of Johann Wilhelm Herr von Stubenberg, 1619-1663, (FG500).

Contents: Portrait of Rudolf Wilhelm Herr von Stubenberg, 1643-1677, (FG773). Johann Alexander Böner, fec.
Creator/Artist : Böner, Johann Alexander
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 25 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, item 1083
Note: Son of Johann Wilhelm Herr von Stubenberg, 1619-1663, (FG500).

Contents: Portrait of Georg Wende, 1635-1705, (FG818). Johann Joachim Vogel, pinx., Christian Romstedt, sc.
Creator/Artist : Cranzius, Jo. Albert Romstedt, Christian Vogel, Johann Joachim
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 20 x 16 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 4, item 1092
Note: Includes 4 Latin verses and dedication by Jo. Albert Cranzius.

Contents: Portrait of Matthaeus (von) Wesenbeck, 1600-1659, (FG433).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 18 x 13 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 4, item 1102

Contents: Portrait of Johann Georg aus dem Winckel, 1596-1639, (FG219).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 18 x 13 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 4, item 1105

Contents: Portrait of Karl Gustav Graf Wrangel af Salmis, 1613-1676, (FG523).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 23 x 16 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, item 1110

Contents: Portrait of Herzog Sylvius Nimrod von Württemberg, 1622-1664.
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 20 x 15 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 7, item 1118
Note: Father of Julius Siegmund Herzog von Württemberg-Oels, 1653-1684, (FG887) and Sylvius Friedrich Herzog von Württemberg-Oels, 1651-1697, (FG872).
Source :

Originally from: Theatr. Europ. 1648, p. 621-622.

Contents: Portrait of Peter Hessel, 1639-1677. Hieronymus von Henssbergen, sc., Hamburg, 1676.
Creator/Artist : Henßbergen, Hieronymus von Zesen, Philipp von, 1619-1689
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 15 x 8 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 4, item 1137
Note: Includes poem by Philipp von Zesen, 1619-1689, (FG521). Zesen and Hessel were close acquaintances.

Contents: Portrait of Peter Hessel, 1639-1677. J.H. Quiter, ad viv. del., Hieronymus von Henssbergen, sc.,
Creator/Artist : Haccius, G. Henßbergen, Hieronymus von Quiter, J.H.
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 16 x 14 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 4, item 1138
Note: Hessel was a close acquaintance of Philipp von Zesen, 1619-1689, (FG521). Includes 4 Latin verses and a dedication by G. Haccius.

Contents: Portrait of Matthias Bernegger, 1582-1640. Peter Aubry II., sc. and exc.
Creator/Artist : Aubry, Peter II.
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 20 x 14 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 4, item 1141
Note: Includes 4 Latin verses and dedication by Peter Aubry II. Bernegger, an academic in Strassburg, was acquainted with many Fruitbearing society members including Martin Opitz (FG200) and Herzog August (FG227).

Contents: Portrait of Gall von Racknitz, 1590-1658. Lukas Kilian, sc., Augsburg, 1629.
Creator/Artist : Kilian, Lukas
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 18 x 13 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 7, item 1151
Note: Includes 2 Latin verses. Racknitz was an acquaintance of Piccolomini (FG356), Harsdörffer (FG368) and Birken (FG681).

Contents: Portrait of Gall von Racknitz, 1590-1658. Georg Strauch, del., Jakob Sandrart, sc.
Creator/Artist : Sandrart, Jacob, 1630-1708 Strauch, Georg
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 26 x 17 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 7, item 1152
Note: Includes a Bible excerpt in German from Genesis 12.1. Racknitz was an acquaintance of Piccolomini (FG356), Harsdörffer (FG368) and Birken (FG681).

Contents: Portrait of Gall Wilhelm von Racknitz, 1664-1683. Johann Alexander Böner, sc., Nürnberg, 1684.
Creator/Artist : Arnold, C. Böner, Johann Alexander
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 31 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, item 1155
Note: Includes 4 Latin verses by C. Arnold. Grandson of Gall von Racknitz.

Contents: Portrait of Matthias, Holy Roman Emperor, 1557-1619.
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 24 x 18 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 7, item 1207

Contents: Portrait of Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor, 1578-1637. Johann Alexander Böner, sc., Nürnberg.
Creator/Artist : Böner, Johann Alexander
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 12, item 1208
Source :

Originally from: G.P. Gualdo. Historia di Ferdinando 3. Imperatore, next to p. 614. (Bancroft Collections PT1100.F7 no. 1214)

Contents: Portrait of Friedrich Büchner, 1647-1665. Johann Alexander Böner, sc., 1667.
Creator/Artist : Beil, Johann Leonhardt junior Böner, Johann Alexander
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 16 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 4, item 1215
Note: Includes 4 German verses by Johann Leonhardt Beil, junior.

