Biblical Argument in Manichaean Missionary Practice

The Case of Adimantus and Augustine


The use and appreciation of Scripture by the Manichaeans is a field of research with many unanswered questions. This study offers an investigation into the role of the Bible in the writings of the important Manichaean missionary Addas Adimantus (flor. ca. 250 CE), one of Mani's first disciples. A major part of the book is dedicated to the reconstruction of the contents of his Disputationes, in which writing Adimantus attempted to demonstrate that the Old and New Testaments are absolutely irreconcilable. The most important source in this connection is Augustine, who refuted a Latin translation of Adimantus’ work. A thorough analysis of the contents of the Disputationes brings to the fore that Adimantus was a Marcionite prior to his going over to Mani’s church.

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Jacob Albert van den Berg, Ph.D. (2009) in Theology (cum laude), Radboud University of Nijmegen, is minister in the Reformed Church in the Netherlands (Groningen).
"this is a valuable contribution to both Augustinian and Manichaean studies and could be read with profit by scholars in both discipline." – Samuel N.C. Lieu, in: Vigiliae Christianae 67 (2013)
"There is much [...] that will generate discussion between scholars interested in Manichaeism, Marcionite and Augustinian studies. [...] This is a fascinating study that will be of particular value to specialists in the areas listed above." – Paul Foster, in: Expository Times 122.3 (December 2010)
All those interested in Patristics, the history of Religion, Manichaeism & Gnosticism, the history of exegesis, as well as theologians.
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