The Gospel of Peter

Introduction, Critical Edition and Commentary


Since its discovery in 1886/87 there has been no full-scale English-language treatment of the Gospel of Peter. This book rectifies that gap in scholarship by discussing a range of introductory issues and debates in contemporary scholarship, providing a new critical edition of the text and a comprehensive commentary. New arguments are brought forward for the dependence of the Gospel of Peter upon the synoptic gospels. The theological perspectives of the text are seen as reflecting second-century popular Christian thought. This passion account is viewed as a highly significant window into the way later generations of Christians received and rewrote traditions concerning Jesus.

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By: P. Foster
Pages: 1–174
By: P. Foster
Pages: 513–524
Index Of Subjects
By: P. Foster
Pages: 551–555
Paul Foster is Senior Lecturer in New Testament Language, Literature and Theology at the University of Edinburgh. His previous publications include a study of the Matthean community, Community, Law and Mission in Matthew's Gospel (Mohr Siebeck, 2005), a range of publications on the non-canonical Gospels including The Apocryphal Gospels - A Very Short Introduction (OUP, 2009) and The Non Canonical Gospels (Continuum, 2008).
'Foster must be thanked for dealing with this interesting piece of writing not only in relation to a better understanding of the canonical Goespels, but, furthermore, for respecting the Gospel of Peter as a significant witness to the literary world of early Christians.'

Thomas J.Kraus, The Expository Times 122 (10) 2011

' einen sehr fundierten Kommentar[...]sowohl am EvPetr interessierten Lesern als auch Experten einen tiefgreifenden Einblick in das EvPetr und seine Forschungsprobleme ermöglicht. Die besonderen Stärken des Kommentars liegen auf dem Gebiet der Textkritik und -rekonstruktion sowie der Forschungsgeschichte. Die ausführliche Auseinandersetzung
und Systematisierung fast der gesamten bislang erschienenen Sekundärliteratur zum EvPetr ist vielleicht der größte Schatz, den Fosters Kommentar birgt. Daneben zeichnet er sich durch eine klare und schlüssige Strukturierung, eine gute Übersichtlichkeit und exzellente Indices aus. [...]Fosters Kommentar [ist] ein sehr hilfreiches und unverzichtbares Buch für die Arbeit am EvPetr.

Philipp Augustin, Early Christianity 3/4
All those interested in New Testament, Patristics, the development of the Jesus tradition, theologians and classical philogists.
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