Contents: Portrait of Jobst Christoph II. Kress von Kressenstein, 1623-1694. Edo de Ordouia, sc., 1650.
Creator/Artist : Ordouia, Edo de
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 18 x 16 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 4, item 1219
Note: Kress was acquainted with Sigmund von Birken (FG681).

Contents: Portrait of Wilhelm Weber, 1602-?. Nürnberg, 1662.
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 31 x 18 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 12, item 1222
Note: Weber was a vociferous critic of Harsdörffer (FG368).

Contents: Portrait of Georg Widmann, 1611-1668. Georg Strauch, del.
Creator/Artist : Omeis, Magnus Daniel, 1646-1708 Strauch, Georg
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 24 x 15 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 7, item 1223
Note: Includes Latin poem and dedication by Magnus Daniel Omeis.

Contents: "Chur-Sachsen", a map of the lands of the Elector of Saxony. Early 18th century. Handcolored.
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : 13 x 16 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 4, item 1247

Contents: Portrait of Johann Fincke, 1628-1675. Johann Fincke, pinx., J.G. Nohr, del., Johann Benssheimer, sc.
Creator/Artist : Benßheimer, Johann Fincke, Johann, 1628-1675 Nohr, J.G. Schirmer, David
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 27 x 18 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 7, item 1251
Note: Includes 10 German verses by David Schirmer. Fincke was one of the most important painters to serve at the court of Kurfürst Johann Georg II. von Sachsen.

Contents: Portrait of Georg Händel, 1622-1697. B. Block, pinx., J. Sandrart, sc.
Creator/Artist : Sandrart, Jacob, 1630-1708
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 20 x 15 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 4, item 1267
Note: Father of the composer Georg Friedrich Händel. Acquainted with Hezog August (FG402) and Herzog Johann Adolf I. (FG719).

Contents: Portrait of Johann Riemer, 1648-1714.
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 20 x 16 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 4, item 1269
Note: Acquainted with Herzog August von Sachsen-Weissenfels (FG402) and Herzog Johann Adolf von Sachsen-Weissenfels (FG719).

Contents: Portrait of Christian Weise, 1642-1708.
Creator/Artist : Feller, L. Joachim
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 14 x 9 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 4, item 1276
Note: Includes 2 Latin verses by L. Joachim Feller. Weise was an influencial intellectual during the late Barock and early Enlightenment period, who also composed poems dedicated to Herzog August von Sachsen-Weissenfels (FG402).

Contents: Portrait of King Gustav Adolf II. of Sweden, 1594-1632. Portrait was created through the employment of fine calligraphy, most likely the work of Johann Michael Püchler.
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 calligraphic print : 17 x 15 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 4, item 1279

Contents: Portrait of King Gustav Adolf II. of Sweden, 1594-1632.
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 24 x 16 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 12, item 1281
Source :

Originally from: G.P. Gualdo. Historia di Ferdinando 3. Imperatore, next to p. 414. (Bancroft Collections PT1100.F7 no. 1214)

Contents: Portrait of Queen Christina of Sweden, 1626-1689. Bourdon, pinx., P. Tanjé, sc.
Creator/Artist : Bourdon De Scuderi Tanjé, P.
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 24 x 18 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 7, item 1282
Note: Includes 4 French verses by De Scuderi.

Contents: Portrait of Daniel Kaspar von Lohenstein, 1638-1683. J. Sandrart, sc.
Creator/Artist : Sandrart, Jacob, 1630-1708
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 15 x 10 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 4, item 1291
Note: Includes 2 Latin verses by CG.

Contents: Portrait of Christoph Kormart, 1644-1701. Christian Romstedt, sc., 1669.
Creator/Artist : Romstedt, Christian
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 17 x 9 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 4, item 1296
Note: Kormart was familiar with the Fruitbearing Society and acquainted with Augustus Buchner (FG362).

Contents: Portrait of Johann Christian Günther, 1695-1723.
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 11 x 8 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 4, item 1314

Contents: Portrait of August Fürst von Anhalt-Plötzkau, 1575-1653, (FG46). M[artin] B[ernigeroth], sc.
Creator/Artist : Bernigeroth, Martin
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 33 x 22 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, item 9
Source :

Originally from: Beckmann V, Buch III, next to p. 447.

Contents: Portrait of Christian I. Fürst von Anhalt-Bernburg, 1568-1630, (FG26). M[artin] B[ernigeroth], sc.
Creator/Artist : Bernigeroth, Martin
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 32 x 22 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, item 14
Source :

Originally from: Beckmann V, Buch III, next to p. 292

Contents: Portrait of Johann Kasimir Fürst von Anhalt-Dessau, 1596-1660, (FG10). M. Bernigeroth, sc.
Creator/Artist : Bernigeroth, Martin
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 33 x 22 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, item 32
Source :

Originally from: Beckmann V, Buch III, next to p. 232.

