VI-4 Ordinis sexti tomus quartus

Novum Testamentum ab Erasmo Recognitum, IV, Epistolae Apostolicae (secunda pars) et Apocalypsis Iohannis


In 1516 Erasmus produced the first printed Greek New Testament ever to be published: his series of editions laid the foundation for the “'Textus Receptus'”, which has had an enduring influence. Alongside the Greek text, his new Latin translation marked a radical departure from the medieval Vulgate. This volume edits Erasmus'’ Greek and Latin New Testament text (1 Timothy-Apocalypse), presented in two parallel columns, above a critical apparatus showing the variants of the five folio editions (1516-1535). The accompanying commentary analyses the printed and manuscript sources, and assesses the accuracy and also the defects of Erasmus' work. An extended introduction includes new information and discussion regarding the codex Montfortianus and the famous passage about the '“three heavenly witnesses”'.

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Andrew J. Brown is an independent scholar based in London, conducting research on the history of the Greek New Testament text. He has completed three volumes of a projected four-volume edition of the Greek and Latin New Testament of Erasmus.
‘’Andrew J. Brown’s annotated edition of the base texts is the most precious tool we have.’’
Mark Vessey, University of British Columbia, Vancouver. In: Renaissance Quarterly, Vol. 67, No. 1, Spring 2014, p. 187.

...Erasmus' introductory texts can be regarded as essential for present day readers in order to appreciate the revolutionary character his editions had when they were first published.

‘’Allein die Lektüre dieser anregenden Studie ist (auch für Nicht-Fachleute) äußerst lohnenswert’’.
In: Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte, 43, (2014), p. 44.
All those interested in Erasmus, the principles of textual criticism, the Greek New Testament text, Bible translations, Christian theology, church history, the Reformation, and classical Latin philology during the Renaissance.
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Leiden / The Netherlands