Etymological Dictionary of the Altaic Languages (3 vols)


This comparative and etymological dictionary of the more than fifty languages traditionally classified as Altaic is arguably the most comprehensive, systematic work as yet on the subject.
Subdivided into five branches: Turkic, Mongolian, Tungus-Manchu, Korean and Japanese, it deals with the entire Altaic family.
The introduction contains a detailed account of the phonetic correspondences between Altaic languages, as well as their morphological and lexical characteristics.
The body of the dictionary presents almost 3000 lexical matches between different subgroups of Altaic, with Proto-Altaic reconstructions and detailed reflexes in ancient and modern languages. Wherever possible comments are given to distinguish between inherited vocabulary and various later interlingual borrowings.
With detailed indices for each language. A true reference work of great importance.

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Sergei Starostin is a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and co-organizer of the Evolution of Human Languages program in the Santa Fe Institute, USA. He has published extensively on historical linguistics and Altaic languages, including The Altaic Problem and the Origin of Japanese (Moscow, 1991).
Anna Dybo, Ph.D. (1992), Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences, has published extensively in the fields of Turcology and Tungus-Manchurology. Her main work is Semantic reconstruction in Altaic Etymology (Moscow, 1996).
Oleg Mudrak, Ph.D. (1994), Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences is Professor at the Russian State University of the Humanities. He is a well-known specialist in Altaic and Paleo-Siberian languages and author of Historical Correspondences of Chuvash and Turkic Vowels (Moscow, 1993).
'...publication can only be welcomed, not only by comparative and historical linguists but by everyone interested in the early history and cultures of Greater Asia. The thousands of pages in these three volumes make available important scholarship by our Russian colleagues, much of which until recently lurked in the decent obscurity of Soviet books and periodicals always difficult if not impossible to obtain in the West...'
Roy Andrew Miller, UaJb N.F., 2003/2004.
All those interested in Altaic languages, historical and comparative linguistics, history of Central and East Asia.
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