Contents: Portrait of Ludwig Fürst von Anhalt-Köthen, 1579-1650, (FG2).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 34 x 22 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, item 43
Source :

Originally from: Beckman V, next to p. 466.

Contents: View of palace in Kothen belonging to Ludwig Fürst von Anhalt-Köthen, 1579-1650, (FG2). Matthäus Merian, the elder, pinx.
Creator/Artist : Merian, Matthaeus, 1593-1650
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 33 x 24 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, item 68a
Source :

Originally from: Zeiller, M. Topographia Superioris Saxoniae. Frankfurt a.M., 1650.

Contents: View of the town of Weissenfeld and how the Imperial military forces under the command of Generalfeldmarschall Piccolomini crossed the Saale River on 9 May 1641. Carlo Cappi, Ingen. del.
Creator/Artist : Cappi, Carlo
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 33 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, item 85
Note: Johann Baner, 1596-1641, (FG222) died in Weissenfeld on May 10, 1642.
Source :

Originally from: Teatri Europaei Virdter Theil. Hrsg. M. Merian. Frankfurt a.M., 1643.

Contents: Portrait of Johann Michael Dilherr, 1604-1669. Rudolf Werenfels, pinx., Jakob Sandrart, sc.
Creator/Artist : Birken, Sigmund von, 1626-1681 Sandrart, Jacob, 1630-1708 Werenfels, Rudolf
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 25 x 18 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, item 95
Note: Includes 6 line dedication in Latin by Sigmund von Birken, 1626-1681, (FG681).
Source :

Originally from: Dilherr, J.M. Heilig-Epistolischer Bericht, Licht, Geleit u. Freud. Nüremberg, 1663.

Contents: Portrait of Daniel Wülfer, 1617-1685. Jakob Sandrart, sc.
Creator/Artist : Birken, Sigmund von, 1626-1681 Sandrart, Jacob, 1630-1708
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 28 X 17 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, item 96
Note: Includes 8 line dedication in Latin by Sigmund von Birken, 1626-1681, (FG681).

Contents: Portrait of Anton Ulrich Herzog von Braunschweig u. Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel, 1633-1714, (FG716). Trackert & Co., Braunschweig.
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : mezzotint ; 30 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, item 135

Contents: Portrait of Chrysostumus Coler, 1607-1664. Anselm van Hulle, pinx., Peter de Iode, sc.
Creator/Artist : Hulle, Anselm van Jode, Peter de
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, item 211
Note: C. Coler was an ambassador of August d. J. Herzog von Braunschweig u. Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel, 1579-1666, (FG227) and involved in the negotiations leading to the Peace of Westphalia.
Source :

Originally from: Pacificatores 1648, Nr. 36.

Contents: Portrait of Christian Ludwig Herzog von Braunschweig u. Lüneburg-Celle, 1622-1665, (FG372). Iustus Verus van Egmont, pinx., Conrad Lauwers, sc.
Creator/Artist : Egmont, Iustus Verus van Lauwers, Conrad
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 33 x 26 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, item 219

Contents: Portrait of Georg Wilhelm Herzog von Braunschweig u. Lüneburg-Calenberg, 1624-1705. Anselm van Hulle, pinx., Peter de Jode, sc.
Creator/Artist : Hulle, Anselm van Jode, Peter de
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 35 x 25 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, item 222
Note: Brother of Christian Ludwig Herzog von Braunschweig u. Lüneburg-Celle, 1622-1665, (FG372).
Source :

Originally from: Pacificatores 1697, Nr. 19.

Contents: View of residence "Beuvern" belonging to Ferdinand Albrecht Herzog von Braunschweig u. Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel, 1636-1687, (FG842) in Sölling. Matthäus Merian, unsign.
Creator/Artist : Merian, Matthaeus, 1593-1650
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 36 x 15 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, item 229
Note: x
Source :

Originally from: Matthäus Merian. Topographia...Der...Stäte, Schlösser...in...Braunschweig und Lünenburg. Frankfurt a.M., 1654. Next to p. 50.

Contents: Portrait of Augustus Buchner, 1591-1661, (FG362). Christoph Spetner, pinx., Johann Dürr, sc.
Creator/Artist : Dürr, Johann Frentzel, Johann, 1609-1674 Spetner, Christoph
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 27 x 18 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, item 325
Note: Includes 6 Latin verses and dedication in Latin by Johann Frentzel (Leipzig).

Contents: Portrait of Alexander Freiherr Erskein, 1598-1656, (FG421). Anselm van Hulle, pinx., Cornelis Galle, the younger, sc.
Creator/Artist : Galle, Cornelis d.J. Hulle, Anselm van
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 30 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, item 349
Source :

Originally from: Pacificatores 1648, Nr. 18.

Contents: Title page proof for Andreas Gryphius, 1616-1664, (FG788). Ausgewählte Sonette, Gedichte und Epigramme. Hamburg: Otto Rohse Presse, 1970. Otto Rohse, pinx., sc.
Creator/Artist : Rohse, Otto
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 22 x 14 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, item 381
Note: Signed: "Für Herrn Fritz Böhme." Accompanying is a letter of Otto Rohse to Fritz Böhme.

Contents: Portrait of Karl Gottlieb Harsdörffer, 1637-1708. Johann Leonhard Hirschmann, pinx., Bernhard Vogel sc., Augsburg.
Creator/Artist : Hirschmann, Johann Leonhard Vogel, Bernhard
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 36 x 24 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 9, item 401
Note: Son of George Philipp Harsdörffer, 1607-1658, (FG368).

Contents: Portrait of David Elias Heidenreich, 1638-1688, (FG837). Christian Romstedt, sc.
Creator/Artist : Olearius, Johann August Romstedt, Christian
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 9, item 425
Note: Includes 8 line dedication in German by Johann August Olearius.

Contents: Portrait of Amalia Elisabeth Landgräfin von Hessen-Kassel, 1602-1651. Anselm van Hulle, pinx., Peter de Jode, sc.
Creator/Artist : Hulle, Anselm van Jode, Peter de
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 34 x 25 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 9, item 451
Note: Wife of Wilhelm V. Landgraf von Hessen-Kassel, 1602-1637, (FG65).
Source :

Originally from: Pacificatores 1697, nr. 23.

Contents: Portrait of Johann Geyso, 1593-1661. Anselm van Hulle, pinx., Peter de Jode, sc.
Creator/Artist : Hulle, Anselm van Jode, Peter de
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 31 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 9, item 452
Note: Johann Geyso was the General Quartermaster of William V. Landgraf von Hessen-Kassel, 1602-1637, (FG65).
Source :

Originally from: Pacificatores 1697, Nr. 95.

Contents: Portrait of Wilhelm VI. Landgraf von Hessen-Kassel, 1629-1663, (FG694). Anselm van Hulle, pinx., Theodor Matham, sc.
Creator/Artist : Hulle, Anselm van Matham, Theodor
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 34 x 25 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 9, item 453
Source :

Originally from: Pacificatores 1697, Nr. 20.

Contents: Portrait of Friedrich Hortleder, 1579-1640, (FG343). Christian Richter, inv., Peter Troschel, sc.
Creator/Artist : Dilherr, Johannes Michael, 1604-1669 Richter, Christian Troschel, Peter
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 31 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 9, item 467
Note: Includes 8 Latin verses and dedication by Johann Michael Dilherr.
Source :

Originally from: Friedrich Hortleder. Der Römischen Keyser- u. Königlichen Maiesteten Handlungen und Aussschreiben. Gotha (Wolfgang Endter), 1645.

Contents: Portrait of Adolf Wilhelm Freiherr von Krosigk, 1608?-1665, (FG248). Anselm van Hulle, pinx., Cornelis Galle iunior sc.
Creator/Artist : Galle, Cornelis d.J. Hulle, Anselm van
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 9, item 502
Source :

Originally from: Pacificatores 1697, Nr. 91.

Contents: Portrait of Johanna Lorentz von Adlershelm, 1611-1673. Christoph Spetner, pinx., Christian Romstedt, sc.
Creator/Artist : Peisker, Georg Christoph Romstedt, Christian Spetner, Christoph
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 38 x 30 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 9, item 519
Note: Wife of Christian Lorentz von Adlershelm, 1608-1684, (FG840). Includes 4 line dedication in German by Georg Christoph Peisker.

Contents: Standing Portrait of Albrecht Herzog von Sachsen-Eisenach, 1599-1644, (FG17). Peter Troschel, sc.
Creator/Artist : Troschel, Peter
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 33 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 9, item 650
Note: Includes biography printed in German of Albrecht Herzog von Sachsen-Eisenach on the facing page. On reverse side there is a biography printed in German of Ernst III, Herzog zu Sachsen.
Source :

Originally from: An exemplar of the so-called "Ernestinischen" Bible published after 1641.

Contents: Portrait of Bernhard Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1604-1639, (FG30). Peter Troschel, sc.
Creator/Artist : Troschel, Peter
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 33 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 9, item 711
Note: Portrait is part of a 4 page cut-out. Also included in this cut-out are additional copperplate portraits attached to the reverse side of Martin Luther, his wife Katharina, daughter Magdalena, his father Johann and mother Margaretha. The inside two-pages contains a colored woodcut of St. Michael the Archangel with a 4 line passage on Luther in German.
Source :

Originally from: An exemplar of the so-called "Ernestinischen" Bible published after 1641.

Contents: Double portrait of Johann Wilhelm and Johann Freidrich II. von Sachsen-Weimar.
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 25 x 18 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 9, item 716
Note: Great-grandfather and great-uncle of Berhard Herzog von Sachsen-Jena, 1638-1678, (FG427).

Contents: Portrait of Christian Herzog von Sachsen-Merseburg, 1615-1691, (FG643). Margaret Rastrum, pinx., Johann Dürr, sc., 1654.
Creator/Artist : Dürr, Johann Frentzel, Johann, 1609-1674 Rastrum, Margaret
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 30 x 22 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 9, item 722
Note: Includes 8 Latin verses and dedication by Johann Frentzel.

Contents: Standing portrait of Ernst I. Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha, 1601-1675, (FG19). Peter Troschel, sc.
Creator/Artist : Troschel, Peter
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 33 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 9, item 736
Note: On the reverse side there is a biography printed in German of Bernhard, Herzog zu Sachsen.
Source :

Originally from: An exemplar of the so-called "Ernestinischen" Bible published after 1641.

Contents: Portrait of Ernst I. Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha, 1601-1675, (FG19). J. Sandrart, sc., Nürnburg, 1677.
Creator/Artist : Sandrart, Jacob, 1630-1708
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 35 x 22 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 9, item 737

Contents: Portrait of Heinrich Herzog von Sachsen-Römhild, 1650-1710. Wolfgang Philipp Kilian, sc.
Creator/Artist : Kilian, Wolfgang Philipp
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 30 x 18 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 9, item 755
Note: Son of Ernst I. Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha, 1601-1675 (FG19).

Contents: Portrait of Christian Herzog von Sachsen-Eisenberg, 1653-1707. Wolfgang Philipp Kilian, sc.
Creator/Artist : Kilian, Wolfgang Philipp
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 30 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, item 758
Note: Son of Ernst I. Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha, 1601-1675 (FG19).

Contents: Portrait of Friedrich Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha, 1648-1691, (FG816). J Sandrart, sc., Nürnberg, 1677.
Creator/Artist : Sandrart, Jacob, 1630-1708
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 36 x 23 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, item 772

Contents: Portrait of Friedrich II Herzog, 1676-1732. Philipp von Gunst, sc.
Creator/Artist : Gunst, Philipp von
Physical Description : 1 print : colored copperplate ; 31 x 21
Microfiche number: mf. 10, item 784
Note: Son of Freidrich Herzog von Sachsen Gotha, 1648-1691, (FG816).

Contents: Portrait of Friedrich Wilhelm Herzog von Sachsen-Altenburg, 1603-1669, (FG577). Christian Richter, pinx., Johann Dürr, sc., 1654.
Creator/Artist : Dürr, Johann Richter, Christian
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 35 x 23 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, item 795
Note: Includes poem in German by Georg Neumark (FG605).

Contents: Portrait of August Carpzov, 1612-1683. Anselm van Hulle, pinx., Matthaeus Borrekeus, sc.
Creator/Artist : Borrekeus, Matthaeus Hulle, Anselm van
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 30 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, item 804
Note: Carpzov represented Friedrich Wilhelm Herzog von Sachsen-Altenburg, 1603-1669, (FG577), at the Peace of Westphalia.
Source :

Originally from: Pacificatores 1648.

Contents: Standing portrait of Johann Ernst d.J. Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1594-1626, (FG3). Peter Troschel, sc.
Creator/Artist : Troschel, Peter
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 33 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, item 838
Note: On the reverse side there is a biography printed in German of Friedrich IX (the elder), Herzog zu Sachsen.
Source :

Originally from: An exemplar of the so-called "Ernestinischen" Bible published after 1641.

Contents: Portrait of Johann Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1570-1650, and his family. Peter Troschel, sc.
Creator/Artist : Troschel, Peter
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 25 x 16 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, item 847
Note: Father of Johann Ernst d. J. Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1594-1626, (FG3).
Source :

Originally from: An exemplar of the so-called "Ernestinischen" Bible published after 1641.

Contents: Portrait on horseback of Johann Georg II. Kurfürst von Sachsen, 1613-1680, (FG682). Nicolaus Weishun, fec., 1631.
Creator/Artist : Weishun, Nicolaus
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 31 x 23 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, item 853

Contents: Portrait of Johann Georg II. Kurfürst von Sachsen, 1613-1680, (FG682). Andreas Fröhlich. sc.
Creator/Artist : Fröhlich, Andreas
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 34 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, item 854
Note: Portrait cut from edition of Entymologicum et Sacrum, 1655.

Contents: Portrait of Johann Georg II. Kurfürst von Sachsen, 1613-1680, (FG682). A[nselm] van H[ulle], pinx., Johann Caspar Höckner, sc. and exc.
Creator/Artist : Bohemus, Johann Höckner, Johann Caspar Hulle, Anselm van
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 31 x 22 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, item 855

Contents: Portrait of Johann Georg II. Kurfürst von Sachsen, 1613-1680, (FG682). J. Sandrart, sc.
Creator/Artist : Sandrart, Jacob, 1630-1708
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 33 x 23 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, item 856

Contents: Portrait of Johann Georg II. Kurfürst von Sachsen, 1613-1680, (FG682). Matthäus Küsell, sc.
Creator/Artist : Küssel, Matthäus
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 24 x 18 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, item 857

Contents: Portrait of Johann Georg I Kurfürst von Sachsen, 1585-1656. Wil. pass. fec.
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 28 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, item 877
Note: Father of Johann Georg II. Kurfürst von Sachsen, 1613-1680, (FG682).

Contents: Portrait of Johann Georg I Kurfürst von Sachsen, 1585-1656. Wolfgang Philipp Kilian, sc. and exc.
Creator/Artist : Kilian, Wolfgang Philipp
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 32 x 25 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, item 878
Note: Father of Johann Georg II. Kurfürst von Sachsen, 1613-1680, (FG682). Includes 4 line dedication in Latin.

Contents: Portrait of Johann Georg I Kurfürst von Sachsen, 1585-1656. Wolfgang Philipp Kilian, sc. and exc.
Creator/Artist : Kilian, Wolfgang Philipp
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 32 x 25 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, item 879
Note: Father of Johann Georg II. Kurfürst von Sachsen, 1613-1680, (FG682). Includes 4 line dedication in Latin. Portrait is a variant of No. 878.

Contents: Portrait on horseback of Johann Georg I Kurfürst von Sachsen, 1585-1656.
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 25 x 23 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, item 881
Note: Father of Johann Georg II. Kurfürst von Sachsen, 1613-1680, (FG682).

Contents: Portrait of Moritz Herzog von Sachsen-Zeitz, 1619-1681, (FG450). Johann Hofman, exc.
Creator/Artist : Hofman, Johann
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 34 x 23 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, item 905

Contents: Standing group portrait of Wilhelm IV. Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1598-1662, (FG5), together with his six children: Johann Ernst, Johann Wilhelm, Adolf Wilhelm, Johann Georg, Wilhelmine Eleonore and Bernhard. Peter Troschel, sc.
Creator/Artist : Troschel, Peter
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 33 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, item 917
Note: Johann Ernst (FG342), Adolf Wilhelm (FG423), Johann Georg (FG424), and Bernhard (FG427) were also Fruitbearing Society members. On the reverse side there is a biography printed in German of Albrecht III, Herzog zu Sachsen.
Source :

Originally from: An exemplar of the so-called "Ernestinischen" Bible published after 1641.

Contents: Three panel print. Panel 1: Portrait of Wilhelm IV. Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1598-1662, (FG5). Panel 2: Picture of the palace in Weimar. Panel 3: Picture of the Honorary Gate for Wilhelm IV. Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1598-1662, (FG5). F Linck, sc.
Creator/Artist : Linck, F.
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 13 x 24 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, item 919
Note: Print is a 1991 reprint on old paper that utilized the original copperplate. Portrait 1 includes 4 German verses most likely from Georg Neumark (FG605). Panel 3 includes inscription most likely from Georg Neumark (FG605).

Contents: Picture of the Honorary Gate for Wilhelm IV. Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar, 1598-1662, (FG5). F Linck, fec. and exc.
Creator/Artist : Linck, F.
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 18 x 14 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, item 920
Note: Print is a 1991 reprint on old paper that utilized the original copperplate. Includes 4 Latin verses inscribed upon the Honorary Gate from Georg Neumark (FG605) as well as 4 accompanying German verses.

Contents: Portrait of Louise Herzogin in Schlesien zu Brieg, Wohlau und Liegnitz, 1632-1680. Johann Frentzel, pos. and exc., Ezechiel Paritius, pinx., Johann Baptist Paravicini, sc.
Creator/Artist : Paravicini, Johann Baptist Paritius, Ezechiel
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 30 x 22 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, item 963
Note: Wife of Christian Herzog in Schlesien zu Brieg, Wohlau und Liegnitz, 1618-1672, (FG505).

Contents: Portrait of Johann Acoluth, 1628-1689.
Creator/Artist : Schöbel von Rosenfeld, Georg, 1640-1680
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 28 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, item 988
Note: Includes poem and dedication in Latin by Georg Schöbel von Rosenfeld, 1640-1680, (FG817).

Contents: Portrait of Johann Acoluth, 1628-1689.
Creator/Artist : Schöbel von Rosenfeld, Georg, 1640-1680
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 32 x 24.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, item 989
Note: Includes poem and dedication in Latin by Georg Schöbel von Rosenfeld, 1640-1680, (FG817).

Contents: Portrait of Michael Hermann, 1593-1669. Georg Schulz, pinx., Philipp Kilian, sc.
Creator/Artist : Kilian, Philipp Schöbel von Rosenfeld, Georg, 1640-1680Schulz, Georg
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 32 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, item 993
Note: Includes 10-line poem and dedication in Latin by Georg Schöbel von Rosenfeld, 1640-1680, (FG817).

Contents: Portrait of Karl X. Gustav König von Schweden, 1622-1660, (FG513). Gasper de Hollander, exc.
Creator/Artist : Hollander, Gasper de
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 18 x 13 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, item 1007

Contents: Portrait of Karl X. Gustav König von Schweden, 1622-1660, (FG513). David Klööker, pinx., Petrus van Schuppen, sc., 1662.
Creator/Artist : Klööker, David Schluppen, Petrus van
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 30 x 18 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, item 1008

Contents: Portrait of Felicitas Dorothea von Stubenberg, 1622-1667. Georg Christoph Eimmart, inv.
Creator/Artist : Eimmart, Georg Christoph
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 33 x 27 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, item 1031
Note: Wife of Johann Wilhelm Herr von Stubenberg, 1619-1663, (FG500).

Contents: Portrait of Karl Gustav Graf Wrangel af Salmis, 1613-1676, (FG523). Nicolas Pitau, sc.
Creator/Artist : Pitau, Nicolas
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, item 1111

Contents: Portrait bust of Karl Gustav Graf Wrangel af Salmis, 1613-1676, (FG523).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 34 x 23 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, item 1112

Contents: Portrait of Georg Endter, the Elder, 1562-1630. Cornelius Nicolas Schürtz, sc., Nürnberg, 1628.
Creator/Artist : Bornmeister, Simon Schürtz, Nicolas
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 35 x 25 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, item 1216
Note: Includes 12 line poem in German by Simon Bornmeister. Endter was the founder of one of the most important book publishing houses in Nürnberg, a firm that published dozens of the writings produced by Fruitbearing Society members.

Contents: Portrait of Erasmus Francisci, 1627-1694.
Creator/Artist : Thomasius, G.
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 35 x 23 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, item 1217
Note: Includes 6-line poem in Latin by G. Thomasius. Francisci was one of the most prolific authors of the Barock period, with primary residence in Nürnberg.

Contents: Portrait of Erasmus Francisci, 1627-1694.
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 15 x 10 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, item 1218
Note: Francisci was one of the most prolific authors of the Barock period, with primary residence in Nürnberg.

Contents: Portrait of Magnus Daniel Omeis, 1646-1708.
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : charcoal; 31 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 12, item 1220
Note: Omeis was the fourth leader of the Pegnesischen Blumenordens. As a writer and poet he was an important successor to Martin Opitz (FG200).

Contents: Title page to Wolfgang Kilian. Serenissimorvm Saxoniae electorvm, et qvorvndam dvcvm agnatorvm genuinae effigies, 1621.
Creator/Artist : Kilian, Wolfgang Philipp
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 22 x 15 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 12, item 1228
Note: The work is dedicated to Johann Georg I. Kurfürst von Sachsen.

Contents: Depiction of the "Schwedischen Friedensmahls (trans. Swedish Peace Banquet), in Nürnberg de 25. Herbstm. Anno 1649."
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 30 x 40 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, item 98
Note: The Banquet was described by Sigmund von Birken (FG681), see catalogue entry no. 97, and attended by several Fruitbearing society members, including Gebhard von Alvensleben (FG479), Georg Achaz Heher (FG590), Landgraf Friedrich von Hessen (FG566), Fürst Georg Ludwig von Nassau (FG319), Octavio Piccolomini Duca d' Amalfi (FG356), Wolf Konrad von

Contents: Portrait of Herzogin Sophie Elisabeth, 1613-1676. Philipp Kilian, sc.
Creator/Artist : Kilian, Philipp
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 38 x 25 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, item 199
Note: Third wife of August d.J. Herzog von Braunschweig u. Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel, 1579-1666, (FG227).

Contents: Portrait of Johann Friedrich Herzog von Braunschweig u. Lüneburg-Calenberg, 1625-1679. Michelin, pinx., Nanteuil, sc., 1674.
Creator/Artist : Michelin Nanteuil
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 45 x 38 cm.
Microfiche number: mf.13, item 225
Note: Brother of Christian Ludwig Herzog von Braunschweig u. Lüneburg-Celle, 1622-1665, (FG372) and son of Georg Herzog von Braunschweig u. Lüneburg-Celle, 1582-1641, (FG231).

Contents: Portrait of Georg Herzog von Braunschweig u. Lüneburg-Celle, 1582-164, (FG231).
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : lithograph ; 40 x 31 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 8, item 305

Contents: Portrait of Landgräfin Maria Elisabeth, 1634-1665. Salomon Duarte, pinx., Elias Hainzelmann, sc., Augsburg.
Creator/Artist : Duarte, Salomon Hainzelmann, Elias
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 37 x 30 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 9, item 438
Note: First wife of Ludwig VI. Landgraf von Hessen-Darmstadt, 1630-1678, (FG774).

Contents: Portrait of Adolf von May, ?-1663, (FG541). Anselm van Hulle, pinx., Peter de Jode, sc.
Creator/Artist : Hulle, Anselm van Jode, Peter de
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 31 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 9, item 532
Source :

Originally from: Pacificatores 1697, Nr. 94.

Contents: Portrait of Bernhard Herzog von Sachsen-Meiningen, 1649-1706. Jakob Sandrart, del., Philipp Kilian, sc., Nürnberg.
Creator/Artist : Kilian, Philipp Sandrart, Jacob, 1630-1708
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 36 x 22 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 9, item 753
Note: Son of Ernst I. Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha, 1601-1675, (FG19).

Contents: Portrait of Ernst d.J. Herzog von Sachsen-Hildburghausen, 1655-1715. Jakob Sandrart, del., Philipp Kilian, sc.
Creator/Artist : Kilian, Philipp Sandrart, Jacob, 1630-1708
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 37 x 23 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, item 759
Note: Son of Ernst I. Herzog von Sachsen-Gotha, 1601-1675, (FG19).

Contents: Portrait of Friedrich Wilhelm Herzog von Sachsen-Altenburg, 1603-1669, (FG577). Anselm van Hulle, pinx., Petrus de Jode, sc.
Creator/Artist : Hulle, Anselm van Jode, Peter de
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 34 x 25 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 10, item 795a
Source :

Originally from: Pacificatores 1655, Nr. 16.

Contents: Portrait of Johann Georg I. Kurfürst von Sachsen, 1585-1656.
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 40 x 30 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 13, item 876
Note: Father of Johann Georg II. Kurfürst von Sachsen, 1613-1680, (FG682).

Contents: Map of the lands of Georg Rudolf Herzog in Schlesien zu Liegnitz u. Wohlau, 1595-1653, (FG58).
Creator/Artist : Scultetus, Jonas, 1603-1664
Physical Description : 1 print : colored copperplate ; 40 x 49 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 13, item 968
Note: Includes dedication by Geographer Scultetus aus Sprotta, 1603-1664.
Source :

Originally from: Johannes Janssonius. Novi Atlantis, Anhang oder Neuer Welt-beschreibung. Dritter Theil. Amsterdam, 1642.

Contents: Portrait of Wolf Konrad von Thumbshirn, 1604-1667, (FG690). Anselm van Hulle, pinx., Corn. Galle iunior, sc.
Creator/Artist : Galle, Cornelis d.J. Hulle, Anselm van
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 30 x 19 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, item 1084
Source :

Originally from: Pacificatores 1697, Nr. 84.

Contents: Portrait of Joachim Christian Graf von (der) Wahl, 1590-1644, (FG109). Anselm van Hulle, pinx., Peter de Jode, sc.
Creator/Artist : Hulle, Anselm van Jode, Peter de
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 31 x 21 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, item 1088
Source :

Originally from: Pacificatores 1697, Nr. 65.

Contents: Portrait of Matthaeus (von) Wesenbeck, 1600-1659, (FG433). Anselm van Hulle, pinx., Pieter de Bailliv, sc.
Creator/Artist : Bailliv, Pieter de Hulle, Anselm van
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 30 x 20 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, item 1103
Source :

Originally from: Pacificatores 1648, Nr. 68 (without Emperor's dispensation).

Contents: Portrait of Ferdinand IV. King of the Holy Roman Empire, 1633-1654. Anselm van Hulle, pinx. Petrus de Iode, sc.
Creator/Artist : Hulle, Anselm van Jode, Peter de
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 35 x 25 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, item 1210
Source :

Originally from: Pacificatores, Nr. 5.

Contents: Portrait of Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I., 1649-1705.
Creator/Artist : Unknown
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 35 x 25 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, item 1211

Contents: Portrait of Holy Roman Emperor Karl VI. Steinl., inv. u. del., J. von Bruggen, fec.
Creator/Artist : Bruggen, J. von
Physical Description : 1 print : copperplate ; 36 x 27 cm.
Microfiche number: mf. 11, item 1212

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Manufacturer information:
Koninklijke Brill B.V. 
Plantijnstraat 2
2321 JC
Leiden / The Netherlands